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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. I forgot the Lelith model teased recently.

    I think the 40k models teased in a recent Preview video (Orc, Lilith, Sisters of Battle and Nurlge IIRC) will just be single Models coming along their new 9th Ed.  40k Codex. That was the case for the Nurgle model (new Lord of Virulence). So this week-end GW will surely announce more Codexes, the Xenos one could be Dark Eldar (and the cover could be the one teased yesterday on Facebook). 

    But I am still confident we will see a Decadence (Slaanesh)-themed, AOS-related Chaos release. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    There are pros and cons to both ideas, yup.

    Vampire - fits with specifics of van Brecht’s character and history. Begins to involve Death.

    Malerion - further explains and expands ongoing aelven epic. More relevant to general godhood / realms scheme of saga.

    Not entirely sure which I want to be true more

    (there’s also the very left of field candidacy of Be’lakor but he would have to be up to something very elaborate)

    Well I think Malerion, God of Shadow, wouldn't just sneak in a prison like this. Even if he is shadowy, he is also very powerful. So if he wished Van Brecht free, he would have just stormed the city, or send in his agents.

    For Vampires, don't forget the fluff explain how Van Brecht has sworn to see his whole lineage destroyed because of the Soulblight Curse. Maybe a lost parent wished to help him but they are certainly not in good terms. 

    Be'lakor is the best candidate IMO : he has bat wings (that had maybe been teased in a Rumor Engine), is usually seen spying and sneaking around alone with his shadow magic abilities (he let Manfred free from his prison in the End Times), and could very well want to undermine Morathi (for domination of Ulgu) and the forces of Order. He may also had blazing eyes (like in a recent artwork ; and like the Chaos Furies).

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  3. 17 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Yeah, the whole devinity in AoS is a mess. In reality they‘re just strong heroes, I don‘t see what qualifies any of them as a god? They‘re not hard to kill, they‘re not powerful enough to defeat armies on their own...

    imo a definition of what Godhood means in AoS is required.

    You may want to read the two White Dwarf articles Phil Kelly did on this very topic then ;D 

    You'll find them in WD June 2019 and July 2019 :) 

    He specifically explain how godhood work in AOS (aka similarly to all Warhammer settings), with Elemental gods (like Chaos or Gorkamorka) and Ascended ones (like powerful heroes once Mortal that, by fate or magic, ascend to a new status - i.e. a whole bunch of the Incarnates from the End Times) - all are still empowered by their followers or the consumption of souls. 

    Also the AOS Core Book p. 111, the Illuminations of the Gods, about Faith and Omniscience (or not).


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  4. Just now, BaylorCorvette said:

    The Chaos reference may just be regarding Death Guard for 40k and the "Decay" portion of this event/title. 

    However, I am extremely confident that the next Broken Realms book is going to be Broken Realms: Slaanesh. We know the next Age of Sigmar collectors coin is for Slaanesh. So I guess it just depends on how frequently they are going to release a BR book. Monthly? Every other month? etc.



    The coin is another hint at a Slaanesh release coming soon. 

    And the WarCom video insisted on BOTH decadence and decay being of interest for Chaos fans.

    I don't think the Death Guard release will get something else new. Everything was already previewed on WarCom, except maybe a Combat Patrol Boxed Set. Decay probably refers to something else., like Zombie.

  5. 4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:



    We can almost confirm that Decadence is the Drukhari release in the near future.

    99.9% sure (thats 666 the other way around) that it's a part of the Broken Realms 2 : Slaanesh book cover. 

    They said on the WarCom Sunday Preview video that "specifically Chaos Fans" had to look upon the Decadence and Decay preview, so this almost rule out other Species like Dark Eldars. 

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  6. A new preview ? YES.

    For WHU, we should 100% see the full Seraphon warband, mayyyybe another one ❤️ 

    For AOS, Mortal Slaanesh and the Newborn, i.e. Broken Realms 2. 

    For 40k, I don't know, but surely not Nurgle : we have seen the new Lord and the Scenery sets in great details on WarCom already. So maybe.... EMPEROR'S CHILDREN ?

