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Skaven in AOS2 - Mixed Skaven



Welcome to Age of Sigmar second edition people. Lets kick off the first blog post for this edition with how mixed skaven measures up thanks to the chages to Grand Alliance: Chaos rules.

Allegiance Ability

The GA: Chaos allegiance ability is nothing too overpowered, par the course for the Grand Alliances. "Unbridled Malice" is a slight rework of the old ability they had, in this edition you roll a dice for a unit when you select it to fight in the combat phase if that unit is within 12 inches of your general or 3 inches of a hero, and on the roll of a 6 they add one to all their hit rolls. I like this one (on the event anyone remembers to actually roll for it) because Skaven field a lot of heroes and a lot of units that really benefit from +1 to hit like Clanrats, Plague Monks and Gutter Runners, and I'll be adding this to my reminder sheet.

Command Traits

  • Dark Avenger - This grants +1 to hit against order units for the general. Not great really.
  • Spiteful Duelist - Reroll one wound roll per combat for the general. Somehow worse than the above.
  • Cunning Deciever - Roll a dice at the start of your turn, with a 5+ netting you a free command point. This is pretty cool to be honest, great for a pasive long range force like a heavy Skryre or a Moulder force that needs all the command points it can get.
  • Lord of War - Pick a unit within 3 inches and roll a dice, on a 4+ it gets +1 to hit. Definitely neat, this one will usually not ever be a waste especially considering Unbridled Malice as a rule.
  • Terrifying Pressence - Enemies within 3 inches of the general suffer -1 to bravery. Not awful, definitely not better than Lord of War or Cunning Deciever.
  • Malicious Conqueror - Add 1 to all Unbridled Malice rolls made within 12 inches of the general. I like this one, and in my army that runs a heavy amount of minimum size Plague Monk units i'll be taking this every time.


I literally have no interest in covering 5 out of the 6 artifacts in this list because they're absolutely worthless. However one of them is a classic from the last two editions of the GHB, and it got one HELL of a remake.

  • The Crown of Conquest - Friendly CHAOS units within 6 inches of the bearer don't need to test for battleshock. I'm sorry, what? How on earth did this get past the design team? Did they think the new coherence rule somehow would make this not completely broken? I'm switching from Pestilens Allegiance for this. That's how big a deal this is. This takes Strength in Numbers and kicks it out the door. This thing on a Plaguesmog Congregation Plague Furnace pushed by clanrats for the Look Out Sir rule? Totally broken. This is now a 12 wound model with -2 to hit it providing a 6 inch bubble of NO BATTLESHOCK. This is stupid. I basically wrote this entire blog post to cover this ridiculous artifact.


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4 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

Sad news everyone, Deathrunner shenanigans are dead as described in the updated erratta for the Silver Tower warscrolls

Skaven Deathrunner, Illusory Twin Change to: ‘When this Skaven Deathrunner is set up, place both of its Skaven Deathrunner models on the battlefield. They do not need to be within 1" of each other. When one of these Skaven Deathrunner models attacks or uses an ability, command trait or artefact of power, then the other model is removed from play. If one of these Skaven Deathrunner models is slain, roll a dice. On a 1-3, the other model is removed from play. On a 4+, the other model is not removed from play.’


The Crown of Conquest should still be a viable tactic though, I would think.   It's benefit is passive.  It is not "used" or otherwise specifically activated by the Deathrunner.  A question was brought up in the Verminus thread - if each Deathrunner has a unit within range of its crown - do they both disappear?  Of course not. 

I believe this clarifies things like each Deathrunner doesn't get to roll for something like cunning deceiver, which I don't think was ever intended to be allowed, but passive effects aren't "used" - they just exist.

Edited by Mattbringssoda
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59 minutes ago, Mattbringssoda said:


The Crown of Conquest should still be a viable tactic though, I would think.   It's benefit is passive.  It is not "used" or otherwise specifically activated by the Deathrunner.  A question was brought up in the Verminus thread - if each Deathrunner has a unit within range of its crown - do they both disappear?  Of course not. 

I believe this clarifies things like each Deathrunner doesn't get to roll for something like cunning deceiver, which I don't think was ever intended to be allowed, but passive effects aren't "used" - they just exist.

I'm hopeful. What was that verminous thread you saw?

Also, I dont think this clarifies what a "used" ability is versus a "passive". For the example of cunning deceiver, its not a "may" ability and thus is forced upon you to "use" it but at the same time it can be read as a passive that  triggers both times at the beginning of the hero phase. I would put it forward to the game designers to clarify if at any point getting the benefit of the artifact/command trait would cause the other to disappear as opposed to ruling what abilities are "used" versus "passive". 

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21 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

I'm hopeful. What was that verminous thread you saw?

Also, I dont think this clarifies what a "used" ability is versus a "passive". For the example of cunning deceiver, its not a "may" ability and thus is forced upon you to "use" it but at the same time it can be read as a passive that  triggers both times at the beginning of the hero phase. I would put it forward to the game designers to clarify if at any point getting the benefit of the artifact/command trait would cause the other to disappear as opposed to ruling what abilities are "used" versus "passive". 

It was under Verminous Discussion in the Chaos forum.  However, after further discussion, people (Skaven people to boot) seem to think it's pretty clear that the Crown/Deathrunner/etc combos are kaput..

