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Everything posted by Richelieu

  1. I think it's a great list. I've put together nearly identical ones myself. I love Slaughter Queen cauldron general, but I don't think she's a huge loss if you need to have Blood Sister battleline. I'm not sure I'm sold on cogs though, 7 is too high of a cast to rely upon without any bonuses.
  2. The range is the most important feature to me. Being able to camp an objective and still hit targets 24" away is huge and essentially the only reason I take them.
  3. The paladin warscroll isn't played in a vacuum though, it's played within the context of a boatload of other rules, so it's not terribly valuable to thinking about it in isolation.
  4. Sounds like a super fun list... Although I'd put more old blood on carnoasaurs in because I've always wanted to see a big T Rex list.
  5. I am 5/5 with storm cast in v2 and that's using more old unless than new and includes 3 games against seraphon (2 against kroaknado). We've got the tools to compete with anything. Hammers of sigmar are great fun. I've wanted to play with Vandus ever since he was released and now he's actually really good. Leaving out Evocators as superior to paladins was an oversight.
  6. Overall I think more old units got buffed than weakened. Concussions (relatively because of the fulmi shooting nerf), most of vanguard, knight azyros, knight vexillor, lord veritant, knight heraldor, celestant prime, and more all got buffs. Liberators, fulminators, Lord relictor, Lord celestant on foot...I think that's all that lost out. Of the new units, only sequitors stand out as outright better than their forebears.
  7. I would consider running those with the wizard battalion and staff artifact and stardrake. Otherwise I'm not investing heavily. Incantor I love simply for the auto unbind. Cogs I would only run if I was running a storm host other than Hammers of Sigmar, and even then I'm not sure it's worth it without a wizard who has a good chance of casting it. 7+ is only 58% success rate.
  8. The spell lores are based on the realm your battle is taking place in. You also don't pick a spell, all your wizards know all the spells of the realm. The artifacts are based on the realm you declare your army is from.
  9. He can summon a bastiladon in the move phase of turn two. He can generate 13 summon points per hero phase and bastis cost 24.
  10. That's not even full meme. Swap the slann for a Kroak and add in a balewind and cogs for 9 more summoning points per turn.
  11. Welcome back! Seraphon just got incredibly strong in the version update last Saturday, so your timing is impeccable. Five things will get you started and you can expand from there basically any way you see fit. Slann, Engine of the gods, astrolith bearer, some saurus warriors and some skinks. Summoning is central to Seraphon in the current edition and those five units will form the core of your summoning engine. From there a bastiladon and skink starpriest are great choices, or you could get the Start Collecting Seraphon box for a Carnosaur, some warriors and some knights (most people find the knights underwhelming).
  12. I've come up with what I believe to be a very competitive Hammers of Sigmar list. I'll be testing it as the models become available. Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar Lord Arcanum on Dracoline (General, Refracting Lens) (240) Knight Heraldor (HoS mandatory artifact) (100) Vandus Hammerhand (280) Gavriel Sureheart (100) Evocators on Dracolines x 3 (300) Evocators x 5 (200) Sequitors x 10 (240) Sequitors x 10 (240) Sequitors x 5 (120) Battalion: Cleansing phalanx (120) Total: 1940 The idea is to put Gavriel, the LAoD, Vandus and the Evos on Dracolines in the sky and keep the other 5 units as objective holders/board position controllers. You'll have 3 command points in your first hero phase. This will allow you to use Gavriel's CA twice and Vandus' once. Along with the Dracoline specific mount trait your whole little group will be putting out enough high value attacks to kill virtually anything. And with such a high charge, unless your opponent has left zero gaps in a bubble wrap wall you're very likely too get into range of something juicy. The strike force isn't super resilient, but it's highly mobile and can obliterate whatever it touches. The knight heraldor is in the list to allow the Dracolines to retreat and charge if they get mired in combat or to just let them trigger their mounts d3 damage. Vandus may not be entirely necessary, but I've always liked him. Might make more sense to just take a LAoT, or just more sequitors. There's plenty of room to play around with unit sizes.
