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Everything posted by Lightbox

  1. This legitimately makes me want to see rainbow stormcast now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm currently struggling to get some more of my DoK built and painted whilst waiting for broken realms to arrive. I'm quite looking forward to playing with some of the changes myself, especially finally getting to have some use out of little morathi. Though we'll see if I get proper things done or get distracted by more AoA ideas
  2. A recent WiP I've been doing, a cool little khinerae hero for my DoK who will have a chariot to drive around on (when she's too lazy to fly) I'm also hoping to make her able to be mounted on foot as well for smaller point games
  3. I'll have to try and make progress this week so that you have something to peruse! Though finishing that anvil of apotheosis DoK chariot is calling me with the imminent release of Morathi...
  4. Everytime I try to focus down painting an army I end up getting dragged toward a different one for whatever reason *FLIPS PAINTING TABLE* On the bright side I've built up the warbands from Catacombs and oh boy do I love those models! It's a shame the chaos warbands are so boring in regular AoS because the scions of the flame are absolutely gorgeous! I love the theme of them and how cool their 'hero' dudes look! The shadowstalkers likewise are gorgeous models and the warlocks with the dual crossbows are really great! Will likely use these ones for D&D mini's as well! I've now got to split my focus between Sylvaneth, Chaos and Daughters of Khaine to try and get at least something painted! And pray to the gods that nothing new threatens to distract me in the meantime (This will totally fail if any new soulblight get announced)
  5. I couldn't find a sharpie but here's my sylvaneth pledge for november, keeping it small since I'm working a lot on chaos at the moment and the new DoK updates and boxset may also totally distract me but well as long as I'm getting some sort of hobby done!!
  6. Zainthar Kai never dies! Same! Would be cool to see the narrative move in such a way and would be nice to really cement Morathi as a big(or rather bigger) player.
  7. Oh wow Genie Gargants is a super cool idea that I wanna see more of! Very cool.
  8. She's fairly chill to build actually, I've left her little body and front piece off to paint separately, as I learnt from my drycha demon prince conversion that that's not easy to paint all stuck together! Super nice model too.
  9. Can I lie and say I've painted 70 billion armies? Okay so in reality October has been a terrible month for me hobby wise thanks to the wonderful distractions of video games (namely Balders Gate 3 and Black Desert) And then I also kind of got distracted painting a hellcannon up for my StD AoA hero... I do at least have a drycha built and a bunch of dryads secondhand that I'm hoping to begin doing some work on for November. I am loving seeing everyone else's submissions though, helps remind and inspire me about this project!
  10. Made some progress on my AoA chaos lord that will be mounted atop a hellcannon. Hellcannon has been sprayed and will need painting soon then will need to do crew. Not too happy with how the face came out but it will do, it's fine for tabletop quality at least, gotta finish her cloak still.
  11. My 5 spites and 1 arch revenant I managed for september. Going away for a week, will post a new pledge when I get back! Probably going to be drycha and 5 more spites. Technically still need to do the base rims but focusing on getting models painted first really.
  12. My lady of chaos, who will have options to be mounted atop a hellcannon or on foot. Still trying to work out how I want to build her warscroll. She'll need a little cleaning up when she's dried but hopefully all should look pretty cool in the end (EDIT): Made some changes so edited this to avoid double post, she will be removed from the rocks when all greenstuff is dried to be able to be put on her mount or on foot.
  13. Unless you're running knights of the empty throne you might wanna drop one of those varanguard units for some extra heroes? As they can help in battleplans (and more aura's flying around)
  14. This month I would ideally *fingers crossed* like to build an anvil of apotheosis hero or two for my slaves to darkness. I would also like to finish a squad of chaos knights and finalize my colour scheme.
  15. I've not managed to get my dad to help teach me to use the airbrush yet this month so looks like Alarielle won't be finished yet. On the bright side I've totally finished and based my 5 revenants and arch revenant so that's still a good starting pledge Will get pics soon!
  16. I love how colourful that is!!! And don't knock it on the decimators Progress is progress, no matter how small. Bright blue which deepens into a darker blue as it hits deep parts, gonna be using living city as my army on parade this year which will include some of my sylvies, so gotta take board placement into consideration for some of them. I've kind of fallen in love with basing a bit after seeing some of Vince Venturello's videos on it, built up bases look so good when finished that they feel worth the hassle to me.