Edited by Mattbringssoda
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I can only hope experienced players have been using these tactics but everyone should check out this 6 min video on HOW TO USE CLANRATS. 


Turning clanrats into a great harassment unit using their retreat and charge ability is spicy. I've begun the process of never worrying about their attack profile while also running them in max unit size for more wounds. Brilliant stuff from Doom and Darkness channel. 


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1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

I can only hope experienced players have been using these tactics but everyone should check out this 6 min video on HOW TO USE CLANRATS. 


Turning clanrats into a great harassment unit using their retreat and charge ability is spicy. I've begun the process of never worrying about their attack profile while also running them in max unit size for more wounds. Brilliant stuff from Doom and Darkness channel. 


That’s a great way of using clanrats.


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I'm still curious about how to use the assassin, even after the early pile-in got trashed. Its WHEN to deploy him and exactly WHERE along a line of rats that I haven't yet cracked the code for. 

My initial thoughts concerned waiting for a hero to charge my rats. Lets say its an ork megaboss. The hero made it within 1/2 in and cant really pile in horizontally along the line of rats. At top of combat reveal two assassins on either side 2.5'' away. The point being is that in no way can the megaboss choose to attack my assassins first. I can then freely pile in on either side.

Now that I think about it this updated ability actually safeguards the assassins for that first combat by not being forced to pile-in and attack immediately. Before, on the off chance you can't kill that hero, there's gonna be some harsh kickback. Now with going last, I have positioning advantage. 

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Doomwheel. Haven't found a great use for it. But my recent idea was to use it to engage battleline along the edges of the field.  If you tag the weaker unit on the edge, you limit the number of models that can pile in.  I suppose you're using it the same way clanrats should be used.  I can't see much else to use them for considering their unreliable shots, low rend profile. Its just speed that makes the unit a lot of fun to play. 

I'm grasping here but its a damn fine model. I just need reasons to play it. 


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General chaos, you can use a Tzeentch Kairos Fateweaver. How 'boot letting a Warpgnaw Verminlord jump behind enemy lines, cast its model killing spell and use the Fateweaver to guarantee  a 6 on the spells ability (pending the dispell). Perhaps kill off Morathi, High Oracle of Khaine turn 1? Its  like 660 points but cool. Oh, and you can bring a block of Clanrats. Oh, and you can hide assassins in the Clanrats. Neat. 

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Good thread. Any other ways of generating command points for my opponents mixed skaven? My mate uses (roughly) verminlord, couple of wizards, 20 20 40 clan rats, Rat ogors, weapons teams and storm fiends. We play open play mainly but want to stick to the rules for the matched games obvs. I’ve got a magewrath throne that he can use that gives him a point per hero phase as long as his general is within 3” and mine isn’t. 

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I don't think there is something for generating CP besides Battalions, 50 pts tax and cunning deceiver.

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11 hours ago, Lezlor said:

Good thread. Any other ways of generating command points for my opponents mixed skaven? My mate uses (roughly) verminlord, couple of wizards, 20 20 40 clan rats, Rat ogors, weapons teams and storm fiends. We play open play mainly but want to stick to the rules for the matched games obvs. I’ve got a magewrath throne that he can use that gives him a point per hero phase as long as his general is within 3” and mine isn’t. 

There is a realm artifact which allows you to role a dice each time you pay a command point on a 5or more you get it back.


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Hey guys,


I'm trying to sort a list for a tourney in November, so wanna give myself a decent amount of time to get all this rebased and painted. What do people think of this as a working list?

Allegiance: Chaos - Mortal Realm: Ulgu



Verminlord Corruptor (220) - General - Command Trait : Malicious Conqueror - Artefact : Sword of Judgement

Packmaster (60) - Shock-Prod

Arch Warlock (140)

Plague Furnace (180)

Plague Furnace (180)



6 x Rat Ogors (300)

20 x Clanrats (120) -Rusty Blade

20 x Clanrats (120) -Rusty Blade

20 x Clanrats (120) -Rusty Blade

40 x Plague Monks (240) -Foetid Blades - Icon of Pestilence - Doom Gongs

40 x Plague Monks (240) -Foetid Blades - Icon of Pestilence - Doom Gongs



Balewind Vortex (40)

Quicksilver Swords (20)

Soulsnare Shackles (20)


TOTAL: 2000/2000








ALLIES: 0/400


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23 hours ago, Johnny Pestilens said:

All the Pestilens units are ready, would mean painting a ton if clanrats though!

Don’t worry you won’t get mad by painting 60clanrats.


but after 169?

You might 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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I love seeing what pestilens players take in their mixed skaven lists besides the 3 groups of 20 clanrats, it shows what playstyles they favor.

For example in place of your Moulder units I have the same list but with 2 units of Gutter Runners and a Screaming Bell

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16 hours ago, AIdenNicol444 said:

I love seeing what pestilens players take in their mixed skaven lists besides the 3 groups of 20 clanrats, it shows what playstyles they favor.

For example in place of your Moulder units I have the same list but with 2 units of Gutter Runners and a Screaming Bell

Yeah, was also toying with maybe running a Warp Lightning Cannon.

Tried the Poison Mortar Launchers too a few times but they did ****** all, so have dropped them for more bodies!

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