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Everything posted by smucreo

  1. Let's avoid this kind of talk here. Thanks.
  2. Well I wouldn't say little, they have skaven too.
  3. Yeah, it's going to be a busy couple of months. Honestly unless Death gets better stuff than just a single Hero model I'll probably expand into Nurgle since I was planning on doing that anyways once I finished my planned 2K Death army, and the revealed units are pushing me further into that road. Either way my wallet is going to suffer, since it's either new death stuff or new nurgle stuff haha
  4. You can check in Warhammer community, but from what I gathered this is the second day of Nurgle. We'll see what they reveal, but I'm guessing they will show some kind of picture of new rules inside the battletome, maybe the last day! It would make sense, 5 spotlights in 5 days, and for the last day an image of new rules.
  5. And it seems the miniatures showcase will last the entire week. They look so cool.
  6. I always have enough cash for Warhammer haha Don't tell my other hobbies about it though, they might get jealous
  7. Man, seeing all this I can only hope Death gets some love too, it's criminal how badly outdated it feels right now. If you don't like FEC you are out of luck, outdated models (soulblight suffers from it the most), way too limiting factions (i mean, deathmages don't even have battleline!) and the cool generals are in their own faction which means if you want to bring them and a wizard you are probably going to break allegiance. Very sad overall. But hey, Nurgle is cool and if Death doesn't get much soon I'll probably start collecting that so whatever! Sorry for being a bit of a downer, needed to vent! Merry Christmas to all of you!
  8. I kinda want it to happen, I feel a Death Knight look for the Deathcast would look really cool (I'd definitely buy it). But yeah I'm sure some people wouldn't be that happy hahah
  9. I said it somewhere else before, but something new like animated armor or automatons would be cool (animated both by spirits or something) too.
  10. Please be something cool for Death, or anything at all.
  11. Ok, thank you! Sorry for bothering you on an old blog entry!
  12. Hey, I was browsing your gallery and came across this mini. Great job first of all, but what colours did you use to accomplish that warm tone on the skull on the head of the shaman? It looks really nice and I may want to try it out! Keep up the amazing work, your minis are fantastic!
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