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Everything posted by Malakree

  1. I used to run them as 30 but I think with the recent faq to their shield they will probably just be worse than more brutes or ggs. Especially given some of the other changes like golden toof, which now gives a 12" battleshock immunity aura, and the IP change. The big unit is just to many points for a tarpit with such a glaring weakness. Also I feel that msu brutes/ggs will be better for pulling a mega battalion which is now amazing for us.
  2. Question is if he can take the realm artefacts instead since they don't have an allegiance requirement. My personal opinion on the WAAAGH! Is that each mb will be able to use it once but the same type (2 cabbage for example) will stack for the extra attacks.
  3. Take the Prophet of the Waaagh! command trait to go with it. Roll 2d6 5 times on turn 3, any rolls that pull a 6 grant 2 attacks instead of 1. Odds on 2 dice that neither is a 6 is (5/6)^2 or ~69.4 that means that 30% (and change) of the Waaagh! will be 2 attacks not 1. So for 3 Waaagh! we are looking at an average of just under 4 extra attacks, add in the Big G and you are looking at an average of 6 extra attacks on turn 2. Not at all filthy.
  4. This errata makes me think that it's not happening. It looks like we are going to get the 3rd ed dark eldar treatment, gotta wait for AoS3 for our next battle-tome.
  5. Looks like you are correct. Good to know that the stormcast get the d3 damage for making a charge and we are still stuck with a hyper restrictive version of it. Not sure why they don't just squat Ironjawz and tell us which stormcast warscrolls our units now count as.
  6. Welp that renders the use of Ardboys to be 10man holding units only. Good to see that my point about the GG's damage increase technically lasting for the rest of the game made it into the errata ? I'm just glad I didn't start buying up more Ardboys as I think GG's are now going to be just better than them.
  7. No, but they did get better because they no longer stop you from having other characters with command abilities. This is entirely me being a hopeful grot but I think, given we have SC4 + NH battletomes there might be some new stuff for destro soon afterwards. I'm hoping it's IJ2, which would explain the extreme lack of IJ changes with the GHB, but I suspect it might be the long rumoured Moonclan. Will possibly know by the end of the week, here's hoping it's both!
  8. Where are the two extra Waaagh! coming from? Each hero can only use a command ability once per turn so you would need more than one.
  9. I think it will depend on the list and how many weirdnobs you want to include. If you think about it a budget of 150 for endless spells actually gives you quite a few Excluding The Purple Sun all of the others are 60 or under. Soulsnare Shackles are 20 points! It's a host of extra tools that we haven't had before which adds a ton of strategic and tactical depth. For example, at 40 points The Burning Head is a potentially vicious start to an already explosive turn. As a hilarious combo, take a Balewind Vortex and Umbral Spell Portal to cast Foot of Gork with a 24" range from the centre of your opponents army!
  10. @DerZauberer One of the things which I think will be super important is the endless spells. I know I've said it before but it really has to be reiterated. You are correct that the Cogs are MASSIVE for us but there are some others which are equally key, for example the prismatic palisade For 30 points this gives us a way to shut down enemy shooting against us and not just a small amount either. One of the biggest Ironjawz weaknesses is that we have HUGE bases on everything, this makes it almost impossible to hide behind smaller terrain. This completely counters that, it doesn't matter if that cannon can see 49% of your Maw Krusha, if the line from centre to centre goes through the palisade, which is huge, Then the cannon can't shoot it. It gives us the ability to shut down the shooting armies that hose us as we close in and if we place it properly can even start applying -1 to hit against enemy units on the turn we charge! Another example is the Emerald Life-swarm, which we can use the restore wounds to our units (MK Wounds table anyone) or even start bringing models back. How about a Malevolent Malestrom to really start dumping over spell heavy enemy armies (Finally a counter for tzeentch) A soul shackle snare might seem like it's really hoses down Ironjawz and hurts us more than it helps however this couldn't be further from the truth. All the snare does is half the movement characteristic of the unit, think about that. Oh noes my Brutes lost 2" off their movement characteristic, whatever shall I do. It does nothing to stop all the other movement abilities which we actually rely on for our mobility, Destruction move, Ironfist and Charges are all completely unaffected. On the other hand a more traditional army is losing a significant portion of their ability to move around the map. The Purple sun is scary, of that there's no doubt, despite that it's again not targeting us. A unit of Brutes would have 1 dice rolled for every 3 models in the unit, a unit of Vulkite berserkers on the other hand are looking at a 1:1 ratio. In fact, outside of Nurgle armies, I don't think there is any army who suffers less from the mortal wound aspect of the spell. Think some of those are starting to sound good? How about the Burning Head. At 40points with only d3 mortal wounds for any unit it moves across it seems...alright. That's right up till you read the wrathful aura part. You fire a Giant Flaming Skull into your enemies lines, then charge your army in behind it, suddenly your units are rerolling 1s to hit while they are wholly within 9" of it, something which really benefits an army that has small but powerful units as we can easily get two or three within that 9" Aura and at the same time deny it to our opponents just with careful positioning of it. Ever wondered what a Maw-Krusha hitting on 2+ rerolling 1s looks like? Well now you can find out. The Malign Sorceries, especially the new Balewind, finally gives us a way to properly utilise the weirdnob shaman and turn it's +2 to cast into a devastating battlefield effect.
