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Rotbringers - The Road to Fully Painted/100% Converted



Here are some pics of the Nurgle Rotbringers army in it's earliest days. These were taken 072616.

As of right now my Army consists of:

- Lord of Plagues

- Chaos Sorcerer Lord

- Great Unclean One

- 12 Chaos Warriors w/ MoN

- 17 Plaguebearers

- 1 Chaos Chariot

- 5 Chaos Knights w/ MoN

My goal is to have a 2000 point army, 100% converted and fully painted by this time next year. I was hoping to have the first 1000 points done by January of '17 but because of Arizona's extreme heat I don't think I'll be able to do any serious priming until September at the earliest. (In September there should be a decrease in the temperature in the very early mornings. I work in a warehouse, and if I get here at like, 4 in the morning, I may be able to do some priming. We shall see.)

In the meantime I'm working on making sure that every single model has some conversion work done on it. This can be as little as greenstuffing a Nurgle mark or kitbashing a head from a different warscroll. I've already put some of the more basic Chaos Warrior heads onto Chaos Knights because I think that the basic Chaos Knight sculpt is a bit overwrought and not particularly "Nurgle-y". My plan is to green-stuff some fat bellies, decaying armor and, of course, Nurgle marks on all the Warriors and Knights.

I got started with some of the Plaguebearers last night, more pics to follow. I'm a big fan of the old metal sculpts, as you can see, but the remaining Plaguebearers that I get for the warband will be plastic, probably from a Start Collecting Daemons of Nurgle box in the future. I already started painting a few of the metal Plaguebearers before I set the goal of 100% customization so I guess those foolios are going to have to settle for some particularly scenic bases. Plus I do love those old sculpts so maybe it would be okay to let a couple of them be.

I've committed myself to the restrained of buying no more that two new models a month. Personally I'd like to see that be less, so that I can catch up with getting this army table worthy. I do plan on picking up a Harbinger of Decay this pay period however, as my Lord of Plagues is just not kicking out the jams in the way I'd like him to be.

This last weekend I was at an event at on of my FLGSs called Gamer's Garage Sale and I picked up the Ophidian Archway and two Realmgates (NIB!) for $20! That's $20 total! What a steal! I'm looking forward to the Dominions of Chaos book coming out this week and seeing if the Warscrolls for those terrain pieces in the book are different from the ones that came packed in the boxes. Over the next year I'd like to get a cool set of terrain to go with my Rotbringers and painted as well as converted to theme. I think t he next terrain purchase will be a Dias or whatever.

Well, that's it for now. I'm going to post more pics when I have more conversions and paint to show off.  I also have a pretty aggressive schedule of battle for Thurs, Fri and Sunday this week, I'm going to try and get up pictures from each.



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If only it wasn't a million degrees outside so we can prime the dumb things. Im dying to paint this sylvaneth so our fights can look even cooler.


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This looks really promising. I'm a huge fan of Nurgle knights, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for those when you get to them.

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11 hours ago, Urauloth said:

This looks really promising. I'm a huge fan of Nurgle knights, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for those when you get to them.

Thanks man! I'll be posting them here!

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I advise you pick up an airbrush, even a cheap one will allow you to prime and even base coat.

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5 hours ago, Dez said:

I advise you pick up an airbrush, even a cheap one will allow you to prime and even base coat.

How hard is it to use my existing paints with an airbrush?

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Not too bad, though Vallejo makes some great primer in grey. The bottle will last you forever. I'm also a big fan of the Vallejo Game Air. 

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To another Nurgle Rotbringer, that is an inspiring sight!

I'm so close to finishing off the Beastmen, then it'll be time to get dirty!

Gotta get my hands on some of those round and oval bases too.  Look so sharp!

Goodluck with the painting!

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