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Tournament Lists for Pestilens in AoS2



Gidday Skaven enthusiasts, I'm headed to a tournament in two weeks time and submitted my list last night, and I'd like to write a little about what has changed in AoS2 and how it affects our ist building.

What's Changed for the Better?

  • Realm Artefacts: These have been a total game changer, over 50 artifacts drawn from multiple realms to enhance lists or build lists around. Standouts for other factions like Lens of Refraction and Aetherial Amulet have already begun to change the game. For Pestilens, the Ulgu artefacts have given us an incredible boost. Sword of Judgement, Doppleganger's Cloak and Betrayer's Crown give us access to options we previously never had.
  • Points Changes: Plague Furnace and Plagueclaw Catapult got needed reductions while the rest of our already very affordable and well costed units remained unchanged, no complaints there.
  • Endless Spells: Finally the fact the Verminlord Corruptor can cast twice has relevance. Also makes allying an Arch Warlock even more of a god tier selection. Chronomantic Cogs and Aethervoid Pendulum do things for our army we couldn't previously do, unlocking new ways of playing the game. Turn One charges and long range threats were never something Pestilens could do, but now it's an option.
  • Look out Sir!: With Plague Priests now able to tuck themselves in for -1 to being hit and Plague Furnaces recieving the same benefit due to lacking the MONSTER keyword, the only hero in our list vulnerable to shooting is the Verminlord Corruptor.

What's Changed for the Worst?

  • Endless Spells: OMG Take your stupid Purple Sun of whatever the hell and leave me alone. Gemenids are a massive pain in the censer and an Aethervoid Pendulum sweeping through the Plague Furnace and both monk units pusing it will give you type 2 Redmaw Plague.
  • Magic Meta: Wizards, wizards as far as the eye can see. Every army that can take some will take several to make sure they have unbinding potential and the ability to get their endless spells on the table. With only the Verminlord Corruptor casting, he's going to get ganged up on.
  • Endless Spells: oh cool man you put down a Prismatic Pallisade in front of the objective, guess I'll just fly over it OH WAIT

List Building in AoS2

So for a start we need to ally a wizard, and take some endless spells. That's just the game right now. Yeah it'll change eventually and we'll be in some new and bizarre meta (fingers crossed for all Maggotkin meta personally, give me your wheel you loser) but until then we need to adapt to survive. Arch Warlock, Warlock Engineers, Screaming Bell and the Masterclan selection are great picks for the ally section and Thanquol has gotten a reduction to fir into 2k ally slots. Pick one or two that you like and suit your play style and put them in. The best endless spells for our army are of course the ChronoCogs, Aethervoid Pendulum and Pallisade. Mobility, long range threats and area deniability are important and these spells cover our backsides with them.

End Product

So below is my list for the Call to Arms tournament in Wellington New Zealand. This is expected to be the biggest tournament in the country for the year and will have a massive range of armies on display. I'd ask for feedback, but list submissions are final so it's too late to save me. Here she is.

Allegiance: Pestilens
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Verminlord Corruptor (220)
- Trait: Master of Rot and Ruin
- Artefact: Sword of Judgement
Plague Furnace (180)
Artefact: Liber Bubonicus
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
Lord Skreech Verminkin (300) - Allies

10 x Plague Censer Bearers (120)
30 x Plague Monks (210)
Foetid Blades
30 x Plague Monks (210)
Foetid Blades
10 x Plague Monks (70)
Foetid Blades
10 x Plague Monks (70)
Foetid Blades
10 x Plague Monks (70)
Foetid Blades

War Machines
Plagueclaw (160)

Congregation of Filth (170)

Endless Spells
Chronomantic Cogs (60)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 300 / 400
Wounds: 152

So my plan basically is the same as always. Spam prayers with Priests who are safer than they once were, advance up quickly and sweep away priority targets with the monks. The catapult can force battleshock tests on hordes and the cogs can have lethal spellcaster Skreech Verminking being doubly survivable in the centre of the table, wiping away units and replacing them with Clanrats. The Plague Furnace fulfills its purpose as a buff engine while the Corruptor annhilates literally any hero without a mortal wound save (come get some Alarielle).

There will be a follow up to this after the tournament so we can review what went well and where to improve. Let me know your thoughts below.

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Nice list! As a Pestilens player, I've been toying with the idea of running both a Verminlord Corruptor and the Verminking as a very powerful core for your army 

Only tweak I would recommend is the Plagueclaw catapults rarely earn their points and are useless against the numerous Nurgle armies in tourneys these days. Those points would be better used allying in a Grey Seer and another endless spell/extra command point for the Corruptor to stack on a unit of Monks

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yeah the only reason it's there is that nurgle hasnt taken off in the country yet and theres still quite a few armies like Khorne and Sylvaneth who get caked by the plagueclaw. Once that changes itll be replaced with more Censer Bearers and an endless spell most likely.

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I like the list, what Are your thoughts about Thanquol instead of werminking? Is big T even viable for the cost of 400 points?

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23 hours ago, Fecistius said:

I like the list, what Are your thoughts about Thanquol instead of werminking? Is big T even viable for the cost of 400 points?

My guy, Thanquol was viable at 450 points. He is one of the strongest named characters in the game, with a kit that lets him fulfill almost any role and do it well. He can smack down almost anything in a one on one fight across the phases of the turn with everything from guaranteed mortal wounds to a strong damage profile.

That being said, he's a full 400pts, and i was keen to include more bodies instead of a massive hero. I'll use him in games where i take lots of bodies, but in this i need the troops.

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On 31 July 2018 at 6:29 AM, Fecistius said:

I like the list, what Are your thoughts about Thanquol instead of werminking? Is big T even viable for the cost of 400 points?

I'm taking thanquol in my pestilence list to a event next weekend I'm not 100% sold on him but I could not bring myself t paint anymore monks at the time being 

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4 hours ago, Oldmanlee said:

I'm taking thanquol in my pestilence list to a event next weekend I'm not 100% sold on him but I could not bring myself t paint anymore monks at the time being 

Well good luck

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