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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. I've just rolled out an update with a few fixes. I think I've resolved the issue where the card would occasionally not be tall enough when you first load, resulting in you having to refresh the page. A few people with old browsers may however find this hasn't worked - please let me know! I have also noticed an issue with the print format, in that it didn't actually size properly. The issue is related to the way browsers scale the content for print and I hope to have a resolution soon. I've fixed these two items, let me know if the gap between sections is enough. Not a clue yet My hope is that once they hit the limit of the card I can get it to automatically scroll onto a new one. That also reminds me that I need to do a wounds chart too
  2. I don't think GW has got a formulaic rule for what models to keep/ditch. From a practical aspect I would imagine the mold and model quality plays a part and it's popularity on the sales front. Beyond that it'll be down to a few conversations on what works with the new vision of that faction. Sylvaneth have had a mountain of new releases - but dryads are still there without any changes (they're 9+ years old). Nothing has really been done for Aelfs yet so we don't know. I would be surprised if some foresight hadn't gone into the End Times models though for use in AoS. Bearing in mind End Times was the prequel to the Age of Chaos from a game perspective (fluff wise it was Age of Myth) I can't imagine any company not taking the changes into consideration with new releases.
  3. Thanks all. I've just started looking at keywords, though need to give it a bit more thought on the best way of tackling it - doing a autocomplete tag seems like the best way, but is quite a bit of work to get it right One of my original ideas was to add in a "Name" option that will allow you to give the unit a custom name in addition to the actual unit type. With Path to Glory being added as part of the GHb I may resurrect that idea - so you could have "Bob - Mighty Lord of Khorne" Well spotted! I've fixed all of these (Ctrl + F5 to make sure it refreshes fully). The abilities loading was purely me naming something incorrectly and not checking it
  4. Nicely spotted I've just fixed that and uploaded it (you may need to Ctrl+F5 to force refresh it)
  5. Change Log: 21/07/16 Fixed an issue with loading rules (caused by tidy up) Improved layout of abilities to match genuine warscrolls Implemented a pre-loader General improvements to style Overhaul of layout change handling, should now be a lot more reliable Added a basic margin functionality for the PDF generation 19/07/16 Added the foundation part of a decent quality PDF Added a new third-page format that allows 3 warscrolls on one A4 page. 07/07/16 Warscroll Name no longer populated Improved rendering of the Warscroll at load Form now reset at load Unit description header now displays correctly without having to change it Rules & Abilities now tidy unused rows at reset or load 06/07/16 Fixed an issue when loading abilities in a saved profile Moved Missile above Melee (as it should be) Added in a reset button for resetting the form 04/07/16 Fixed an issue where Bravery and Wounds displayed the wrong way round 01/07/16 Added the much needed save option* 30/06/16 A6 layout now added, this is marginally longer than the large card layout Fixed an issue with the description header Large text blocks can now enbolden text by wrapping with the asterisk character Implemented unit rules and abilities 21/06/16 Original released
  6. Questions and Answers: Yes and No. From a technical point of view I could fairly easily implement pre-population of Warscroll data, however the content of the Warscrolls is the property of Games Workshop and although they are freely available, I would need to have a conversation with Games Workshops legal team before I undertook this. This may happen in time, but not until the tool is closer to completion. Erm, yes. The size it prints out at isn't consistent with the size you select. I need to refactor the measurement unit to consistently use mm rather than a mixture of percentage and pixels.
  7. Following on from the discussion on how people handle their warscrolls, I'm creating a dedicated Topic for the little Warscroll Designer web app I've created. I'll keep this up to date as I update the tool and we can use this to discuss any new (or broken) features. Warscroll Designer Warscroll Designer has been created to allow Age of Sigmar players to generate "tabletop" friendly Warscrolls for their army rather than having to carry round large Battletomes, A4 Warscrolls or struggle with zooming on a mobile phone. As time progresses, I'll introduce a number of new formats and layouts The tool is currently in early BETA, which is a posh way of saying it's not finished yet and expect to find the odd bug or error. Let me know what they are and I'll get them rectified. This tool also requires a "modern" web browser capable of handling the latest HTML5 standards. What the tool offers: Multiple layouts Editable Warscroll name Editable unit profile (move, save, etc) Melee and Missile weapon profiles (and multiples of each) Editable unit description Editable rules (hornblower, banner, etc) and abilities Option to mark a unit as being able to Fly Text boxes have a "Clean" button, this removes line feeds and multiple spaces when pasting from a PDF Save to your web browser's local storage Log in with Google and then save to database Command abilities Keywords Magic Output in a variety of sizes in PDF and JPEG formats Wounds Chart On the short list to add are: Print out at correct size Share warscroll link Overflow to second card Save to PDF
  8. That's cool. Really nice to see GW offering this - wish I had FLGS with tables a bit closer
  9. Out of curiosity do we know if this is only being sent to resellers who have gaming tables or all resellers?
  10. Would love it if the campaign pack were released for general purchase - love the look of the content!
  11. Wow, now I've seen the close ups I'm really impressed! Something at the back of my brain is telling me I've still got 16 plastic dryads upstairs...
  12. Think I'm also in the "wait to suck it and see" ballpark. So far I've been impressed with how things work together and am hopeful that they're not going to risk breaking the synergies that currently exist. That said I also think one of the nicest things about AoS is a really nice thematic army and can see them rewarding people who think along those lines.
  13. Thanks Just noticed that GW Swindon store isn't on the map - I honestly didn't realise Mongoose were down the road too!
  14. Could you pop me down as: Location: Devizes, Wiltshire Name: Pete Allison (RuneBrush) Contact: PM or Twitter @runebrush
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