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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. As others have said, the book has a great pace to it. It's maybe my favorite from the series so far, and I was pleasantly surprised by both Morathi and Teclis. 

    I'm glad he have confirmation it was Be'lakor ('s own agents) who freed Ven Brecht, and that his goal was indeed to target the Stormcast "Eternals" (as teased in the Eshin short story).

    Interesting tidbits : Shadow daemons can work with him too (before they were only associated with Morathi and then Malerion). 

    I'm glad, regarding MAPS, that we got several updated : we now know where Vindicarum is in Chamon, where the Genesis gate might me in Ghyran, as well as where Dolorum is (so close to Neferatia, maybe a bit strange...)

    • Like 5
  2. I really like all the "Revenant" side of the Sylvaneth range, and this pipe guy is no exception ! We may still get a (fifth) BR : Alarielle after all !

    Excited to get a whole week of reveals, but I sincerely-sincerely hope the 8th is ALSO for AOS, and about the new edition, that is. I guess we'll be able to get more infos with what we first get on the 3rd... (guessing, as others : Kragnos model reveal and full Soulblight range). 

    Interested to see if we get something for WARCRY (or something else than a blackout for Cursed City, which should be renamed WHQ : Blackout Fortress)... Maybe those kind of 

    8th could alternatively be the new starter for Horus Heresy or Battlefleet Gothic, or something Old World..... BUT I wouldn't like it so soon before a new edition of AOS. Let the game gain even more identity before going all-in with TOW (even if I'm looking forward to it too). 

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    For some reason i cant shake the feeling that Orruk warclans will become a Great Waaagh faction again including Gitmob Snarlfangs and an Orruk/Gitmob Chariot. Them joining the war driven Gordrakk makes more sense to me than adding them to Gloomspite Gitz. They would feel out of place worshipping the sun and GG already have similar units in Spider Riders and Squighoppers/Bounders + bosses. What do u all think about this?

    I 100% agree. Orruks and (Hob)Grot belongs together under Grodrakk in some sort of Great Waaagh! / Warclan battletome... (Why not with some Troggoth and Gargants and funny Warmachines / ferocious beast chariot) ?!

    Then, if we get such an update in AOS, I fear we won't see many non-Ironjawz or non-Bonesplitterz Orruks, because of the Beast Snaggas line coming for 40k (I hope I am wrong though). 

    And as "someone else" said in the thread... Time to rewatch the Hobbit ;) 


    BTW I think next Monday for the last Broken Realms models Preview, we'll see Kragnos. If he is really meant to be the last book with an epic showdown around Excelsis, then it's only logical to end the preview series with him. 

    OR I could see Grombrindal coming (because of the Duardrazal fluff, the Be'lakor story end, and the White Dwarf short stories) instead. But that would mean another Broken Realms book (OR he is in BR : Kragnos too... that would be a bit heavy in big names). I guess we'll get new Duardin in the new edition relatively soon, just after Soulblight (or SCE / Destruction if they come in between this summer). 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, KratosvonCarstein said:

    Don't know if this has been posted before but Grimdark Live seem extremely sure of an Indomitus styled box in June for AoS 3.0 and Hobgoblins are part of this box as a new destruction faction:


    Yeah it was posted here when it was released :)  

    I didn't knew those guys before, but they seem very confident in their last two videos about AOS3, and IIRC Rob the honest wargamer reacted favorably to them, so ...

    • Thanks 3
  5. So Broken Realms : Kragnos. Battles in Ghur around Excelsis : 

    -  Knight Excelsior with Order Of Azyr troops and the Ven Denst family (in the Age of Myth, a Shysh-born Noble House, to be precise) - At LAST the artworks of Excelsis will be published ? 

    - Hedonites Of Slaanesh with Sigvald, Glutos and the Twin Newborn (gorgeous model, I love the one with the Peacock robe - the Butterfly one is cool too but look like the orignal Keeper too much IMO).

    - Seraphon intervenes with Kroak

    - Gordrakk and Skargrott lead a Waaagh ! 

    So Kragnos...... Where does that bestial (was said to belong to Destruction) yet cultured (jewels) dude is meant to fit ???