    We also should see what what that Zombie thing Johann was fleeing from really is. Maybe the "Decay" part, if it's indeed a Zombie ? For WHU ?

    Anyway as always : BRING IT ON !

  7. That article on WarCom last night was a bit weird.



    - Did Morathi definitely succeed or not ? Is she really a Goddess right now ?

    - Did some Aelf souls espace with her ? Aenarion maybe but who else ?

    - Is the Newborn really Slaanesh ? I thought it was clear it was its child.


    Anyway, going by the last picture, maybe the next book is about Teclis' reaction !

    And the last paragraph certainly means something SPECIAL is going on with the Orruks ;) 


    So, we've heard that a quite "small" Slaanesh 40k release was coming, that may only includes new Noise Marines and Daemon Fulgrim. 

    What  if GW decided to introduce a Daemon Primarch-level equivalent in AOS (in terms of powers) ? They could make a kit for a Slaanesh entity that could be built either as the Newborn in AOS (we'll probably get a better name) or Daemon Fulgrim in 40k ?

    We already know they are both winged, unique (aka "named" characters) and more or less bigger in stature than a .Greater Deamons....

    Traditionally, Daemons sell to both games (even the Soul Grinder). That could also explain the delay between Magnus, Mortarion - and Fulgrim and Angron (we also know GW can rework kits as, apparently, the Glottkin design started as the first version of the plastic GUO)...

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  9. 4 minutes ago, michu said:

    Shadowstalkers are Morathi's faction, that's true. But in that article there was really word "Umbraneth" before correction.

    No, I  was F5ing the page to see the PreOrder, they never had the "Umbraneth" mention. 

    It was a guy on 4chan who edited the page the same night and took a picture of the screen. The same narrative comes back regularly on /aosg/.

    And the whole "Umbraneth" thing was that it was meant to be Malerion's faction, which it isn't. And Daughters Of Khaine won't be changing name. 

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  10. Guys.

    "Umbraneth" is a ***** fake.

    Malekith did not fuse with his dragon. 

    Umbraneth was also a 4chan scam. Khainite Shadowlstalker were always linked to Morathi, even BEFORE the WarCom page announcing the pre order. (Of course we'll get a Malerion faction, maybe ending in "-eth", but it won't include Shadowstalkers, as they are 100% Morathi faction).

    Also @Doko, as @Lord Veshnakar explained, Alarielle did nothing. The rift destroyed Seraphon.



    In BR:Morathi, it's either a Vampire or Be'lakor helping that Stormcast Lord.

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  11. 18 minutes ago, michu said:

    "We will actually have a section in Shadows in the Mist called "The Fall of Anvilgard" and will present information on the city of Har Kuron. We will also have some Rumour/Fear/Threats set AFTER the fall, which should be a tonne of fun"

    "You'll also see rules for playing characters from both Anvilgard and Har Kuron in Champions of Order"

    From the discord.

    Yes, Shadow in the mist is a series of supplements. 

    For now, in the Anvilgard city guide, the fluff stops just before the event in Broken Realm Morathi ; it mentions the coming of the Agonizers, the Black Ark apperaing in BR:M too. So they knew what is going to happen. I guess the next supplement in the Shadow in the mist series will contain the chapters about Har Kuron !

    It's great that GW ties their story not only with Warcry (Catacombs), but also with a game from another company (Aka Cubicle7's RPG) ! Great team work here.

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Haven't seen if anyone replied, but according to guerilla something that reviewed the book, it seems like you still can play anvilguard. 

    As @Double Misfire said a few post above yours, it's explicitly written in BR:Morathi that Anvilgard is still playable, either as the city itself before the events of BR:Morathi, or as a loyalist contingent campaigning around while Morathi took over. 

    • Like 2
  13. @Garxia Found it !

    It's "Dig Deep", in March 2018 White Dwarf.

