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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 39 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    But surely it can't be going up on pre-order next Saturday with 4-6 kits/units left to reveal?

    We really just know they'll reveal two more things : 1. Artillery (confirmed on WarCom) and 2. something religious like a War Altar (based on 3d renders seen in the Cult of the Wheel article). That could be Artillery this Monday and Altar the week after, then Box set release the following week-end.

    I wouldn't expect more units than those two, if the box indeed mentions 52 warscrolls...

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  2. Speaking of updates, Chaos Daemons are generally spoiled release-wise, but the range itself is varyingly old (mostly Lesser Daemons) : 

    Just to recap (plastic models still sold) :

    • 2008 : Daemonettes and Bloodletters
    • 2010 : Bloodcrushers, Mounted Daemonettes, Horrors of Tzeentch
    • 2012 : Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Seeker Chariot/Hellflayer, Tzeentch Screamers, Flamers of Tzeentch
    • 2013 : Plague Drones, Blood Throne/Skull Cannon, Burning Chariot/Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot, Herald of Nurgle on foot. 
    • 2015 : Bloodthirster and later Skarbrand
    • 2016 and beyond : modern AOS plastic kits for every Chaos Gods

    Also, Nurgle-related, next year the wonderful Putrid Blightkings kit will be 10 years old. Ouch...

    • Confused 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Here's what I'd like to see in the next ten or so years for AoS.

    Chorfs as a new book or part of Slaves. Also Darkoath replacing maruaders. 

    Kurnothi as part of Slyvaneth

    Malerion combined with Dok to make a new book. 

    Gitmob expansion for Gloomspite. 

    Dispossessed expansion for cities

    Tyrion and river temple for Lumineth.

    Seraphon style updates for mawtribes, Skaven and BoC. 

    Expansions with new units for KO, Kruleboyz, Bonesplittas Fyreslayers, IDK, and OBR. 

    A completely new destruction book and a completely new death book. 

    That's a good balance of new stuff, expanded stuff and updated stuff while still keep a reasonable number of battletomes. 

    While they're at it, they should go to a four year edition. If they did this, they could have a mid edition battle box similar to the launch box but tied to a narrative campaign rather than a new edition. 


    This post is excellent. And I'll further add : 

    • Chaos Duardin can and will be and independent army, completing Grand Alliance : Chaos.
    • Malerion Ulgurothi should also get Shadow Daemons (which most probably are a worlbuilding, fluff-only faction like Silent People and Katophrane, alas).
    • Units from Darkling Covens, Dispossessed, Bonesplittaz, Gitmob, Maraudeurs. etc. should get AOS equivalents and/or be sent back to ToW, where they belong originally (aesthetically speaking).
    • Darkoath already are Maraudeurs in everything but name, i.e. Chaos barbarians (but Conanesque in AOS as they are Vikingesque in WFB). Just sent back the old WFB kit, rename the Horsmen kit and we are good to go with 1 Warcry team, two WHU warbands, 4 characters (counting the Exclusive Models), and the "Darkoath Horsmen".
    • AOS as a game and product line doesn't need more new armies at this point, for upgrades and release spotlight reasons, even with a 4-years edition schedule. Orruk Warclans, Gitmobs and Soulblight already contains a great variety of sub-factions for Death and Destruction.
    • Add the like of Gholemkind and Kurnothi units via Warcry, WHU or Warhammer Quest to spice-up factions.

    All this should happen in the next four years, as 4th edition will have to live next to TOW.

    Oh, and a mid-edition "ETB" dual boxed set working as a mid starter with a narrative campaign is pure genius.

    • Like 5
  4. 57 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    Interesting if they've pulled back the pushing mechanics from ancient Warhammer, I'd assumed they were exaggerating about looking at every edition of Warhammer 

    I started in 6th ed. and didn't know it was a thing before 6th ! TBF it's probably a way more practical and interesting mechanic than the old "everyone flee in disarray" at the first combat loss...

