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Everything posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. I’ve glued mine as rotigus. I attempted to magnetise (never done it before) and ruined one of the guo faces. I gave up at that point haha. Oh well I have a eguo. Just gonna stick the bell n dagger to the base ??
  2. Yeah sorry miss read your message! I think you’re prob correct about needing downgrade the pusgoyles to a 4 man unit. Not sure bout lord of blights though. Plus don’t own any marauders, might have invest in a unit. Maybe Archaon, Loa, Harbinger, 4 pusgoyles, 10 blightkings, 2x 5 chaos warriors at 1980 pts. Not many bodies though.
  3. Nah can’t be battleline in an archaon list. Yeah was hoping take a Loa for the spearhead of contagion. Plus rerolling 1s on the pusgoyles is great. Tbh I’m really struggling fitting it all into a 2k list. Archaon, 6 pusgoyles and LOA costs 1540.
  4. I’m trying to get a block of 6 pusgoyles into an archaon list. Bit of a struggle. Any ideas?
  5. I agree with what’s been said bout gnarlmaws being a waste of summoning pts. One summoned in turn 1 prob won’t pay for itself till turn 4! That’s being said, if I need a run n charge it’s very useful (esp with at the double).
  6. Do we have any news about the rumoured everchosen stuff?
  7. You aren’t limited with models from maggotkin/tamurkhan units. But if you want to layer the tamurkhan allegiance ability over the maggotkin ones, you HAVE to take the tamurkhan trait and artefact. Which in my opinion, are inferior to maggotkin options
  8. You can use plaguetouched in an everchosen list, but you can’t with a maggotkin list. So if you run plaguetouched, blightkings aren’t battleline, you don’t have access to nurgle summoning/artefacts/traits/cycle. Its dead for maggotkin lists, but far from dead overall, especially considering there’s a everchosen battletome on the way.
  9. I’m considering an archaon list, so far I’m thinking: Archaon, Loa, harbinger, 4 blightlords, 10 blightkings, 2x 5 chaos warriors. Paliside endless spell. Not sure if that’d be any good though haha.
  10. I agree. To hit debuff, a command point and an extra artefact makes it points well spent, even without the multiples of 7 rule.
  11. With movement rules that you can’t pass over any models/bases (which includes your own), I think glorious afflictions will be useful. Grounding flyers, halving enemy run/charges and only casting value of a 5 ??
  12. I always felt Vlad should have been the Mortarch of night instead of Mannfred. Especially given the fact how bad relations were between mannfred n nagash during the last end times book.
  13. I think some kids will like it and some will not. Some tread the old fashioned paths that we journeyd and just like the models and the darkness of the lore. I don’t see how these books would negatively impact on that. But as with all audiences young or old, you can’t please everyone all the time. In fact some are never happy, and then there’s some who enjoy complaining. But alas, we all have opinions and are rightly entitled to them.
  14. It might be of benefit to lighten up a bit. My comment was obviously light hearted and not an actual criticism of your view point.
  15. There’s no need for bitterness, the lord of all welcomes any new followers, if youd only embrace the cycle of life, death and rebirth ??
  16. NurglesFirstChosen


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