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Everything posted by Bluesummers

  1. What about the The Old World, maybe we see something about that on Saturday?
  2. A couple of things so i can return to the game after stop playing when 2nd edition released: -Dounle turn gone! Double turn is an interesting mechanic that doesn't work with most of the armies or requires strict list builidng. In order for the double turn to work armies must be designed around that rule and have viable unit choices that help defend against it. Thats not the case and it won't ever be so there will be cringe games forever. Also is so anti-player waiting for your opponent to play 2 consecutive turns doing almost nothing. It kills the fun and nobody will miss it, instead many players would come back into the hobby. -Free summnoning gone! When 2nd released they said that free summoning was implemented as an overall point increase in each army using it. Again this is not the case and ended be such a ridiculous experience. I guess they wanted to sell more models... -Design armies and miniatures with rules in mind and not the other way around, so all armies are well balanced and have plenty of choices. This info i got from an interview i have watched and if i remember correctly (correct me if i am wrong) they mentioned that first they deisgn the miniatures and then they try writing the rules for them. -Battalions gone! Poor choice of battalions for most armies intestifies unbalance and adds to the double turn problem. Let players roll for 1st turn maybe with a bonus for the player finishing deploy first. Also battalions lock you on what kind of units you can field. I guess here is another marketing choice with certain battalions forcing you to field a couple of uninteresting weak units that wouldn't sell otherwise... -Battletomes gone! Welcome to the modern age. Free rules online that can be updated on the fly. Also instead of point adjustments start fixing some useless or problematic warscrolls (you did it we KO and thunderers). Points don't solve useless rules becauses they can be reduced or increased up to a point. Free rules help new (and existing) players see can an army can do before buying. Keep books for lore, narrative and campaigns.
  3. I totally agree with you. Never played Fantasy but back in the day i think there wasn't this "posterboy" thing so you got diverse army boxes?
  4. As i mentioned above their tactic to "marinify" AoS failed as stormcasts aren't as popular as they wanted them to be, so now you got the occasional release box with a new chapter. Also i believe stormcasts are the reason behind not getting a proper human faction all these years... But enough with all this talk about SCs, fingers crossed for a 3.0 announcement 😋.
  5. Haven't played since the release of 2nd so i don't know, if thats the case then its good for the game. But i am talking more of the "posterboys" tactic which is hideous, they tried doing it in AoS but thank god it failed and the armies you play against are not 80% stormcasts (something like in 40K and marines which is the reason i never got into the sci-fi equivalent).
  6. Everyone mentions Whitefang, is this guy some insider of sorts? 😋 If we get more stormcasts this means that GW needs some serious competition on the wargaming area, so they can stop releasing more of the same thing (stormcasts/space marines) and diversify the release boxes. 😪
  7. Hey, thanks for the reply. Double turn staying sounds awful even with the "remove an objective" mechanic. It seems they keep band-aiding this problematic aspect of the game instead of completely removing it. The other changes you mention sound very promising since i find the majority of battalions being too restrictive on what you can field and most of them are useless anyways. Limitations on buff stacking are also necessary as a way to avoid broken combos. I don't know what charge reactions are but if they offer extra reaction moves for the non-active player, they are a welcome addition (although they may hurt charge armies i guess so we must be cautious).
  8. Hello guys, haven't played AoS since the release of 2.0 due to heavy unbalanced army rules (i was playing KO and BCR at the time). After i saw the warhammer fest announcement i recalled that this year was about a new AoS edition (if a pattern is to be followed from previous releases). Do we have any substantial info on what to expect from this new edition? Biggest for me is if the double turn is going away...
  9. As a player that started wargaming with AoS (2 months prior to GH release and stopped after 2.0 dropped) and never got a chance to play WFB i am pretty excited about this. Also to people saying this is 3+ years away, i believe its a marketing thing to get a census of people's opinions and reactions. It's hard to think that they would announce a product so far away, the hype would be dead till then. The product could be closer than the statement in the article claims to be. It's more realistic if we see beta rules in 2020 and a release date in 2021.
  10. I believe that fantasy is heavily based on reality, so the more a concept distances itself from the basic principles of our world the more it becomes estranged. Personally i prefer the tone and fantasy level of the the Old World. As far as AoS goes some armies are nice (looking at you KO) but in general it feels bundled with cheap ideas (SCE). Also the implementation of Endless Spells and some army specific sceneries were a step backwards for me since they interfere with my immersion, not to mention the extra balance variable.
  11. I have preordered the game because it looks cool but after reading the rules i got to admit that it looks bad on paper. One roll attacks, no save, no abilities or special rules on fighters, in general lackluster stats. That means differentiation will be harder to achieve between and within the warbands.
  12. The thing with the double turn mechanic is that it works with certain armies and compositions, favoring lists which got chaff/screen units to spare against it and/or fewer drops so they can aim for that double play onslaught. From my experience most armies don't do well against double turns and for that mechanic to exist they must start writing army rules and warscrolls around that.
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