    The "large front unit" really should not hint at large infantry units being the norm again like in 8th, please GW !

    Of course I'm more interested in the range and look on the battlefield and in books of The Old World than its rules. I really wish for TOW and AOS to have a distinct design and aesthetic (even if they rightfully are part of the same GW "fantasy" family). Having the exact same Dwarfs models in TOW and AOS is a bit "meh".

    And I'm yet not very keen in seeing those old Trolls and Slayers... Aged quite poorly for a "new" game (and Stone Troggot have 1:1 equivalent in modern plastic now). Also, GW can surely not put back into production so much old things (even if they do Made to Order in metal, plastic or resin). That said, if they sell again the Mighty Fortress, that's instant buy from me :P

    But I really wish for TOW and AOS to have a distinct design and aesthetic (even if they rightfully are part of the same GW "fantasy" family). At least focusing in 6th/7th identities for TOW is a good move, but I want them to show us NEW PLASTIC FITTING THE BILL 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Although honestly just using Stormcast as elite infantry wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

    Precisely. Also, the Thunderstrike range fits really nicely next to the new City one (more down to earth design elements like belts, etc.). 

    So, if GW go ahead and make a Greatswords replacement, I hope it won't look like SCE...

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Sarges said:

    It's an alternative build. Quite diverse options, btw.


    Wonderful models ! Fitting both "city" and "dark woods" themes. I was debating either getting some Freeguild Steelhelm or the WHU Witch Hunters for Warcry ; this is the perfect blend (with added boschian creatures, very nice). 

    Also, article hinting at either big (Ogor/Demi-Mancrusher ?!) or monstrous thingies for the next team...

    Honestly I wasn't sharing the enthusiasm of many on here about getting so much more units for CoS after last reveal, but now I can really see 1. Artillery (confirmed), 2. Elite infantry (hopefully not looking like SCE) and 3. another character (Priest of some sorts)...


    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. Good move from GW. I for one am fine with the suppression of duplicates - and yeah, the sooner WFB kits go back to their home in ToW, the better ! 

    To be frank I also wished for Darkling Coven (not the Scourge !) to go back to ToW, as they are mainly associated with Har Kuron, Ulgu and Morathi, and it would have heralded the coming of Malerion's Ulgurothi... 

    Oh and and at least upgrade sprues for Griphon, Luminark/Hurricanum and Steam tank, to hide the "Karl Franz" names everywhere. Anyway easy conversion ahead. 

    Glad to have the new Artillery 100% confirmed too :) 

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 7/10/2023 at 9:09 AM, Gitzdee said:

    Troggoth army

    Yeah ! Also mentioned in Dawnbringers Chronicles (part III iirc) : 

    1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/09/dawnbringer-chronicles-part-i-the-missive/
    2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/16/dawnbringer-chronicles-part-ii-ringing-in-the-dawn/
    3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/23/dawnbringer-chronicles-part-iii-survivors/
    4. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/30/dawnbringer-chronicles-part-iv-da-great-smash/
    On 7/10/2023 at 9:09 AM, Gitzdee said:

    Gnarlwood or Morghur

    Alas, nothing for now. 

    3 hours ago, Freemeta said:

    how Phoenicium will be deleted

    Nothing yet either. But the series would be the best place to talk about it (or the CoS book itself, of course...).

    @Snarff we are on the same page. Between AOS releases for COS and FEC, new season of Warcry, Black Library, Warhammer+ and the series itself, we'll have lot of potential slots for the new models you mentioned :) 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Love them - in my top 3* ! I was a bit unsure after the Manticore Lady reveal (I know, minority here), but today we are clearly back on track.

    Can't wait for the CANNON

    *My personal ranking, from best to just-less-best : 


    1. Freeguild Cavaliers
    2. Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy
    3. Freeguild Fusiliers
    4. Freeguild Steelhelms
    5. Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
    6. Alchemite Warforger
    7. Tahlia Vedra, Lioness Of The Parch
    • Like 1
  10. I forgot to add to my list :


    The fluff of new CoS Lady on Manticore from WarCom - and the origin of her different weapons - is apparently set after DB : Book 1. As the people called traitors in said article are active in Hammerhal Conclave in Harbingers...


