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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Pretty sad... But that mean PA is almost done (only Pariah left), and July (between 11 and 25, i.e. the rumored release date for 40k 9th edition) is still quite far off. SO it means we'll surely see something for AOS in-between, like a one-week release for SoB or the LRL boxset
  2. (emphasis mine) No, this is very well said. 1. Political wars end up creating conflicts were none were originally present. "You are politically Right, I am Left, fine I don't care - the only thing that matters here on TGA is that we both hate Elfes (okay, okay, or both love 'em)". 2. No matter what group or ideas are put to the front, there will AUTOMATICALLY be "collateral damage". It really is the only thing that can happen, as we are all diversely minded. And it's very very sad for a community such as ours, that had to grow in a quite hostile environment in the post WFB-death era. And OF COURSE, some political views are better than others, but A) that's STILL not the place to discuss this, and B) nobody can say that GW or TGA aren't open, respectful, and welcoming to everyone. And GW didn't wait the terrible event that caused their last Statement on Facebook to start making their games more inclusive and interesting for new hobbyists : since 2015-16 at the very least with Warhammer community being created online or a more diverse cast of models / artworks / story for every games being presented, etc.
  3. I would love it too, but I think that if we get something LRL related in addition the GHB, it will be the Battlebox only. OR they'll put everything together to gain more space for ending PA in 40k ASAP......
  4. Okay, my own letter to the Mods and Admins of this community : 1. Warhammer Is For Everyone. It's a game and a hobby. As GW said, a more diversified cultural offer for it is GREAT. And despite our many differences we ALL share values of common decency and respect around here, even if we all have our own conceptions and temperaments. 2. In a bleak world, full of serious political, societal or familial issues, Warhammer is for most of us our "fun escapism" hobby. It's a bit of fresh air and fantasy in an often tragical reality. Even if you are good minded, do NOT try to inject the hobby with ideological concerns that violate the spirit of openness, inclusivity and escapism of the hobby : Warhammer isn't reality, don't try to drag it back to it. 3. Bringing politics in, however well intentioned you are, will achieve nothing but create conflicts, discords and push to an ideological arms race in the community. We will all lose from this. We have enough arguments already about rules and models looks to add more about OFF TOPIC subjects like someone trying to use a monstrous death to push its ideas about ethnicity-based quota in business (I cannot understand how, in the 21st century, people still believe in races, i.e. a pseudo-biological ideology heavily linked with a certain WWII regime - we all are human beings and skin colors should not be your criteria to judge someone). TLDR : PLEASE STOP POLITICS POLLUTING THE HOBBY Of course people can start blogs and forums about politics in wargaming, but this is NOT what our community is for.
  5. It's because it was labelled as such in older editions of Warhammer, the Chariot was designed under WFB ruleset (and releases pattern design). Also Cape + Big Horns = High ranking commander in Warhammer (also : Big pauldrons and tall Hats).
  6. Of course. And all the releases like the 3 remaining PA, Lumineth, the WHQ Zoat, are ready to launch in warehouse across the world, so there are no reorganization needed whatsoever. They just have to release more a week and be done with it. We already saw weeks with tons of preorder, just like the recent Engine Wars one.
  7. I see many ramblings on here and other places (like Hasting's comment on War of Sigmar) about a new Warhammer Quest game.... WHAT OF IT ??? Between Warcry and Underworlds, I don't think my heart could take so much glorious worldbuiling sculpts in (if they are as good as the Blackstone fortresses ones, that is).
  8. I would love that, but with Warhammer Underworlds and Warcry, there are already many potential suspects for great, very unique looking weapons As @sandlemad showed with the different Vampires model, that rumor engine is clearly Soulblight ! ... Which means the OTHER "sword" rumor engine is either FEC or another type of Vampires.
  9. All those guides on the Aqshian Cities Of Sigmar are EXACTLY what I wanted !!! I will surely get the Starter Set, Cities Of Flames and the Anvilgard one ! I hope we'll get cities maps like in Warhammer Quest : Shadows Over Hammerhal 😍😍😍
  10. Oh how I loved Tarmurkhan and Warhammer Forge ! It will be via Forge World but probably mainly in plastic, as Necromunda, Blood Bowl and a good part of the Heresy range are in plastic yet made by FW - with upgrade packs and Characters add-on in resin. (With the new factory GW created in Nottingham recently, FW will perhaps mainly produce plastic kits, in 2-3 years times ?!).
  11. @Emmetation another tidbit for the FAQ / Update (feel free to ignore if I missed the answer) : P. 164 (of the Soulbound PDF) : the part about "flowers from Southern Shyish", and in general about compass and directions in the Mortal Realms : As you did with the Azyrheim calendar, it could be good to integrate a paragraph somewhere about how directions work in the Mortal Realms. On a "2D" map like The Great Parch one, north means edgeward (direction Cotha), south means coreward (direction Vanx), etc. so no problem. But I'm not sure one can say "flowers from Southern Shysh" - or that would refer to a concentric area around the core of the Realm, or the central area of the Realm itself. Which now is occupied by the Shysh Nadir...