  17. The good ol' fun of multiple month deadlines I can't say I can match your progress this month but I have now built my arch revenant and my spite revenants with some tricorns, hoping to get them sprayed up tomorrow morning and potentially some paint on them in the evening. Need to sort out my bases too, decide if I want them on the beach or in the water! What colour scheme are you planning for your aetherwings? They seem like a fun unit to be able to splash out different complimenting colours you don't normally have on your regular troops
  18. Good to know! I'll keep an eye out against mortal wound heavy armies, my local club is a bit of a mix of casual and 'competetive' (not tournament level thankfully for my casual self) so hopefully I should be able to have some pretty fun matchups even against tougher opponents. And yeah the shoot & move command ability looks pretty fun for a fair few units, especially for flinging a drycha or alarielle into a unit or onto an objective for a bit of a giggle. It was one of the reasons I wanted some bow kurnoths to allow that movement. I presume that since awakened wyldwoods have the overgrown wilderness rule model height for them isn't too big an issue? I was wanting to build some coastal themed ones to fit my army theme a bit better (coral colour scheme & tricorns) and probably won't be able to realistically get the height their trees usually go up to (unless i find some good scale palm trees), also less height makes for easier storage and transport.
  19. @Pennydude thanks for the rundown! It's always helpful to get advice and opinions on ways to utilise units and abilities Spites are something I was considering going large squads on as I quite like them but if I grab enough for the battalion I can still try them out at different sizes, I like the price of 20 but the 32mm bases and 1inch range is perhaps a point against that. Something to test out with the 15 for outcasts at least The more I'm reading and learning about sylvaneth the more it's looking like they can be built in a lot of different ways and be fun, that's definitely a big plus for me for an army!
  20. Thanks for the advice The bow kurnoths I have already as they were an ebay grab but I'll definitely pick myself up some sword ones too when I can (nice to have a toolbox of options for alarielle summons and general list building) Do spite revs work well in 5 man units? Or should I try and look to have the points to up them to larger squads in the batallion? And I presume the treelord ancient is pretty much mandatory due to the extra wyldwoods? Bit of a shame as I'd rather spend the points on bodies but having more woods for shenanigans can definitely be a big plus I'm sure. And finally is winterleaf generally useful for a lot of units? I can see spites loving exploding 6's with their volume of attacks but don't know if at higher points with more kurnoths such as scythe units I'd be better off looking into other subfactions.
  21. Hey all! So as part of my living city CoS I've been starting to get some sylvaneth (inc Alarielle because she's cool) to sort of give me a toolbox of extra units I can use and summon and realised that I basically may as well get the book and field them as a sylvaneth army. I have put together a quick 1k point list including some of the stuff I have / would like to get that I'm hoping should be workable as it contains a bit of range, two heroes and a fair chunk of bodies that hopefully will do me well in low points games. I haven't decided on traits / artefacts / subfaction as I have only just got the book really and haven't been able to sit through and decide which would work best for what I want to achieve. Any C&C would be welcome. Listy.pdf
  22. September month 1 pledge. Including Alarielle since I bought, built and painted her only last week so she counts XD Starting slow and simple but may end up getting more done, we'll see. Hoping to build up to a 1k list (excluding alarielle for now else it would only be like 2 months) and want to try and achieve this by the end of 2020. If I manage this quicker than planned I will totally give myself stretch goals
  23. Thanks! I'll get a first month plan sorted when I get home today Hopefully some of the sylvaneth ebay rescues I've got coming in will arrive this week so I can get a good start in fixing, priming & painting. Thanks! I've gone for a coral scheme based on this: (Because luminescent leaves/tree ends with the new necron paint are great fun) For the tree parts and I'm thinking of doing the normally spectral parts as skin, since my living city is my undead pirate project it would be cool to give them a bit of a more horror sort of thene, like fake sylvaneth being created from horrible magics and body stitching sort of stuff. Something to test and see if it works at least, if not I can easily do spectral for them. My Alarielle I bought, built and began painting last so will definitely be able to include some pictures of her for this months work She's mostly done, need to get the airbrush out for her hermit crab beetle though. The painting itself is gonna be mostly just contrast because something quick, easy and colourfully fun is nice to ease myself back into things rather than trying to tackle lots of layering, highlights whilst juggling life stuff with time constraints.
  24. Space for one very late joiner on this thread? Been working on some living city this month and realising that I'm totally ending up veering creepily close to having a 1k sylvaneth (or more) army thanks to wanting a summoning toolbox for my pirate alarielle conversion and sylvaneth units within the city in general. Would be nice to try and use something like this to push me back into painting after a difficult lockdown of very waning hobbying.
  25. From my years of finding them a pain to fight in my friends Aelf army pre-CoS I am quite partial to the idea of phoenix guard as a battleline, hard hitting and hard to kill and the tough anointed isn't bad as a general I don't think, especially on frost phoenix to debuff people whilst cackling manically as you refuse to die (add in living cities wound regeneration...) I think there are a lot of pretty great battleline options though, especially battleline-if's as you get some pretty meaty units that you're probably gonna be taking anyway! Otherwise I hear pretty good stuff about Darkshards & Eternal guard as options. Of course the real option is to take big blocks of flagellants and surprise your opponent by them getting better when they lose models.
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