    9 hours ago, Fellman said:

    Ohh pleas lett us have calis an toll modell

    I wonder if their appearance in Hammer & Bolter - just like Neave Blacktalon in her own show in Thunderstrike Armor - heralds a models release soonish with Dawnbringers / Cities of Sigmar / some Black Library event ?

    Can you also take a picture of the page that mentions the Varanguard and the Harbingers of Decay, please ?

    9 hours ago, Hollow said:

    As I sat down it started pouring (one of those super summer showers)



  11. I got the book on Thursday. Talking about the fluff : read it in one go and loved it.

    BUT even if it's IMO a very nice book, I think it will have less impact on people than Broken Realm : Morathi (it also is rather shorter : 31 pages vs 91). It is worth reading the four WarCom Dawnbringers Chronicles before the book itself.

    A few interesting lore points, in no specific order (SPOILERS) : 

    • Spoiler
      • The lore is coherent and matured. The AOS setting really is built : the story line draws from things like BL books (City of Secrets) to the recent Blacktalon Wharmmer+ show. Things are changing here and there, e.g. the Brimstone Peninsula apparently fell back to Khorne. 
      • The general narrative feels like an update from the AOS 1st ed Cities of Sigmar first background debuts, in Season Of War : Seeds Of Hope (summer 2016 campaign) and Season Of War : Firestorm (2017 campaign set), then already focusing on Aqshy and Ghyran - and that's good!
      • Probable hints of things to come include :
        • Ushoran the Summer King for FEC
        • A Throggoth army inc. a giant leader with a portal on its back
        • A regal (and feminine ? at least in French) figure of Ruin which has plans against the Everspring Swath in Ghyran, according to the Varanguard. Could be Valkia ? Dechala ? IDK...
      • Personnal favorite : I really liked the Harbingers of Decay lore as a company of Knightly Priests. The fact that they are said to be bound by pacts with the Varanguard, Inner Circle of the Everchosen, like two Medieval Chevlary Orders in the same general coalition, is well put. Nurgle really has a great variety of tools at its disposal to conduct warfare and that's why he is BEST GOD. 


    As an aside, I also got the General's Handbook, and it has pictures in the first pages with the new Intact Azyrite Building on a board with only Citadel Kits, so it's fair to say it is not scratbuilt.


    • Like 4
  12. 9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Realistic expectations.

    Yeah having slept over last night discussions I can think of : 

    • AOS : Dawnbringer Book II ; some Cities of Sigmar Reveals that tie with Hammer & Bolter episode
    • WHU : Skaven Warband, maybe Pestilens
    • Warcry : Simplified Summer Starter Set reveal (leaked SCE vs Vampires) ; Kruleboyz Warband reveal / teaser (definitely their logo on the axe)
    • TOW : 1 plastic midi revealed (maybe Liche Priest given the 3d render)
    • HH : Knights or Mark III or whatever.

    Tonight is also the last of the "Herald / Book I"-related Dawnbringer Chronicle. The first supplement itself goes to preorder tomorrow before the Preview. I hope it contains Cities Of Sigmar units at least in the photography.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, madmac said:

    GW has already said that the summer starter set for Warcry is just for new players and contains no new models, though.

    Ahh yes it does ring a bell.... Was it plainly stated by GW, or just an inference from the at-the-time-thought-confirmed SCE vs Vampire leaked set ?

    EDIT : @Asbestress yeah you are 100% right my mistake for the logo and star.

    We only have three options anyway :

    1. The no-new-model Summer Starter Set (SCE vs Vampire or Repackaged Darkoath Ravagers vs not-new kit ???)
    2. The Season 2 first exanpsion Order vs Destruction (so Cities vs Kruleboyz ???)
    3. A Stand Alone new Warcry kit for Season 2.

