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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. A normal save is going to come up a lot more than a Ward even with GW's fetish for giving things Mortals and the odds of rolling that 6+ are pretty low. Death aren't exactly dominating the meta despite all of their armies having it innately.
  2. There's so many ways to get Ward Saves flying around that I don't know why they didn't just give the entire army an innate 5+ Ward Save. Would've saved on ink.
  3. So Icon of Grimnir went from +1 to save rolls to a 6+ Ward Save. Meh. Bard of the Lodge isn't bad though. Be pretty awkward when the Flamekeeper claims the deceased's essence and then the Battlesmith immediately makes him get up.
  4. Magmadroths were £50 before the Start Collecting released at the same price. My guess is they'll stay at £60 or be a little higher. I think them being released separately definitely suggests we'll be getting a Vanguard box, since there's no reason to release it standalone otherwise.
  5. If there's a positive to the dice being so boring, you'll be able to pick them up cheap with how often they'll go on sale like the Daughters of Khaine dice.
  6. If you buy it 'separately' they just send you the Start Collecting(!) box.
  7. Ehhhhh... One of the major complaints of the fancy dice was that they were pretty much unusable, either because they rolled very poorly (Squig, Death Guard, etc) or were unreadable at a glance (old IDK dice, Sylvaneth, etc). These newer dice are definitely less interesting visually, but they're certainly clearer. £24 RRP is a lot to ask for such 'plain' designs though. I always found the WarmaHordes dice a nice in-between. Unique visually, but still pretty clear.
  8. Voice lines that were found in the files from Warhammer 3. Chaos Dwarfs were always almost certain, but it's nice to have low-key confirmation of it and the strong implication they'll be the first DLC race.
  9. Total War Warhammer 3, but since I know we're all hungry for scraps. EDIT: AIIIEEEE ninja'ed.
  10. 3D printing won't hurt GW. If anything it's far more likely to hurt their competition because people delving into non-GW games are already bucking the trend of stepping outside the GW ecosphere. Airbrushes are cheaper and more effective tools than forking out for rattle cans, but the vast majority of people still won't invest in an airbrush whether that's for the upfront cost (around £100), because they lack the space, or more likely just don't want to learn something new when they're happy walking into a shop and buying a box off the shelf - even if 3D printing would've gotten them six units for the price of that one official model. Hell, most people won't even use non-Citadel paints.
  11. Seems the Eldar pre-orders had the price rises baked in. £32.50 for the Codex. £55 for the Collector's Edition Codex (lol), £24 for the dice. £17 for the Datacards (lol).
  12. The Inquisitor will probably fly off the shelves, but I doubt you'll have too much issue getting the Shaman. If they do run-out, they take your details/payment and MTO it for you which usually takes a month or two to arrive.
  13. Magmadroth article. Runesons on Magmadroths are now Battleline for Lofnir.
  14. "Lofnir armies can take Auric Runesons on Magmadroths as Battleline units." Praise Grimnir.
  15. Tyranid swings usually aren't so rugged, although that might just be an 'age' thing. Jabberslythe has a similar design, but they're not 'broken' enough compared to the existing model. Vampire/FEC wings don't have the 'hook' end to them, they're usually straight and narrow. My money's on more StD or Daemons (the big 40k leaker said they're coming at some point) since Be'lakor isn't that off in terms of wing design.
  16. Eldar pre-orders next week. Nothing for AoS. Looks like Fyreslayers/IDK will be fresh off the price hike then.
  17. With 3 being the last game, I fully expect they'll milk as much from the cow as they possibly can. Considering Warmaster had models for Araby and GW seems far more open for OCDonutSteal content on CA's part, I would be very surprised if we don't see Araby added at some point - even if that's later on in the games life cycle. I don't think they're going to let a thing like "3's story campaign focuses on the north of the world" stop them when there's money to be made, particularly when it's no secret the vast majority of people play Mortal Empires anyway.
  18. Some interesting data from Goonhammer. Take it with a large grain of salt, since their readers obviously skew into the competitive. Off the top of my head though, nothing seems too out of place beyond the surprisingly low placement of Lumineth, given they seem very popular both casually and competitive in my experience. Sauce.
  19. With the resale value of AoS stuff - particularly Dominion contents - being so low, I'll probably skip this one and just pick up individual issues.
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