  11. If you also grab a balewind for 40 points it gives 6" range on both and a second spell.
  12. He definitely fits into a mega battalion because they said he could on the podcast.
  13. So this brings up an interesting question regarding our Waaagh! since the unit we "use" them on is the Megaboss not the other units. This means we are once again in a grey area where RaW doesn't clearly define whether we can have multiple of the same Waaagh! type over multiple megabosses.
  14. Allegiance: IronjawzLeadersGordrakk The Fist of Gork (540)Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)Battleline3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)BattalionsBloodtoofs (120)Ironfist (180)Total: 1980 / 2000Wounds: 104 It's like the gordrakk fist with slightly less turn 1 reach but a waaagh! Extra and 2 mks getting both bonuses to boot. Not to mention you can use the third cp to reroll a crucial failed charge. Also requires only 17 models to run.
  15. I used it at UKExpo and that ruling was made there. It's how I always read it. It's to stop things which trigger on you having made a move action, so hidden paths then cunning but brutal etc.
  16. I think it's a fantastic idea which gives a great balance opportunity.
  17. Fyreslayers are a flexible warband, you will be balancing both offense and defence depending on the enemy and game state. Orruks are an aggressive warband, they need/want to fight the entire game. Imo the comparison for fyreslayers is actually farstriders with ironskullz being a worse Magors. Unlike ironskullz you are more flexible with who goes nuts compared while they just have gurzag and bone cutter.
  18. To be fair I find that all combat decks, and several others, are all packing the ploys to deal that +1 damage anyway. Plus theres also the self trigger of my turn off shardgale which is gross.
  19. Aye I switched to Farstriders as a better offensive deck slightly after the last two sets were released. That said my Ironskullz ran all of those things and I never regretted Shardgale. One of the best plays is to use it before your activation dealing a damage to everyone then attack then use Tainted Vitality in your activation, it functions very similar to shattering terrain in that way. It's also a solid activator for My Turn. Imo unconditional damage is one of the most important things any aggressive deck can pack.
  20. Just going to point out that I said shardgale and tainted vitality. One of the big problems I've had is that other than gurzag every member of the warband does terrible damage until inspired. Hakka and basha are functionally petitioners until they inspire, if you want to go full aggression they need to be pulling their weight.
  21. In this case, Rules as Written would support that interpretation. The only place on the card that requires you have an unspent glory point is when resolving the effect not when the card is played. For example if he rolls a dodge then the second half doesn't even trigger. Probably not Rules as Intended, I'd suggest you also email the Shadespire email, as it stands however I would see the RaW interpretation as the correct one. Ironically the only mandatory part of playing the card is the "Roll an attack dice" portion, so if he wants to play the card he MUST roll the dice whether you have the glory to steal or not....
  22. I really doubt that's the new warband. All of the fighters have had easily distinguishing features and those lack them.
  23. I mean the gw one. The other option is to send an email to the feedback email. There are two terms which apply here. "Rules as Written" (RaW) and "Rules as Intended" (RaI). What I'm discussing above is RaI since the RaW is so vague. It's why I say to get a ruling before the game or tournament, that way you know what interpretation will be used before it comes up.
  24. So just doing a quick check of and the card itself is completely vague. A basic thought experiment, if you are in one corner with an adjacent enemy fighter on one end of two short end boards and there is another enemy fighter who is in the exact same position on the other end of the board. If it measures the distance to every enemy fighter and you must be further away from each individual fighter then the ploy is unusable no matter how many hexes movement you get, as you physically could not get further away from the fighter in the opposite corner. Given the name of the card and it's artwork (the warden) it implies that it's there as a tool to move the Warden after he gets jumped by an enemy fighter by some method, say hidden paths. Thus the restriction is there to stop it being used aggressively, say shifting the harvester from adjacent to one enemy to adjacent with 4. In that case it wouldn't make sense for a fighter 15 hexes away to stop him from shifting away (escaping) from a fighter next to him. So RAI seems to be that if you start adjacent to any enemy you can't end adjacent to an enemy fighter, if an opponent played it against me that would be my personal reading of it. If you are playing in a friendly local setting I would just explain it to your opponent before the game and get an agreement one way or another. You might want to pack sidestep (if you aren't already) so that you can swap it if you can't. In a tournament setting contact your Tournament Operator and get a ruling before you submit your decklist. Again I'd suggest taking a replacement with you so that in the case of an unfavourable ruling you can just swap it. I'd suggest asking it on the Shadespire facebook, they will often forward it to rules team so that it makes it in the next FAQ and are fairly good at giving an answer, if a bit noncommittal Sorry I couldn't give you a better one.
  25. Ploywise you want things which let you make extra actions or reaction extra damage after attacks. Trap and ready for action are perfect examples. Shardgale is probably the best card in the game for you, combine with tainted vitality to get a free warband wide inspire. Inspiring your fighters makes them way more powerful, demonic weapon and inspiration strikes are both glorious. For upgrades you want survivability and damage. The key damage number is 4 as this lets you one hit almost any fighter in the game. Objective wise you're after a combination of easy to score early, to get the upgrades rolling, and big scores late, to give you the win. Swift advance and conquest exemplify this dichotomy. I don't know what sets you have so want to avoid giving an exact list but those principles will give you a working aggressive ironskullz deck.
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