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Posts posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. 1 hour ago, Shearl said:

    In regards to Slaanesh, they've confirmed more models are coming this year, and while Slaanesh's freedom will surely be a huge story arch, it doesn't necessarily need to be linked to the battletomb. Slaanesh's forces are still strong and causing trouble in the realms, even with their god missing.

    I can see them rolling out a couple more updated daemons and maybe a couple new sculpts with a battletomb sooner than later, while Slaanesh's escape might not be until 2020 and herald the arrival of the other aelfs. 

    I’m not convinced that Slaanesh needs to escape before they’ll get a tome. No one knows what impact the necroquake has had - Slaanesh might even be able to communicate with his/her followers now. Alternatively Slannesh could be syphoning off his/her own power into one or more of the pretenders (while still imprisoned and without teclis/Tyrion’s/Malerion knowledge. 

    Also the 3 Slaanesh subfactions could be completely changed as Slaaneshs location becomes more common knowledge. 

    The way I see it is, when you think about it, the Slaanesh faction could go in a number of directions outside of the whole Slannesh imprisoned or freed time lines. 

  2. @SwampHeart I spoke about Nurgle in my response to your message that in part discussed nurgle. I agree that a comparison to nurgle mw output is unfair,  because we don’t have any real information - so I apologise for commenting on that. 

    Thank you for allowing me to state that, ‘We don’t know how this works so you can’t say it’s bad game design’, I appreciate it. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    The issue is we don't know how its going work - if it is D3 to D3 then I don't think many people will have concern. But also the Nurgle ability does have a range limitation (all targets must be within 12" of one another) so there is a counter play element to its efficacy. Additionally for it to be available every turn you'd need the command trait (one you can't stop) and then it requires a spell to be cast - which means again there is counter play. 

    I think the thing some people are worried about it (and its very hard to tell because again we have so little information) is that there will be no counter play at all. I'll wait until we see how it works because its all speculative until that point. I'm mostly here because I think a few people are being demonized for a view point that I can understand even if I don't share it. 

    I assure you there’s no daemonising. That’s a bit strong. Ultimately it’s too early to be making sweeping statements about how an ability we know next to nothing about will ruin the game. 

    Nurgle have lots of abilities that do d3 mws on a 6, and they rarely come off I assure you.

    But tbf if the grots have a hard counter against the survivability of hag queens surely that’s a good thing for the game.

    Anywayyyy id advise against early judgements with little to no information. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    I don't think its unfair to voice concern - maybe it is premature but what is a forum if not a place to discuss your hobby. 

    I understand entirely where you’re coming from. But some of the posts in this thread are going a little further than voicing concerns, they read a lot like people who believe they know more than they do. But yeah you’re right, it’s a good place to discuss the game and our opinions. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Mayple said:

    Oh! Nice theory! That could actually pan out quite well. 

    Something like:

    Gorkamorka broke their teeth on the moon;
    Fighty fighty Sub-faction

    Spider God Egg thing:

    Spiderfang (Poisonous, mortal wounds, Debuffing subfaction?)

    All da Shamans that ever lived;
    Magic sub-faction


    The broken tooth and shaman subfactions may be mushroom focused. Broken tooth with some more generalised buffs, and shamans magic buffed. Then the spider one, spider heavy with spider battleline options. 

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Jetengine said:

    As a Spiderfang player I just want to know whether my faction is being fused LON style or ignored and left as is.

    I suspect the 3 theories of the bad moons origin that the Loonking mentions, will be sub factions within the tome. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    Anyone every try running Pusgoyle Blightlords with the Harbinger of Decay for a 4+/5++/5+++? Save after the save abilities still stack right? I know they changed it in 40k but I haven't found anything against it in AoS.

    I’ve been considering this combo for my 6 pusgoyles. The abilities do stack. If they come down in price next GHB it could be great. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Nos said:

    Their release cycle Is timetabled well before things are hot or otherwise. I’m willing to bet that all of 2019 was planned early this year at the very latest. And because things have gone so well the past few years I think they will stake their trust in their future planning rather than reacting to trends. Nothing to suggest they need to change their approach in respect to how well it’s selling.  

    While nothing is certain (ahem Brexit) I think their approach so far shows they’re playing the long game with AOS and are more interested in laying a stable foundation that generates its own success through investing in a solid foundation for the Mortal Realms and making that as rich and expansive as the Old World, rather than chasing the hits.  In essence they might miss out on a few No 1 singles as it were but they’re more interested in developing a record label.

    I agree planning will be well in advance, most large organisations have a minimum of 10 year planned revenue stream (as stated).  I simply believe that gw will look to take full advantage of how the hobby is booming. Just my opinion though. 

    • Like 2
  9. 41 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Slaanesh ain’t coming for a while yet. Wont be coming without Malerion in tow. In all honesty I reckon Slaanesh will be either AOS 3.0 or the trigger for it ala Nagash and Malign Portents. GW are very good at pacing their releases these days and they won’t intend to bring out something as anticipated as the Slaanesh  chapter of AOS until they’ve sucked as much commercial mileage out of the current one.

    Marvel built up to Infinity War over ten years rather than release everything within a year of each other for a reason.

