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Everything posted by Harioch

  1. "Endless march toward nothing in particular"...sounds a lot like our own History 😁. I agree about bloating. Maybe GW should alternate between groundbreaking events affecting all realms (Belakor), and more targeted events (Kragnos attacking the big city in Ghur). There your own lore can live and thrive. Those events are important because they can give you a ground to make your own lore or tying it to those same events. Like a new "Cities of Sigmar" army that's just a company who had vowed to hunt Kragnos after their city was ransacked. For me AoS lore is nothing iconic or great right now and it relies heavily on past WHB characters (Archaon, Teclis, Nagash) to be interesting. There isn't much non BL interesting new character (Katakros, Olynder). It's been 7 years and the setting still is shaky at best. Some good ideas there and there doesn't make it one of the best setting in fantasy wargame. It's average. The RPG does a fantastic work to make it groundable and improve what's been laid... But that's a trend with GW quality writing (not talking about BL)...don't expect it to be good or anything. 40k has the same problem...but 40k has a huuuuge amount of lore to make up for it. AoS not so much. That does not mean AoS will become good with 30 years added. Just that there will be more stories, both good and badly written, and that you can pick from and maybe someday it will becomes a good storyline...
  2. Ballistae, archers...and chariots...that's all I need for them 😁 Also I wish the ballistae is designed to kill monsters and only monsters where the Mortek Crawler must be used against infantry.
  3. Nope. Tau are allied with the Demiurgs. A "kind-of-Squat-race". There are concept online to what they look like. And there is BFG tabletop and video game to see their spaceships. Honestly I much prefer those than Squats... but that's just me.
  4. I'll go with good units and mediocre buffs ty 😁
  5. Already been discussed in another thread but the best GW could do is release all codexes/tomes in the first 3 months of the editions as a recap of all the units (like the indexes in the earl 8 edition of 40k) and new units profiles added on a web page for free when they come. Like..a new unit for Lumineth ? Bam profile on the website and preorder in a month. And when next edition come they end up on the new codex. About the new rule I don't know. It's something that you must keep an eye on but will not matter that much in the end. I would just had all Gods models to be on that list to be thematic or lore friendly. But random units, even strong or OP, I don't see.... I can see it becoming the new 0-1 on profiles. Like, now you're not limited in number of the same unit you take but instead that unit is rare and powerful and then is giving more victory points. I could see it for elite and legendary units (dragoncast) but not for strong units that are just regular common troops (sentinel lumineth).
  6. Can we talk about Lumineth and Ossiarch not getting a Start Collecting in the first place 😆
  7. Well, I can't say I'm surprised with this increase knowing the global context but it sucks anyway. I'm this close to being priced out knowing the new prices here in France 🥲. It's mostly 10% increase and sometimes even more. Especially on troops like Fire warriors/Tree revenant/etc. The most annoying thing to me are the books. I think they are already too expensive for what they bring (and some of them will be outdated 6 month after release cf: Chapter Approved Nachmund) and the work done on rules, translation errors, lore part being thinned out more and more. Oh well...I was thinking to jump into Malifaux or Infinity anyway...so it'll be sooner than expected. P.s. The price list, courtesy of the French forum, with the old/new french prices just in case: https://pastebin.com/yfubKcFL
  8. Yeah now that I re-read myself I understand what you mean 😁 I tried to make it like "what does that mechanic looks like from the view of a noob in AoS" but failed to deliver. Maybe it adds no real value to the topic and for that I apologize.
  9. I think some of the designers know about the issue of waiting your opponent since they implemented command you can use during the enemy turn, as you said. I have yet to play a game of AoS (more of a hobbyist as of now since I can't play unpainted models....and slow painter) but the Double Turn was a thing that made me consider playing 40k instead (the problems 40k has are too many stratagem and power creep). Why ? Because if it happens...I'll be waiting way too long before playing myself. I like when games are fast paced and interactive. Waiting two turns that one player finish the other seems like the opposite of fun to me. The mechanic is not fun to me and not well thought. To me it's like playing against the game and not the player I face. You deploy and react accordingly to a mechanic that could harm you or benefit you and that none of both players can count on (unlike command abilities) and gives you a game breaker bonus...seems a bit dull to me.
  10. Hope there is news next week about next AoS tomes...
  11. He's clearly the Jason Momoaquaman. He even do Haka dance with the namarti before fighting phase 😄. He missed the magnificient beard and hair tho...
  12. My prediction for this year is, in order : -Idoneth and Fyreslayers. Only one new model, the one in the dual box. Their tomes between end of january and mid february. - Another two tomes : Nighthaunt and Gloomspite Gitz. No new model. Expected during summer. - End of the year: no new army but a refresh of Skaven Eshin clan. With a tome for all Skaven. Yes I believe the Eshin rumor... I also expect AoS content to be very light this year. Because it's still not one year into the new edition and 40k has a tight release calendar for half of the year. If we were to see a new duardin army or an updated range of Ossiarch it will be in 2023. What I really want is an updated skaven, seraphon, ogres and expanded Fyreslayers. My Ossiarchs can wait a bit for new models....but not for a new battletome because they are in dire need of a new game mechanic in line with 3thd edition.
  13. A good tome to me has: -some interesting and flavorful rules. -a good internal balance between units and external balance to not stomp anyone that's considered in the lower bracket. -none of the translation or typo errors that plague many of the tomes. -new lore that continue where the last tome stopped. Making me want to keep my faction tomes, and not thinking "hey that's the same thing that 5 years ago...that's lazy ". New art also.
