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More Slaanesh



So i'm still working on those damn knights and i've been playing around with the list to make it a little more scary but also to play more on the Slaanesh theme. I decided I didn't just want a Slaanesh themed slaves to darkness. Still some room for stuff (not much) and I need to fill a battleline. 


Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount - 140pts

Sorcerer Lord - 140pts


Daemon Price of Slaanesh - 160pts

Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot - 160pts


x20 Chaos Warriors w/ Swords - 360pts

x20 Chaos Marauders w/ Axes - 120pts

x10 Daemonettes - 120pts


Chaos BattleShrine - 200pts

Mutalith Vortex Beast - 2???pts 


x10 Chaos Knights w/ Glaives - 400pts

x10 Hellstriders - 200pts


Thoughts? Suggestions? 

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I'm wondering about the blocks of Warriors and Marauders.  I'm not a Slaanesh master by any means, but when I'm running Chaos I've found that the Warriors especially need some support to warrant their 360 points.  So maybe just a question back to you that I'm curious about too with a Slaanesh theme:

What are some of the synergies that you'll use with this list to make those two units potent?

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4 hours ago, Akempist said:

I'm wondering about the blocks of Warriors and Marauders.  I'm not a Slaanesh master by any means, but when I'm running Chaos I've found that the Warriors especially need some support to warrant their 360 points.  So maybe just a question back to you that I'm curious about too with a Slaanesh theme:

What are some of the synergies that you'll use with this list to make those two units potent?

Well I should probably start off my saying im not super competative or a WAAC player. One of the reasons I moved over to AoS from the other games was to get away from a lot of that. This is mainly for easy pickup games.

As for taking those models aside from the need to fill battleline?

I figured a big blob of warriors (who can be marked slaanesh) would be tough to kill and a great tarpit or objective holder with a shrine or sorcerer.

The marauders are just cheap blobs of bodies for the same purpose. They can be marked slaanesh and they fill a required spot on my comp. 

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Wanted to pop in and say "YES!" to someone running a Slaanesh list.

Have you used Seekers yet? I don't have their points to hand, but their speed output is ludicrous. Borderline auto-first turn charge. And great for objective grabbing.

Having played against warriors a few times, their save and 2 wounds a piece do make them a tarpit unit. It's easy to forget that at 2 wounds they're basically double the size of what they appear for that purpose.

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Have you considered the Fiends of Slaanesh? They are deadly fast and quite killy. You can also use them as a fast tarpit with their 4 wounds apiece and the -1 to hit they impose their enemies in combat.

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Both fiends and seekers are both on my to buy list for swap outs in terms of flexibility but I'm mostly trying to keep daemon units to a minimum as I originally wanted it to be almost all mortal based but decided to throw some demon stuff in for flavor. I think I have plenty of tarpit with the knights and the Warriors but the seeker speed is certainly tempting. Would be nice to quickly pick off warmachines.

Edited by UrFrndJenn
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How does the Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot play on the tabletop?

Been considering the model.

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Well when exalted chariots make a charge move you roll a dice for every MODEL within 1" and on a 4+ their unit takes D3 mortal wounds. That alone is pretty gross and a good way to lawnmower hordes. 

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