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, novakai said:

    Well outside of the Big AoS since stuff, I believe they would want to release all the Sister and Ork Beast snaggas stuff before that summer thing happen

    i believe they hint in the article yesterday that they would still previewing the models this week on this week with Warhammer segment

    Well I was talking about AOS releases, not counting 40k and games like Direchasm, but you are right. So, AdMech, Orcs, Sisters, Soulblight Gravelords + Broken Realms (at least two books I guess) + other games releases (those could be delayed ?)....

    Heavy schedule (restarting in May) to be ready to launch the (rumored) new Core Book and Big Box at the end of June ... more so with new facilities being made operational, world virus, trade problems with UE and China, snow storm, Suez Canal, etc.


    (And I hope we'll see the White Bearded Dwarf or that Kurnothi/BOC guy in tonight's article)

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Rumours point to the delay being due to problems at the warehouse as well as a move to the new facilities they have been building in Nottingham for a while. 

    This is a big part of the reason why I don't believe the rumours about 3rd edition. I don't think even gw knows exactly what their release schedule for the next few months looks like. 

    I still expect the first two weeks after they start up again to be admech and Necromunda/ Underworlds. Then we'll probably get Kragnos or Soulblight. 

    It's a bummer for anyone waiting for Admech but on the AoS side a bit of a pause is probably a good idea. 

    Well, I'm starting to read rumors from various sources talking about 3rd Edition on Facebook, including retailers calling it "Summer Of Sigmar". Grimdark Live, Rob the Honest Wargamer, here our fellow users Morglum and Whitefang hinting here and there.... Plus that reliable, non-anglophone "leaker" I talked about last time.

    On production issues, 3rd Edition (at least the new Core book, the eventual goodies and the indomitus style boxe) would be already produced and ready to be shipped by now. As a new edition in Summer is GW big cash income of the year, I'm sure other things might be delayed and full priority given to those releases instead (on the other hand, I sincerely hope logistics issues will be resolved by June.......).

    Broken Realms will be IMO fully teased by the end of April (with the Model Monday articles), so what's next but Soulblight for another Online Preview ? Like for 40k last year, we'll know by half May if something big is coming this Summer for us :D 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    Really want to know what army Belakor will fit into. He is of course currently part of StD, but they show him with demons of all kinds. If he is not part of StD anymore, no reason to get hyped for me ;) Feels strange they are not even dropping a hint about where he fits in basically. 

    Normally you would expect a remake to be part of the tome they are currently in, but everything seems to point to Belakor now being hard locked into some demon mix army only people with Wrath of the Everchosen might have cared about. How many sit on a Chaos Ascended army right now? If Belakor only fits into that, it seems like a limited market...

    I love the model, but I only play StD and do not plan to buy a bunch of ugly as sin bloodletters and demonettes etc to play this dude. So who can actually take him (not just as ally) is an important factor if I wish to preorder...

    An expanded Legion of Chaos Ascendant list would be great, really. The first one was nice-ish, the Legion of the First prince subfaction kind of overlapping with the generic abilities..

    I too would like to see Be'lakor still playable in a Despoiler list (only for me to still be able to use the Ruinstorm Daemons Brutes as Varanguard 😈😈😈).

  9. 4 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    A new article about Be'lakor is up, with a certain hint at Malerion...



    Interesting new (?) depiction of the Mortal Realms ! 

    The eight Realmspheres, the Allpoints at the center (first colonized by the Seraphon / the Old Ones ??) with the Aetheric Void around, I guess the many lights between the Realms are Reamlgates routes, and finally the Realm of Chaos trying to devour those poor eight pocket of reality (you can see shadows of the four Chaos gods, interestingly Nurgle is over Ghyran, Khorne over Aqshy, Slaanesh over Ulgu and Tzeentch over Chamon). 



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  10. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    Not this one though, 'Pantheon' is a conventional BL-published Guy Haley short from back in 2016.

    Yes, I was referring to the first two short stories discussed by Neil about Be'lakor ;) And I agree that Pantheon is heavily dated and deviate from other Studio works (its description of "one" realm edge is in conflict with Malign Portents and AOS 2.0, for example).

    Apparently the White Dwarf Flashpoint article links Be'lakor to Seraphon (and Kroak) in some measure, so I'm really looking forward to see how far Be'lakor impacts the whole narrative (and if the BR narrative is concluded by Broken Realms : Kroak in June, after Kragnos...).

    And we still have TWO Broken Realms Monday, I guess at least one will be about Kragnos or Destruction...