    Then again, n°2 and n°3 do not match the H&B "CoS vs Darkoath" reference...

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    So we COULD be getting CoS vs Kruleboyz for Warcry on Sat?! 

    Yes, absolutely, either as a Summer Starer Set or as the first Season 2 boxed set expansion (it isn't confirmed that Warcry is moving to stand alone warband releases).

    ..... but then again, why refer to that very precise stand alone Hammer & Bolter Episode with CoS (other hints at Cities could be given) vs Darkoath (when the teaser itself has a Chaos Star mixed with the Warcry logo, and barbarian weapons..........).

    • Like 1
  15. Once again :

    • It's the Warcry logo (with Chaos iconography and weapons, maybe KB), so 100% Warcry Teaser (so no Dawnbringers add-on, Mauraudeurs replacements for AOS, etc.). 
    • @Whitefang refers to the H&B episode with Chaos Darkoath vs CoS
    • The Warcry Roadmap said no Chaos until next year (but only if we take the leaked "SCE vs Vampire Set " as the roadmap Summer Starter Set. If it's something else than we could have a surprise with the summer release slot).
    • We already have tons of Darkoaths in Warcry (and Underworld).


    EDIT : my only hypothesis here : 

    The Summer Starter Set isn't the SCE vs Vampires one, it's a brand new one with CoS vs Darkoath, like Ashes Of Faith for KT (out of nowhere unexpected Inquisition vs Chaos Cultists). The Darkoath in it may be Repackaged Darkoath Ravagers... Or another identical brand new kit. Or it's Kruleboyz vs Cities of Sigmar but then I don't understand the Hammer & Bolter reference....

    • Like 2
  16. 43 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    This looks chaosy too. What's going on?20230629_230303.jpg.c5117024780c779644aa300af88be85e.jpg


    36 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Anyone interested may need to watch that episode of Hammer & Bolter about darkoath...

    So : 

    1. It's the Warcry logo mixed with the Chaos Stars and Barbarians weapons - looking Darkoath-y

    2. There is some sort of Kruleboyz logo (or is it a Reptilian Seraphon head) ?

    3. Per leaks and Roadmap we know there is a new Starter Set coming. And that there are NO Chaos teams in the first releases of the next season. 

    4. The Hammer & Bolter Episode was about Darkoaths versus Cities of Sigmar. 

    So... It's 100% for Warcry

    It could be a stand alone supplement, or the Starter set is in fact CoS vs Darkoath (and the one recently leaked was a Nobles & Barns edition or something similar).

    BUT we already have a Darkoath warband for Warcry, so...


  17. 6 hours ago, Molodav said:


    Okay as the gutter plate suggest, this Skaven picture COULD be linked to what's happening in the Cities Of Sigmar, i.e. it could be an AOS release (Gutter Runners then ?) coming with Dawnbringer Part II (we hade four Races in the first book, I'm sure the second book will have more than Orruks kits in it). 

    Or, as other have guessed, it could be the next Chaos WHU warband. But Skaven do have 2 warbands already, whereas NURGLE only has one !!1! 

    As to what it is... A Pestilens Censer Bearer with a Warpstone Plague Bell ? Could be the best of both world IMO ;) 

    • Like 2
  18. Nice to have the Path to Glory rules for free. I would start a small narrative Rotbringers warband starting with the Harbinger of Decay to finish off 3rd edition. I have a few Nurgle Ogres and Trolls from Warhammer Forge that still need to see the sickly light of day. But the Warcry and Chaos Daemons backlog is staggeringly high so it's a no-no.

    BTW I hope Saturday we'll also see something about the new Azyrite building. Looks pretty intact to me.


    • Like 3
  19. 5 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    The other pictures looked like a rebooted Underworlds starter; it was the vamp warband vs new SCE.

    Yeah that's the next Warcry "Summer / Inter Season Starer Set", going by the text next to the leaked pictures.

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