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Everything posted by flemingmma

  1. at least one model, I'll try make it warhammer so its relevant to post here
  2. So this is my completely unassembled section here which is packed in quite tightly about 2 original boxes to each box now, I've also got a bunch of fishing tackle containers with semi assembled stuff, an assembled but unpainted shelf plus some stuff in fishing tackle containes, a primed shelf plus containers and 3 actually painted shelves.
  3. Mine aint so bad, i'll put it together when i got some time
  4. I had a good painting month but none of it was gw plastic i finished the month with a dog
  5. No direct Hashut mentioning but there are chaos dwarves in scourge of fate that are the classic chaos dwarves
  6. you could run him as an exalted hero of chaos, which seems to be the place for the older chaos models
  7. So my printer finally arrived, so i'm not sure how many actual warhammer minis shall be painted but i have gotten to my one model
  8. wildwood rangers gives you the most amount of hooded heads per kit now that glade guard have been discontinued
  9. Thanks friend, I've run on a cycle of "get bored of painting models, do scenery, get bored of scenery, do d&d session preparation, get bored of prep, paint models"
  10. Rotbringers is an interesting one seeing as blightkings is the only kit that makes sense, unless they include marauders and chaos warriors
  11. An actual warhammer miniature this time (even if he is made from 3 different sets). Bestigor/ spooky forest npc for dnd.
  12. Pumped for the models, more order of the fly
  13. So from my understanding of the lore with space marines is they're (mostly with exceptions like the emperors children and the blood angels) meant to be ideally masculine to the point of disgust. So sharp featured, so square jawed and so hugely muscled that they are in fact hideous to look at. This is my own conjecture here, i think that the gw designers looked at guys who used testosterone or its derivatives (dianabol etc) in excess. With those drugs you start to get those features. Really square jaws and cheek growth. Of course this doesn't excuse other faces but even then i think it serves a practical design purpose. The technology wasn't soften the facial features, make them look more realistic and have it still show through on the models so it was necessary to have chunky faces for a long time, and now its kinda the gw look. As some of the miniature designers retire, and as the others discover how to use the technology the faces are gradually changing and softening (genestealer cults and sisters of battle for example) but a particular hideousness is still necessary for ease of painting and moulding.
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