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Dark Prince and the mirror to refer Slaanesh and either Sigvald (just through vague prophecy logic) or the Newborn (as a sort of reflection of Slaanesh)

    Yeah, me too. The Dark Prince was always Slaanesh's title.  Be'lakor is the First Prince or the Dark Master. 

    14 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    BL short story

    Those kind of short stories (Malign Portents, Forbidden Power, Broken Realms) comes directly from the Studio or are strictly under Studio supervision, unlike things like "Dark Harvest".

  12. 1 hour ago, zamerion said:

    Can you give more details about these rumors please?



    That's all we know I'm afraid. They were discussed in the thread several times, and Rob The Honest Wargamer reacted to the first ones (AOS 3.0 will have Charge reaction rules, new board size to match Warcry and 40k 9th ed., etc.). You can watch this here :


    And Warhammer TV put that on YouTube and.... I LOVE THAT HEAD OPTION MUUUUCH MORE : 

    EDIT : @silverstu honestly I don't know - Kragnos can be May so a last one could come in June just before the new Indomitus style set - but then I heard that Soulblight would be the last AOS 2 Battletome (written with 3rd edition in mind), meaning the Battletome would come just before the new edition.... Hopefully another preview and the Broken Realm Monday will shed the light on all that before April's end. 

    • Like 3
  13. 54 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    110€ Be'lakor the Dark Master

    Well ! Pricey, as expected. But the new model is great..... Loving the fact we are FULL ON Broken Realms right now : the Be'lakor book just after Teclis, another Broken Realm Monday Preview tonight, aaand another short story in the Wednesday newsletter :D

    Regarding AOS 3.0, the Grimdark Live rumors are really interesting : 

    • Getting something as early as June with a new Rulebook and an Indomitus-style boxed set would be unexpected but GREAT.


    • I'm all down for a Hobgoblinesque / AOSIfied Gitmob army. Current Rumor engines could fit that theme, like @Nezzhil showed ITT a possible Wolf Chariot, and the WHU Snarlfang Rippa would find a better home than Gloomspite Gits


    • New Stormcast are cool, mostly if : 1. they bring some Human Auxiliary  or Cog-men Azyrite automatons with them, and : 2. the "Knightly / Bretonnian" theme they are said to get means we'll have models looking like a mix of the John Blanche SCE Sketches, the Lord Relictor and the Primaris Bladeguards dudes (i.e. GRIMDARK RELICS EVERYWHERE) :P


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  14. 5 hours ago, Chikout said:

    So we have Be'lakor, these witch Hunters, Gardus, the Kulghast cruciator and Kragnos all confirmed for broken realms plus a whole soulblight range to be released.

    Are we all still confident that AoS3 is coming in July and that there are only 4 broken realms books?

    There have been rumblings of a new Horus Heresy starter set. It wouldn't surprise me to see that as the big summer release with AoS3 coming later in the year. 

    I agree. It would be kind of unusual / daring for GW to put everything on sales between April and July for Broken Realms and the new Edition, as the BR releases seems getting bigger each month then expected (well, they kinda did with 40k and Psychic Awakening, Pariah being released just before 9th ed., with Necron and Inquisition and AS models mixed in...).

     But then, COVID, and all that. If those "Broken Realms Monday" add more than ONE new title to the BR series (those Witch Hunters can belong to Be'lakor or Kragnos, after all), I'll start to believe 3rd edition will come out later than July. Until then, the rumors I've heard are trusty enough ...

    EDIT : the Ven Denst family is already known in AOS.... Ionus Cryptborn, the Hammers of Sigmar Lord-Relictor (from the 2015 starter set) is a relative :D  

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  15. 7 hours ago, Mutton said:

    Remember that collegiate wizards still have a rule for being from the realm of Azyr.

    I'd bet money on Azyr being invaded by the end of this thing.

    And the Chronomantic Cogs also share the AZYR keyword IIRC.

    Regarding a possible assault on Azyr : 

    - The Broken Realms series apparently likes to shake the background up, Azyr isn't safe from that point of view : 

    - Destruction can feel a bit like the neglected child compared to the three other Grand Alliances. Having a focus on them in AOS 3rd Edition would be a great way to say : "See ? Destruction too is relevant to the story ! Gordrakk destroyed Excelsis and now strikes at Azyrheim, what both Archaon and Nahash failed to achieve..." 