    Also, the Malign Portents website had a AOS History "Timeline section", pretty similar to the new one on the current AOS website. However, it also had a "Mortal Realms explanation" video by Phil Kelly, which I found way better than the current new MR video on the new site. 

    It's still on YouTube, but not referenced. Would you like to put it in the OP ?


    MP_WD Story 2_Dig Deep.png

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  14. Okay. Mind blown.

    There are THREE MAPS in that book, including one of a part of the Realm of Shadows, Ulgu itself ! ❤️❤️❤️

    Also, 70 pages of fluff, new artworks, cool paginations, "three acts" structure, a Dramatis Personae section (like Horus Heresy or Forbidden Power had) ? Recent 40k books are so low quality compared to that.

    100% SOLD. 

    2 minutes ago, Mitzrael said:


       Any guesses about tommorrow's "Next week" article?

    Maybe Blood Bowl ?

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  15. 9 minutes ago, Garxia said:

    It took longer than expected, after some fighting with the forum, but finally I got it: all Malign Portents stories, included the White Dwarf prelude one.

    Personally, these are some of the greatest lore pieces in AoS until date, so flavourful and with varied protagonists, hoping Broken Realms new arch and stories pick up the baton (first one was really good!).

    Finally, dunno if this is the correct subforum, if a mod needs to move the thread, feel free to do it.

    Thank you very very much again !

    IIRC, there was more than one MP short story in WD. Do you also have it ? I'll check and come back to you ASAP.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I agree with what you are saying, but want to quickly comment on why I think the Slaaneshi mortals are a different case from the underworlds Kurnothi and Rippa's Snarlfangs.

    Basically two things: The Daughter of Khaine stuff has shown that GW do multiple simultaneus model releases through through different avenues (Warcry, Underworlds, Duel Box...) as part of their updates with Broken Realms. So getting both an Underworlds warband and new hero in the duel box, as well as the little shoutout with the arrow on the giant, indicates that Slaanesh will get more than a few new rules in Broken Realms to me. The Kurnothi were more clearly just a one-off.

    In addition to that, everything narratively really points towards Slaanesh breaking free being a major plot point in BR. Now with Lumineth released, it's definitely the right time to focus on Slaanesh again.

    Totally agreed. 

    We also have sub plot about Slaanesh Mortals specifically (mostly the Chariot Lord Reshevious from Malign Portents and the Magnificent Mirror, perhaps containg the cursed soul of WFB Sigvald....).

    Kurnothi also can be a "3rd Wave" for Sylvaneth come their inevitable 3rd edition book....

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I appreciate the breakdown. But honestly, you don't need to have inside sources to predict that something Slaanesh related is going to happen in Broken Realms at this point. They already started releasing Slaanesh mortals models in the duel box and Underworlds, after all.

    Absolutely, and now it's almost confirmed Slaanesh escapes, meaning the end of the Soul Wars and the start of a new edition. The fact it comes from this person makes it 99.9% sure instead of just 96% sure. 

    Also, we have Kurnothi in WHU but not in AOS as of now, so... (But as someone noted a few pages back, there are Slaanesh "arrow" bits similar to the WHU archer in the Megagargant kit).

    2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    As all the blogger receives material directly from GW somedays before preorder ;)

    She probably read the whole book already

    It's the new host of the blog, aka Bob, who do those kind of reviews. 

    She apparently had more intel from the future.

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  18. 29 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Wait who is Lady Atia? 

    Also that art looks very much like a creature caster/raging heroes type sculpt if it were made. 

    ... The art is just to illustrate the post...

    28 minutes ago, JonnyTheKing said:

    Why is this a credible source? I’m confused 

    Are you for real guys ? You don't know who Atia is ? :P You didn't used to browse War of Sigmar back in the days ?

    She was a very active and reliable rumormonger at AOS start, mostly 2015-2016-2017 IIRC. Way better than Hastings in the post Warseer era.

    She stopped quite abruptly, and Bob took over the posting on WoS. She sometimes (very rarely) comes back to post small rumors in the comments.

    The fact she took the time to make a whole post to say something is probably a good indication it's "huge".

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