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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Yet the Slaanesh Mortals aren't fully revealed yet (a few small pictures centered on their heads isn't enough). They won't reveal something else while the first reveal (aka Slaanesh) is still going. BUT we could see more than one reveal ! I hope we see models for Warcry and Underworld alongside AOS, for example.
  2. There are the Slaangor, the Archesr, Archers on Steed, other guys on Steed and the big Palanquin thing to be shown. Christmas Day will (should ?) be the full reveal for them.
  3. Honestly, the way the WarCom post is written, I fear we won't get anything AOS proper in January...
  4. Interesting and understandable IMO it will be Slaanesh Hedonites, including Sybarites Mortals and Slaanesh Daemons (because Sigvald, the Store free coin, the recent Warcry tease, all that). A new Battletome means Broken Realms is unlike Psychic Awakening ! STRANGE TIMES
  5. Well, could be....... PLASTIC BLOOD KNIGHTS HINTS ??
  6. Yep. Another short story about the WAAAGH Gordrakk going to Excelsis. The Troggoth and (recent) Spiderfangs Tome Celestials in WD also teased that. Now the next Broken Realms book could be Teclis, Slaanesh or Gordrakk. Hope we see this huge battering ram on model form !
  7. Black gloves could indeed be Witch hunters / Warrior priests (old Plastic Volkmar or Excelsior Warpriest had them). Maybe this hammer is kind of plain because they want to clearly separate the Order Of Azyr "down to earth" design from the more grandiose Stormcast' one ? Other option is 40k inquisitor / priest retinue but that would be ...lame. Also wooden staff I long for an Azyrite normal Humans release !!!
  8. I would be happy if it was Stormcast vs Orruks IF and only IF the Stormcast includes some baseline humans devoted of Sigmar as auxiliaries
  9. Yes, me too Something along the line of : "sorry oh glorious Lord, I will convert to Slaanesh effective immedia... Oh hello Shallaxi"
  10. Note that that chitin / Bone armor could be an artefact, like the Katophrane relics...
  11. What if the Silent People are a parasitic race of Chitin armors, taking hold progressively of its host ? Looks like the "armor" is growing on that poor Kurnothi (on each cards form right to left - it's the same Blightking dying in each card).
  12. Do you want to add the Forbidden Power stories before Broken Realm ? IIRC one of them at least ("the Hammer god") should herald something from BR EDIT 1 : @Garxia here they are : https://www.warhammer-community.com/soul-wars/ They also may be 1 or 2 in White Dwarf, I'll go check : EDIT 2 : so there are 9 fictions on WarCom (link above) and 3 in White Dwarf : - WD January 2019 : Deadly Venture - WD February 2019 : The Thirsting Blade - WD March 2019 : Empty Graves EDIT 3 : Also, unrelated, general AOS short stories in White Dwarf (September 2016 to November 2020) : - WD May 2019 : The Curse Gold-Grudge - WD June 2019 : Reignition - WD August 2019 : Blood Hunt (Warcry story) - WD October 2019 : The Duality Of Vengeance (as @Enoby said in another thread IIRC) is maybe a kind of prequel for the new Slaanesh Twinsouls unit... - WD November 2019 : Hunger Pains - WD January 2020 : Red Prospects - WD February 2020 : The Death Of Dakkbad Grotkicker - WD April 2020 : The Great Cycle (Beastgrave story) - WD October 2020 : The Beasts within (Beastgrave story) - WD November 2020 : Trouble Brewings (Warcry / Bugmansson story)
  13. Examples ? (Except the very obvious Tyrion and Sigmarites future releases, maybe Devoted with the Azyrheim Crusade, or a Warhammer Quest set in Calumnexis ?).
  14. Well, FB spawned Ossiarch Bonereapers which spawned Wrath of the Everchosen. The "military might of Hysh" line also kinda spawned Lumineth Realm-Lord. And FB first mentioned Gordrakk and the Siege of Excelsis story arc, so there is still that
  15. Called it, we'll have a Soulblight Vampires Warband for Underworld 😍 ... I guess 2-3 Vampires Lords / Ladys each armed with rapiers and such ? ... Then Bonespliterz or SPIDER FANGS ? And Ossiarch / Idoneth, great : it fits with all the Rumor Engines we've had so far ! It ALSO means the Sigmarite Rumor Engines are either for AOS proper or Warcry (or maybe a new AOS WHQ) ! Glad to have them all in the next 6 months !
  16. Nice one, tho I hoped it would be for Slaanesh Also :
  17. That, or Vampire Swordsmen, to go with the other sword's hilts we've seen recently. Vampires like Manfred have been shown without sleeves. Tho this one seems more clean than the other.
  18. Well yeah, indeed they are not. - But the Tree-Revenants and the Spite-Revenants are partially made form Wood Elves souls. - Their Godess was an Elf. - Their faction name end with -eth like current Aelven factions. So the confusion is often made. And GW themselves (at least the WarCom and White Dwarf teams) are not always clear on their terminology.
  19. The Decadence & Decay Rumor Engine is probably a Chaos Warriors from the Slaves To Darkness Warhammer Underworld warband. Remember the Daemon-face Shield ? Quite sure it will be from the same set. StD do not have a WHU team yet. And I don't see as big a release for StD as a Multiparts Chaos Warriors kit happening now.
  20. I forgot the Lelith model teased recently. I think the 40k models teased in a recent Preview video (Orc, Lilith, Sisters of Battle and Nurlge IIRC) will just be single Models coming along their new 9th Ed. 40k Codex. That was the case for the Nurgle model (new Lord of Virulence). So this week-end GW will surely announce more Codexes, the Xenos one could be Dark Eldar (and the cover could be the one teased yesterday on Facebook). But I am still confident we will see a Decadence (Slaanesh)-themed, AOS-related Chaos release.
  21. Well I think Malerion, God of Shadow, wouldn't just sneak in a prison like this. Even if he is shadowy, he is also very powerful. So if he wished Van Brecht free, he would have just stormed the city, or send in his agents. For Vampires, don't forget the fluff explain how Van Brecht has sworn to see his whole lineage destroyed because of the Soulblight Curse. Maybe a lost parent wished to help him but they are certainly not in good terms. Be'lakor is the best candidate IMO : he has bat wings (that had maybe been teased in a Rumor Engine), is usually seen spying and sneaking around alone with his shadow magic abilities (he let Manfred free from his prison in the End Times), and could very well want to undermine Morathi (for domination of Ulgu) and the forces of Order. He may also had blazing eyes (like in a recent artwork ; and like the Chaos Furies).
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