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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Hey guys, do Verminlords have acces to the new Grey Seer loore? If we have to run pure forces for the Monks to be battleline i would love to have new spells at least. Also IT would be fine for the masterclan to be excluded from the rule, as they cooperete with anyone as IT suits them.
  2. The new warscrolls are in app under skaventide.
  3. The gnawholes also buff prayers which Is neat. 🤔
  4. I would love to hear more about pestilens via maggotkin build.
  5. I was thinking about running ratmaggots as well. You can probably prox 3 small units of plaguebearers as battlelines. Also i was thinking about bringing Glottkin instead of Thanquol as it Is deadly, tanky And Will give you tons of attacks for your plaguemonks. Then take corruptor with sword od judgement to kill monsters And heroes. Plus Furnace And some priests. Regarding Herald of Nurgle can he even give 5+ save to plaguemonks as they lack mortal keyword?
  6. I like the list, what Are your thoughts about Thanquol instead of werminking? Is big T even viable for the cost of 400 points?
  7. I have recently came up upon the problem in the local tournament. Friend plays new stormcast eternals with anvils of sigmar (Or something like that), we were wondering what are the rules for the out of sequence attack. The problem is with the rule of Icon of pestilence of our monks, it says that when the model dies in the combat faze then we can give mortal wounds back, this means that we cannot use this banner. The same goes for the furnace prayer of striking back when models dies. It seems weird that we cannot attack back in this case. What are your opinions on that? Thx.
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