  12. @Emmetation some little bits for the FAQ / update : P. 201 : the second paragraph before "Sigmar's Storm" : the part about Khorne smashing down Aharmanentia from the sky is missing. The paragraph makes no sense as is, as it starts by introducing the doom of the Agloraxi but stops with the mages blasting a Khorne army with laser. The crucial part (Khorne's revenge-by-uppercut) is missing. P. 338 ; Troggoths clearly belong to the Greenskinz Hordes, but the Dankhold Troggoths shouldn't be labelled (IMO) as "Greenskinz" themselves. As Greenskinz are those creatures (Orruks, Grot, Snotlings, maybe Squig) described as sharing a fungal nature in Orruk Warclans Battletome p. 4 (last paragraph). I'll write here if I found other parts in editing / interpreting the lore that feel incomplete or incorrect. Of course some may just be my own interpretation, as YOU are the creator and lore master. Anyway your book is truly a GREAT work, worthy of the God-King himself, not only with the rules but with the great lore introduced or expanded upon in the book.
  14. Oh so you like Epic things ? ++ @Sleboda has been thrown into the Shyish Nadir ++
  15. BloodBowl is already an amazing sources for conversion but I can't wait to see what TOW will bring us in terms of possible creations for AOS !
  16. As I said in the very post above, Hysh's Realmsphere being the sun of the Mortal Realms doesn't prevent the existence of other celestial bodies. It's just that they do not function as generic suns for all the Mortal Realms, only for portions of them, and in usually strange ways (like chained Ignax). And if older fluff contradicts the new, updated AOS2 one, the later will take precedence, of course.
  17. Uh. There never were references to "each of the realms suns" whatsoever. About the linked orbits of the two Realmspheres, it's not just "metaphysical", it's really two Realmspheres in the Aethierc void that shed light or darkness on the other Realms. Phil Kelly said it here in the video : "And as the Realms Light, Hysh, is in front of the Realm of Shadows, that forms day for the Realms." It also p. 80 of the Core Book, and p. 110 explains that Hysh's light reach all the AOS cosmos.
  18. The sun is now Hysh for the other Mortal Realms. That retcons other explanations for the night and day cycle in the Realms. But of course some backwards druids can still believe Aqshy to be their sun, but its just their belief and not the common belief in Ghyran. Also that doesn't prevent the existence of other sun-like celestial bodies (like Sigendil or Ignax when it was still chained). But as an AOS1 reference, I think we can treat this belief as non-consequential for the wider setting.
  19. What's the source on Aqshy being the sun of Ghyran (why only Ghyran, then) ? IIRC that got retconned in AOS2.
  20. Other minor thing : Throggoths aren't from the Greenskinzs race. But they surely are with this faction. I also strongly suspect that the RPG writers had access to a map of a portion of Ghur 😍😍😍 Can't wait to see it. Maybe in the Gargant book. Or the "Siege of Excelsis" one !
  21. I personally really like the way of referring to the other Realms other than Azyr as "the lower realms". Gave a good sense of the ongoing colonization and war of re conquest. One thing I find a bit problematic is the references to "southern" Shysh. As Phil Kelly, the loremaster, said that compass are thaumaturgical (so shows directions core ward or edge ward), not based on South-West-East-North...
  22. I am so glad it does ! Teclis pages too. (Some Sons Of Behemat references are in the book too !) Also Free Guild are in as NPC ! (And ready to be adapted with the Archetype Custom Builder) There is also a Trade Pioneer Archetype with a GREAT artwork ! And speaking of which, awesome arts of the normal and surreal life in the Realms. @Emmetation - from a fluff and look point of view it's a master piece ! I'll read the rules section tonight.
  23. So Undead. We already have new Courtier and Archregent for FEC. So Soulblight ? I'd say that, with the claws and the flesh tone it makes it look vampire-y. Also, Soulblight are still in the lore and in need of love. And the "sleeve less look" like Mannfred and the Soulblight Aristocrats from Nagash's court seen here : For what game in AOS then ? I would guess Warhammer Underworld Season 4 (with Seraphon, IDK, OBR, StD and Slaanesh). Maybe Warcry, if the "season 2" warbands are from mixed Grand alliances (we already have an Order one with the Khainite) I would absolutely LOVE an AOS Warhammer Quest with the same release design as Blackstone Fortress (thankfully WHU and Warcry already offer opportunities for GW to create interesting characters and monsters not seen in the main AOS range or from olden time like the Gob Wolf riders).
  24. QUESTION : do we expect the 8 warbands from Beastgrave to be released without cards in grey plastic ETB format when the last Orruks and DoK bands are out (so simultaneously ?). Or do we have to wait longer after the official end of this season ?
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