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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. Cite link above should have them in m8. Would have to pass on picking them up and shipping them purely because I'm going to & from on the train so fairly limited on what I can carry!
  2. The things we know of: FW bits @Shane has mentioned New WHW only Stormcast model Ironjaws T-Shirt and Mug New art prints In addition at the Open Day there is also: Participation game (bring a Hero and do a dungeon bash) New Sylvaneth Diorama Golden Daemon Warhammer Demo Pods: How to Paint Spirits; Painting Ice Effect Weapons; Maw Krusha Notes Beyond this - nobody knows! I'm hoping there will be a few bits, but GW tends wait until a product is finished and ready for distribution before announcing it. With luck we can extract a bit of information on what might be coming. Cite: main WHW website
  3. I think I've just fixed an issue where after an hour of inactivity you'd be unable to save/load anything without signing out and back in again. Will confirm in 50 minutes I've also just added in the ability to save the warscroll as a JPG. This should mean you can save your warscrolls and easily merge them onto one sheet
  4. Thanks As weird as it sounds it's really nice to see something you've created virtually actually being used!
  5. Proper pic: (cite: http://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/2016/08/05/first-access-new-exclusive-merchandise/) I'm going to take a punt and say it's a plastic clam-pack, the detail isn't anywhere near crisp enough for FW and it's not being promoted as a Forge World model. It may however be fine-cast
  6. Nice! I've just under a week to sort out mine for the Open Day game That's in addition to everything else!
  7. Hi Guys, Thanks for being patient with this, it appears I didn't copy a handful of files over and there was a slight discrepancy between my local server and the live one. However this has now been resolved and it's all working correctly once more (I've done a load of live testing). I've also fixed a problem where the Google Authentication didn't always tell the Warscroll you were logged in - if you are logged in you should now always have "Save to Server", please shout if you don't. Frustratingly any lost warscrolls have gone the way of the dodo I've just tweaked the routine so that if something goes awry on the server it will no longer remove the local copy. On a positive @Bowlzee I did have a Blood Warriors warscroll I'd done which I've copied over to you.
  8. Nuts. I'll have to look at this in the morning if that's OK?
  9. Well there we go - at least the first part. The website should now allow you to sign in with Google and subsequently change the "Save to Local Storage" button to "Save to Server". Any local warscrolls will be available, but the first time you edit/save them they'll be moved over to the server storage instead. I'll likely investigate proper offline access at some point in the future (I want to for another project anyway) but this could be a little more challenging as I'll need to handle conflicts and such like. I've tried to keep the above bits simple as I've never played the Google API - please let me know if there are any problems!
  10. Sounding like save to database with an option to save PDF to drive may be the best option. The "file" I need to save is going to be a raw data file so not much use to share "as is" if that makes sense. This would allow you to directly share a PDF via drive. Saving to database would also make it a bit easier with sharing as you could share a link to a warscroll which you could then edit/amend without breaking the share.
  11. He's not released for a couple of weeks - first chance will be the AoS Open Day
  12. Think I've managed to crack the Google log in (though not uploaded any changes yet). Currently unsure if it's best to save Warscrolls to your Google Drive or to a local database... Any preference - only disadvantage of using Google Drive is that it'll be completely private to you, whereas a local database has a bit more versatility for sharing or similar.
  13. Lol, no worries. I only know as I needed to pick one up a while back
  14. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-170x105mm-Oval-Base Here you go It's the Imperial Knight sized base I believe. However I think the 160mm round is actually a better choice due to the overall size of the thing
  15. This was pretty much confirmed during the FW Open Day, there will be daemon primarchs designed outside of FW. Reading between the lines this means they'll be handled by the main studio (highly likely in plastic) which in turn means they'll have rules for 30k & 40k in the same way that the contents of the Calth boxed set does.
  16. Cool - I'll have a look into how to integrate Google login I'm always cautious about FB as I always feel it contains a lot of private information! Don't think I'll have much time this week though as I'm rehashing the mobile website for the company I work at (flipping working getting in the way of fun things). In theory it's entirely possible, would need some form of cleverness to work out page breaks (which I need to work out for the warscroll tool too). Deployment zone is actually easier than it seems as I've extracted out a plain "board" from somewhere so it's just a matter of overlaying the coloured zones in whatever configuration you fancy. Another thing I'd love to do is to combine the data from Scrollbuilder and the printable PDF GW have produced. Would mean that we can quickly spit out a nice looking army roster.
  17. Mispelled! never Quietly goes and corrects thanks
  18. Hi all Was just having a think about the best way to tackle Warscroll sharing. My original thought of a copy/paste link isn't going to work very well, with just some filler text the "optimised" link is around 1800 characters long So I'm thinking about alternatives. One option is a "free-for-all" that simply saves the Warscroll and gives you a link. All well and dandy but you'd have no way of ever editing it and it's always open to abuse... Another option would be to allow you to log in using Facebook or Google, and your Warscrolls are saved alongside your login. Not everybody has FB or Google though and some people (e.g. me) are quite apprehensive about signing in on an insecure website for what is in essence a novelty. I could hook registration into my blog - so you could sign up there but it means another account in a world where every website needs a different log in. Final option would be to enter your e-mail address and get sent the sharing & editing link (or something along these lines). This would actually be the easiest but would people be happy at doing this? Again there could be questions over data entry security. Thoughts? Happy to take suggestions too!