  14. The cap in factions released is a problem when you shorten the cycle of a new edition to 3 years, update each battletome/codex during this edition, add supplement and split the release calendar between two major games and many sides games. Faction cap could be raised if the cycle is expanded to 4 or 5 years or/and a huge part of the tomes released during Q1 of the new edition if there is no minitatures that go with the battletome. That will leave more room in calendar to release new things... Also a sidenote that's keep annoying me in 40k is, if they released codex instead of all the supplements (Charadon, etc)...all factions would have been updated by now...Makes me wonder how GW prioritizes their releases and how it will affect AoS (7 months-ish into new edition and only 3 tomes is really low to me if we are on a 3 years edition cycle...).
  15. I stand corrected. Don't know him but I agree with you that the switch seems unlikely. But I still hope that GW will learn how to do things differently than what they did with 40k because I want both settings to have their own unique storytelling and way to deliver it.
  16. I might be wrong but I always thought Dark elves, High elves and Vampires were the top sellers.. Anyway while I like the new art direction from Stormcast since third edition, I won't mind Lumineth being the new poster boys. Even better if the poster-boy seat was taken by a different faction each year (but I'm sure GW won't know how to do...) because AoS is..and must be a different beast than 40k. People aknowledge the focus on "Space marines and the Imperium against the universe" there...but I don't think AoS should be "40k but Heroic fantasy". GW should stop trying to make Stormcast the new Space marines. It's bad for AoS and it's bad for Stormcast lore and reception by players (but they are a good sell anyway because they are one of the less expensive army, easy to paint and in every edition box set). AoS should make each alliance the focus during a season or an edition. Not just Order being the main protagonist, Chaos the main antagonist...and Death and Destruction side dishes...
  17. In a similar fashion in the 40k universe...Harlequins would like to have a word with you 😁 I don't know if Idoneth will get souped at all. To compare with new AoS army (unlike DoK or Cities or Slaves to Darkness) Ironjawz were the new face of the orruks in AoS and they get souped. Kruleboyz are released? Already souped. It's hard to tell because it's surely not entirely based on popularity. So maybe Idoneth get souped and Fyreslayers not ? Anyway I'm a bit disapointed by this release that I find bland... The akhelian scultp is not my thing at all. I find him uninspiring. I liked the armored idoneth priest better and if you put them next to each other it'll look weird imo. And they will, because they both boost namarti. Also...do Idoneth need 2 heroes boosting the same unit ? Akhelians Embalors (can't remember the name exactly but in the lore it's the one that tame sea monsters) would have been a good thing to add instead, to have a hero dedicated to a new purpose that one already filled. At first i thought the fyreslayer was really cool....and then I remember that he looks like the seven others heroes Fyreslayers already got...and it's also another priest and not a magic creature, or a duardin women...
  18. Vocal minority to me sadly. 15 years I hear complains about GW only care about Space Marines and they still sell a huge amount of them. Don't forget to add people that are fed up with the constant release flow but still buy it.. But i can agree that most marines player I know can't keep up with this..
  19. I really hope that box will be like Shadowspear or this new eldar-chaos for Idoneth and Fyreslayers because both deserve at least one new unit kit (or 2 for the fyreslayers' case). But I think it will be the same 1 new hero only for both sides, and maybe a new unit or two when the battletome will be released... My wishes are crab ballista cavalry, mantas chariots, krakens, mutated sireen/idoneth mix, fyrslayers anvil, salamander cavalry, elite semi armored duardin....and maybe a big lava canon...
  20. I would have voted for them if there was a second vote option. But right now I chose Soulblights because they are the army that I paint right now and made me stopped finishing my Ossiarch. Model wise they are equal in my heart but I just can't find a good scheme (or at least one that I'm proud of) for my Ossiarch....hence my vote. That was the subjective point. On the rule/state of play the Soulblight book is really cool with a lot of fun rules, theme and all. And it seems balanced, unlike the Ossiarch which is broken since third edition dropped...and not so many tricks and performing units. Compared to the many good list the Soulblight can come up with, the Ossiarch is clearly less appealing.
  21. After the gun, the hair and the boot, this time we got the back of the eldar ranger....come back tomorrow and let's see what new detail we can unveil on that very same model. An eye ? A glove ? An hear ...no the hear would make it too obvious that we are talking about eldars 🤫. Seriously if it's all eldar at least give us a RE of anything else but rangers 😄
  22. I think you are right about the profit on making heroes (especially on clones...looking at you primaris lieutenants). But I think (educated guess, I don't have any numbers) that troops are much more worth it because you only take 1(maybe 2) hero but between 2 to 4 times the same box of troops (even more if it's a multikit). But it's more time and efforts that are made during special events (battletome release (black templars, lumineth), new editions) and have been planned a long time before actual release whereas heroes can be thrown during whatever moments of the year when there isn't much to reveal.
  23. Honestly, if the Fyreslayers new release in the rumored dual box is another hero it's a bummer. The three remaining FS players don't need another one, nor a new scult for an existing one. And even if Herohammer was the army style, them heroes don't distinguish themselves, in art and purpose, enough to make it ok on the table or tacticaly (serisouly I can't figure the difference between a grimwrath and a doomseeker except for the weapons they hold).
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