  13. It takes some very close reading, but no, they are not able to. The key phrase on the balewind scroll is that "as long as it remains on the battlefield" they are considered one model. When you teleport you leave the battlefield and so would no longer be considered one model and the BW would not come with the Slann.
  14. I have played kroaknado seraphon twice now in the last week. I won both times because I played better than my opponent. I already believe that Ironjawz are going to be stronger than most armies against seraphon because they can smash and bash through the skink or saurus screens and get into range of the high value targets like kroak, slann, engine and astrolith.
  15. +2 each turn. His ability triggers and you ask the question, stay in heavens or come down? If stay in heavens add 2 to attacks for the rest of the battle. Next turn you ask the same question. If stay in heavens, add a further 2 attacks for the rest of the battle.
  16. I would also do the ballista and add in a knight incantor instead of upgrading to judicators. Her auto unbind has been key in all four games I've played with her.
  17. This was actually my one big mistake in game two. I had a command point and a LCoD available and just forgot that everyone can use their command abilities, so I lost 3 sequitors that round and two the round before that to battleshock. In general though LCoD is a pretty solid option now that you can just wait until the last minute before using his CA. I didn't use a stormhost, so I had staunch defender going, but it's much harder to use now that it is wholly within 9". Putting models where you need them while keeping the unit in range for staunch is a struggle. In game two I also had a single Ballista do serious work. I scions dropped it on top of a castle in the middle of the board and it mowed down units as they were summoned. Cogs were amazing both games. Geminids were good. LAoGC has been performing better than I anticipated and the incantor auto unbind has been gold in all four games I've played with her.
  18. I played two games with a unit of 20 Sequitors today against Seraphon. The big block is every bit as good as we thought it would be and more. I could see a Cleansing Phalanx being quite strong. I ended up winning both games off of my opponent's mistakes (my heraldor did like 16 wounds turn 1 of the first game because he was camped out on a big piece of terrain). Engine of the Gods is too strong right now in my opinion, but I think the rest of seraphon summoning feels strong but not OP.
  19. None of these things is broken. Blood Stalkers are prohibitively expensive, do pathetic damage and that command ability requires a 480 point named character general. Crypt horrors are 160 points and they are terrible at that price. Not to mention that each 400 point Ghoul King on terrorgheist can only use that command ability once per game. I am unfamiliar with this killer goblin spear but I'm sure whatever it is it's nowhere near as bad as engine of the gods is right now.
  20. It lets me down all the time... But then there are those times where it sneaks through 8 damage and all the bad times are forgotten.
  21. A sensible FAQ would be "only one such unit may be brought back for each slain unit.". That way you can stock CP to increase your odds of getting the unit back, but you can't spawn multiples.
  22. An interesting question, I'll have to look at the exact wording once I get my copy of the battletome.
  23. The difference between swords and maces on sequitors is largely academic. If the unit is large, odds are you won't get any in range to attack because they'll be behind all your great maces. And if the unit is small? The difference between 4 mace and 6 sword attacks is miniscule (0.1111 dmg average vs 4+ save). My advice is build them the way that looks cool to you!
  24. Our local tournament scene is leaning towards incorporating realm rules and lores. I've played with the Hyish rules and they enhanced the game (the command ability was especially flavorful, as well as useful). Hyish has some of the less extreme rules though so I'll reserve overall judgment.
  25. I think the greatest strength of Stormcast now is going to be forcing your opponent to deploy in a way that minimizes their losses on turn 1 rather than positioning for objectives. In addition to hammers of sigmar, astral Templars will also have a solid alpha with their 6" pregame move. A mortal wound bomb will also probably be competitive, but I think it will take some tweaking. Maybe an endless spell heavy warbringers list with the wizard battalion, cel prime and drakesworn. From what I've seen of the Geminids they are every bit as powerful as people thought they would be. I also wouldn't discount a 60 sequitor list with Castellants and Arcanums to buff them. I really think there are just a ton of options out there now. The buff to Knight Azyros is huge now that it includes melee and you are guaranteed to be able to drop him in range with scions. I could go on and on, but needless to say I think we got buffed immensely. One last thing: Shock and awe. I just can't overstate how powerful this is.
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