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Everything posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. Yeah true. Plus maggotkin didn’t get any pestigors which also didn’t make any sense lore wise 😋 Also I had a thought last night, maybe the reason slaanesh don’t get mortals now, is because they have a future std release similar to the new csm’s or something. Time will tell.
  2. In addition, it’s been reported they actually said during the conference that there was more. But... this could just be in reference to a named kos. We will see over the next few weeks.
  3. I agree, slaanesh is not breaking free at the moment. Why that stops them getting mortals I don’t understand. Slaanesh do have mortal followers - that has nothing to do with slaanesh being free or not. There are multiple stories about the slaanesh mortals, even a malign portents short story. Keep in mind also, that there are many keeper of secrets who have been worshipped as gods many times in the lore. Dont get me wrong, I aren’t saying slaanesh definitely will get a mortal unit at this point... But come on, to say the slaanesh incarceration means there are no mortal followers just isn’t really a valid argument.
  4. You’re right I was a little harsh. If I was looking for an anvil I’d probably consider 30 plaguebearers over chaos warriors though
  5. Chaos warriors just ain’t that good anymore.
  6. Slaanesh can have a full faction release without the gods actual presence. None of the gods bar nagash are actually present in the game.
  7. Of course I meant focus of warcry Fair enough though. As I say just speculating.
  8. Just throwing this out there - entirely speculative... but what if dark oath don’t get a full release (at least not yet). Seems a bit much them basically being the focus of warcry, getting an underworld warband AND getting a massive model and book release all together
  9. We will see who is correct is in the coming weeks, my friend
  10. You’re right, technically they said, “While Slaanesh may still be mysteriously absent from the Mortal Realms, his servants have been very busy indeed – we daresay that Wrath and Rapture heralds even more new models for the Hosts…” https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/01/1st-dec-the-top-5-things-to-look-forward-to-in-2019gw-homepage-post-3/ Believe what you want 😛 we all do.
  11. There’s always an element of wishful thinking behind people’s predictions of future releases, and my predictions are no different. Gw confirmed that slaanesh will be coming in 2019, it’s just a case of when. If it’s end of 2019 that will mean it’s been a year between wrath and rapture and a slaanesh tome which I see as being unlikely. If everything is based on trends, slaanesh would have been released months ago (based on blightwars and maggotkin).
  12. How long was it between the Gloomspite warband and faction release?
  13. I see where you’re coming from. However the darkoath underworld band hasn’t even been released yet. I can’t remember how much time there was between the Gloomspite gits band and their eventual faction release. If darkoath get a release date at adepticon the time range of Gloomspite gits may point towards a release schedule for darkoath. In regards to Slaanesh, i believe it will be sooner than a full darkoath release. Slaanesh are very much involved with factions already released as part of the soul wars story arch. I think we’ll see the new aelves youre referring to released towards the end of the year/very early next year, which will herald the end of the soul wars story arch.
  14. Not sure if a Darkoath is a certainty this year (beyond the underworld release). I agree it’s very likely but can’t remember it being 100% confirmed.
  15. Don’t know what this means for Adepticon, but I’ve been told that until the 2nd half of the year it’s all chaos releases.
  16. 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Why this has turned into a debate about who’s opinions are more viable I don’t know. The original article was one that discussed the mechanics of things like piling in and charging - not tournament winning formulaes but more of an explanation for people more new to the game. Please note also that this game at its root is a narrative game. To teach someone tactics in the game you don’t need to win tournaments. It’s also worth pointing out that doing well at tournaments is as much about list writing and decent matchups as it is about tactical skill.
  17. Please keep in mind that tools of this kind are generally used by people who are new to the game.
  18. Yeah this would be a really useful tool for those just getting into the game
  19. @Luke82 I agree.... although if it’s anything like the guo kit, it’ll include a named character and other load out options.
  20. True although I can’t see chaos being released in succession. Whispers talk about a faction with an incredible bunch of rules following khorne, but what??
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