    We could also see Azyr for the first time as "playable place" in Broken Realms : Be'lakor, given the hint in the short stories.... (like BR : Morathi was the first time we saw a Map of the Realm of Ulgu........... :D ) 

    • Like 2
  16. YES ! The 17th as a preorder date seems more and more likely.

    Glad to know there won't be such a gap between BR : Teclis and BR : Be'lakor than between the former and BR : Morathi.

    And the "Anvil Of Chaos" for Daemons in the April White Dwarf excites me to no end as well 😈

    BTW, we should get another Broken Realms short story in the newsletter today .......

    • Like 1
  17. 23 minutes ago, Chikout said:


    People are saying July because gw are have historically done July


    No, not this time, the source said July explicitly, because it heard so (could still be wrong, of course). It's also what Grimdark live said, but I don't know if those guys are reliable. Rob the Honest Wargamer seemed to give them credit. 

    And yes, a lot of other things point to a new edition (AOS 2 will reach three years like the Stormcast Battletome, Broken Realms heralding "a new terrible era", 40k getting 9th ed. despite COVID, etc.). 


    • Like 1
  18. @Neil Arthur Hotep also the flag with the aelf and ogor heads ?

    BTW, rumor time : a good source hinted that Soulblight Gravelords may be the last Battletome from 2nd edition, i.e. the first battletome written with the new edition in mind. Said edition coming this summer (July, according to Grimdark Live - NB : all Battletome stay valid under the new edition).


    • Like 4
  19. 6 hours ago, Mcthew said:

    Skaven had the best tome but only 1 new model in the last 8 years.

    By "only 1 new model in 8 years", so since 2013, you mean the scenery, the endless spells, the Deathrunner from Silver Tower, the new warlord + chaff from Underworlds, the Skryre guy with rocket, the Island Of Blood re-editition, or the whole End Times : Thanquol range ?  :P

    (Wrong thread :D)

    • Haha 1
  20. 8 minutes ago, SeanMaguire1991 said:

    I'm not familiar with Phil Kelly's writing, could you elaborate on his reputation? 

    People complains about LRL because P.K. (the big boss of AOS lore in the studio) really likes Elves and Aelves. 

    But given the fact P.K. also was instrumental in Malign Portents and the Soul Wars (and literally called AOS 2nd ed. "the Age of Nagash" in the last White Dwarf), it's just baseless fear mongering .   

    • Like 6
  21. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    What are those OBR scenery pieces?

    Are they custom terrain that appeared in their Battletome or is it a possible hint of something new for them?

    When the Battlatome was released, WarCom said on Facebook it was 3d Printed, but that they would "pass it on" (that people were interested in those scenery).

    • Thanks 1
  22. @silverstu and @KingBrodd well well :P

    I have to say I am enchanted with the last two Previews, but they certainly have put the schedule I had in mind into..CHAOS.

    I didn't expected Soulblight so soon (well, in 2-4 months I guess ?). And Broken Realms : Be'lakor and Kragnos were unxpected ; given the short stories and rumor engines, I thought Be'lakor could appears in BR, but as a (main) protagonist, not as a title...

    Krganos is an even greater surprise (but a welcome one), and falls in check with the Kurnothi Rumors OR with the first BR short story where an Orruk saw a god in the clouds.... Speaking of which, the lady Kurnothi in Cursed City has the Sylvaneth Keyword, just like the WHU Kurnothi Warband, so maybe the three are linked with a new wave for Sylvaneth (i.e. one of the Kurnothi Rumors) and Alarielle involvement in the BR story line ? 


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  23. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    Alright, that looks like it's hinting at the deets of the likely BR: Alarielle.

    Sylvaneth (led by Alarielle) vs. Nurgle (led by Horticulus Slimex) vs. Soulblight (led by Mannfred) in Ghur? Based in Invidia specifically, around the Bleeding Gate realmgate more specifically? With a strong suggestion from that last line that Mannfred is involved in order to sow disorder or set up a fall for Alarielle or something.

    It's either BR : Manfred or BR : Alarielle.....

    ... But I would say the later, as Alarielle was mentioned in the initial BR reveal, Nurgle is her nemesis, and Invidia is certainly in Ghyran, not in Ghur ;) , aka Alarielle's Realm. 

    New Zombies kit is unexpected given the ones in CC, but maybe the nailed, distorted tools we've seen in the Rumor engines are part of the new set ?

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