  19. Nice! Quite curious about the free mini - I actually hope we don't find out until it arrives through the door if I'm honest, there are times where I miss that "wow" moment from finding something out in a magazine for the first time.
  20. Here's how it's currently formatted. This hooks in with a fuzzy lookup routine which provides the autocomplete functionality { "ga": { "chaos": {"name": "Chaos"}, "death": {"name": "Death"}, "destr": {"name": "Descruction"}, "order": {"name": "Order"}, "scenery": {"name": "Scenery"} }, "matched": { "leader": {"name": "Leader"}, "behemoth": {"name": "Behemoth"}, "artillery": {"name": "Artillery"}, "batt": {"name": "Warscroll Battalion"} }, "allegiance": { "khorne": {"name": "Khorne", "ga": "chaos"}, "nurgle": {"name": "Nurgle", "ga": "chaos"}, "tzeentch": {"name": "Tzeentch", "ga": "chaos"}, "slaneesh": {"name": "Slaneesh", "ga": "chaos"}, "skaven": {"name": "Skaven", "ga": "chaos"}, "zharrgo": {"name": "Zharr Goroth", "ga": "chaos"}, "build": {"name": "Building", "ga": "scenery"} }, "faction": { "bloodbound": {"name": "Khorne Bloodbound", "allegiance": "khorne"}, "slaves": {"name": "Slaves to Darkness", "ga": "chaos"}, "rotbringer": {"name": "Rotbringer", "allegiance": "nurgle"}, "tamhorde": {"name": "Tamurkhan's Horde", "allegiance": "nurgle"}, "mastclan": {"name": "Masterclan", "allegiance": "skaven"}, "pestilens": {"name": "Pestilens", "allegiance": "nurgle"}, "verminus": {"name": "Verminus", "ga": "chaos"}, "eshin": {"name": "Eshin", "ga": "chaos"}, "skryre": {"name": "Skryre", "allegiance": "skaven"}, "moulder": {"name": "Moulder", "allegiance": "skaven"}, "legazg": {"name": "Legion of Azgorh", "allegiance": "zharrgo"} }, "unit": { "bloodletter": {"name": "Bloodletter", "allegiance": "khorne"}, "plaguebearer": {"name": "Plaguebearer", "allegiance": "nurgle"}, "horror": {"name": "Horror", "allegiance": "tzeentch"}, "flamer": {"name": "Flamer", "allegiance": "tzeentch"}, "daemonette": {"name": "Daemonette", "allegiance": "slaneesh"}, "dogre": {"name": "Dragon Ogre"}, "duardin": {"name": "Duardin"}, "ogor": {"name": "Ogor"}, "trog": {"name": "Troggoth"}, "gargant": {"name": "Gargant"}, "greyseer": {"name": "Grey Seer", "allegiance": "skaven"}, "skavwar": {"name": "Skaven Warlord", "allegiance": "skaven", "faction": "verminus"}, "warlocken": {"name": "Warlock Engineer", "faction": "verminus"}, "packmast": {"name": "Packmaster", "faction": "moulder", "tags": ["hero"]}, "plaguepriest": {"name": "Plague Priest", "faction": "pestilens", "allegiance": "skaven", "tags": ["priest","hero"]}, "skaass": {"name": "Skaven Assassin", "faction": "eshin", "allegiance": "skaven", "tags": ["hero"]}, "bahai": {"name": "Ba'hai", "allegiance": "leg"} }, "tags": { "hero": {"name": "Hero"}, "daemon": {"name": "Daemon"}, "monst": {"name": "Monster"}, "wiz": {"name": "Wizard"}, "human": {"name": "Human"}, "mortal": {"name": "Mortal"}, "celst": {"name": "Celestial"}, "totem": {"name": "Totem"}, "priest": {"name": "Priest"}, "mach": {"name": "War Machine"}, "crew": {"name": "Crew"}, "dragon": {"name": "Dragon"} } }
  21. And re-releasing too - gutted I missed getting one at the time
  22. They're in a bizarre JSON format currently, I'll post up what I've got so people can see how important tackling it I'm currently toying with the thought of pre-populating all of the Warscroll names with keywords but not sure if that would be useful or crossing the line on IP?
  23. Very quick update (managed to knock this out in my lunch). I've branded up the web application with 'unofficial' and a GW disclaimer as I realised I'd not done it (and don't want to get in trouble after all). I have also implemented the initial part of Keywords! This is currently quite limited and you can only select from my pre-defined list which is exclusively Chaos at the moment. I have added in some advanced pre-population however - for example if you select "Khorne Bloodbound" it will also add the Khorne and Chaos keywords I think I've managed to get everything worked out for Chaos but it'll need the other GA's added - of which I will likely need a bit of help. The new Generals Handbook keywords of "Leader" and "Behemoth" are there too. Have a play and let me know any issues. I know the display of the keywords on the Warscroll does need a little improvement
  24. I fully expect a reboxing of Leadbelchers in the future. I've still got a box in a cupboard and quite fancy doing an army next year once they get updated (Chaos this year).
  25. You'll have to pay for the full 20 if you're playing an "official" matched play battle. Of course you there's nothing stopping you and your opponent agreeing to split the points cost
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