    I suspected that Slannesh would be coupled with Malerion and teclis, but I’ve changed my opinion on that. 

    Gw have stated clearly that the  Slannesh following is thriving regardless of the incarceration of the god. That and the fact wrath and rapture is on way, makes me believe that a new kos and maybe some new mortal units will be out 2019. 

    They can do this and then still hold back the Slannesh vs Malerion/teclis story stream for 2020.

    Although I agree that gw will have a planned 10 year revenue stream similar to companies like marvel, I also think that: A; gw do not have the scale of marvels cult following and need to strike while the hobby is so hot, and B; the mortal realms are so limitless that there are simply dozens and dozens of amazing factions they could do, to keep that revenue stream pumping for 10 years (and many more). 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Saxon said:

    Sorry I dont play nurgle I played against nurgle. Over 4 turns casting every turn it did about 8 wounds.


    That’s absolutely incredible. 

    @Zplash I’m surprised if it does 1. But I’m pleased for you if it does helps you to kill off a hero.

    It appears that my experience is very different from you guys. Fair enough though, everyone has their own experiences. But my own personal judgement is already made :) 

  11. 2 hours ago, Dreadmund said:

    I never implied it was a strong casting value, simply that it was not likely to fail as you said. I just wanted to correct a common misconception in case anyone took it as read. 7 is a common value in Nurgle abilities. :)

    People struggle with probability for the outcome of more than 1 dice and I think an understanding of it can be helpful to weighing the actual value of a spell, command ability or warscroll trait. I wouldn't take plague squall over the other available lore spells either - but it's important to understand why and not just copy "the meta" blindly imo.

    I do appreciate the correction, thank you.

    If I’m honest I try not to rely too much on averages because every dice roll is unique. 

    I agree, understanding the whys js important. 

    • Like 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    On the contrary! Out of 36 possible outcomes to rolling two 6 sided dice, 7 is the most statistically likely outcome with 6 out of 36 potential outcomes resulting in 7. In fact, 21 of the 36 possible outcomes result in a 7 or higher - roughly 58% chance of success. It's true that unbinding rolls make things more complicated, but don't look down on the humble 7. It is our sacred number after all!


    Fair enough. But even with that in mind, 7 is not a strong casting value. You’re right about unbinding, as your helpful tool shows, the opponents chances of unbinding is good (not even taking into account unbinding buffs). An important point to remember also is our lack of casting buffs. Unfortunately magic is not something that nurgle dominates.

    When the tome first came out the strength of squall was its unlimited range meaning you were often out of unbinding range. With the release of aos2’s 30’’ unbinding bubble that strength has been removed. Even deluge of nurgles power has been diminished, and I think squall has become really quite useless. 

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Saxon said:

    Took about 8 wounds in 4 turns with bloab and rotigus casting it the other day.

    Bloab and rotigus casting it in turn 4?? It’s a mortal spell and can be cast once a turn. Think you may be a bit confused. If what you mean is you’ve cast it alongside Bloab and rotigus signiature spell, that’s not a great evidence base, because the two other spells you’re talking about can easily do 8 wounds without squall. 

    In my exp I’ve seen it do very little. 6’s on 7 dice is statistically poor. Plus the casting value of 7 means it’s gonna fail more than it goes off, and that’s not even taking unbinding into account. 

    Like I said, in the dozen games I’ve tested it, it’s done nothing.  Although I’ve heard it be ok for some people, I think it’s a waste of a spell (compared to nurgle lore and realm spell options). 

  14. 1 hour ago, sorokyl said:


    You would think that Aztec Space lizards riding dinosaurs was unique enough but people rip that off=P

    It’s about creative ownership though... and not having pay out large percentages of profit as a result of having that creative ownership.

  15. 2 hours ago, youngSkywalker said:


    Loved the lore behind the annointed few. I have an old conversion I did using a high elf knight with his helmet under his arm, and used a dark eldar arm + trident for the other,  and riding a Slannesh boobiesnake. Painted so badly but I loved that thing. 


    @Hoseman I could see these still being a thing considering there’s not many left. 



  16. 14 hours ago, Clinch said:

    My first game with DoK went very well. Thanks for the suggestions and help, Overread & InSaint. :) 

    Was a 1k game against Nighthaunt in Duality of Death, but it felt like my army was a bit too competitive as there was not much to do to counter them as it consisted of two big blocks of witches supported by a hag queen each and a Hagg Nar SQ on cauldron buffing them all. The outcome was decided in round 2, and he was tabled in round 3 with me having lost about 25% of my army in total.

    Witch aelves (even without mindrazor!) have even more insane damage output than I thought when they get rerolls on both to hit and to wound. And Hagg Nar made them surprisingly resilient, especially with Blessing of Khaine. Looking forward to expanding my murder elves with some more unit types.

    Had similar experiences against nh. Seems such a bad match up for them.

  17. 4 hours ago, Hankster said:

    I donno, that sounds more like a justification for DoK. I can really see Morathi challenging the temples to bring the powerful relics for the glory of Khaine. ...and to sneakily put on over on Sigmar and the other gods. 

    For the glory of Khaine ???

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