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Everything posted by 5kaven5lave

  1. Someone needs to make this happen: Allegiance: SkaventideLeadersLord Skreech Verminking (300)- GeneralVerminlord Corruptor (260)Verminlord Deceiver (300)Verminlord Warbringer (260)Verminlord Warpseer (260)Battleline40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Spear40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Spear40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty SpearTotal: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 180
  2. Sweet work. It looks such a PITA to paint though, props to you man. Love the green.
  3. Thanks for having a think for me. So I was hoping to use the Palisade as anti-deepstrike and to protect my Seer a bit by blocking off a possible direction of shooting attack and also pile-in as he’ll never be bothered by -1 to hit on himself. I’m trying to castle him in basically. With a gnawhole providing cover and maybe Acolytes giving LOS! as well as the +1 save from Balewind and the 5+ extra save I’m hoping to keep him slinging spells for as long as possible. The cannons... I’ve been putting them fairly centrally so stuff has to come through the killing zone to tag them facing a shooting phase first. With 3 whatever’s trying anything is usually dead by the time it makes that. So I’m other words I don’t really have a plan for that other than hope I roll well!! Edit: I do have 10 points spare, could bring Geminids instead of Palisade and give my opponent reason to think twice about turn order?
  4. Made some tweaks to my list after playing a few games. Allegiance: SkaventideLeadersGrey Seer (120)- General- Trait: Master of Magic - Artefact: Suspicious Stone - Lore of Ruin: SkitterleapArch-Warlock (160)- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!Warlock Bombardier (100)- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: Warp Lightning ShieldBattleline3 x Stormfiends (260)3 x Stormfiends (260)3 x Stormfiends (260)10 x Skryre Acolytes (120)War MachinesWarp Lightning Cannon (180)Warp Lightning Cannon (180)Warp Lightning Cannon (180)Endless SpellsBalewind Vortex (40)Prismatic Palisade (30)Warp Lightning Vortex (100)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 98 Enjoyed the Doomwheel but I really need models on the board for objectives so 10 Acolytes plus defensive endless spell is in instead. Brought in Skitterleap for the Seer in case he needs to do a runner. Was maybe thinking about 6 melee Stormfiends escorted by the Arch-Warlock with more-more as a beatdown squad? Any thoughts appreciated.
  5. More base size questions... My Skryre Acolytes have arrived with 32mm slottas, that’s an error right? It says 25mm on the base size FAQ. Shall I wait until the 2 week Battletome FAQ just to be sure?
  6. Sad as it’s a decent Batallion but them’s the rules.
  7. Totally true, it’s also definitely an advantage to make your opponent have to do something they don’t want to, or make a difficult choice, even if it results in them deploying just half an inch out of their desired location.
  8. It varies but it’s between 5 and 5 and a half inches for the rocky base.
  9. What’s the verdict on MSU Acolytes? Can a mini blob of 5 achieve anything (even as a distraction)?
  10. Thanks for the response, maybe my question wasn’t clear, I now have 2 units that include a Grinderfist and I was wondering whether to build a Ratling Cannon instead on the 3rd unit.
  11. Any thoughts on this as a mixed Skaventide? Grey Seer Arch Warlock Verminlord Corruptor with Sword of Judgement Clawlord / Bombardier 40 Clanrats 2x20 Clanrats 40 Plague Monks 3x WLC Warp Lightning Vortex, Balewind Big hero phase, lots of bodies and some mortal wounds thrown in for good measure. Maybe not enough hammer for my anvils?
  12. Just building my third set of Stormfiends. I already have 2 units with Grinderfists, should I put the Ratling Cannons on my third unit as it’s unlikely I’ll deepstrike all 3?
  13. Having a rematch today. Failed a charge then had to watch my Grey Seer get munched whole off the Balewind by a Stardrake. I was actually doing much better up to that point as well!!
  14. So played my game vs. Stormcast today, Focal Points in Ulgu. We called it at the end of round 4, 19-10. I stormed into a early lead but couldn’t sustain it due to lack of bodies (played pure Skryre so no Clanrats). I’ll condense it down to a few +s and -s. + Grey Seer on Balewind with the Warp Lightning Vortex is seriously dangerous. That spell did so many MWs. My magic phases with an Arch-Warlock and Bombardier were dominant. + 3x WLCs were racking up the MWs. I made the mistake of trying to pile it all into a Stardrake with the 4+ MW save and he ended up soaking up at least 40 in total before he died due to amazing dice. I should’ve focussed on smaller units to whittle down bodies which would’ve helped me take objectives. - I overcharged too much. Some are safe, like the Warlock ones where you can use a shard to reroll, or the Doomwheel one but I needed to not get carried away by all the beers I had and keep it sensible until I’m at death’s door. - Stormfiends. My dice were awful (both me and my opponent agreed) but they did horribly. I feel the new Warpfire Projectors are great anti-horde but vs. elite they really struggle. That 4+ to hit is a real obstacle, or at least it was for me today. So I feel I’ll do a lot better as I get used to it a lot better and I settle into the book, but Skryre without Clanrats is gonna be a tough sell.
  15. Bombardier inflicted 11MW on himself after he rolled 1 to hit on his first shooting phase...
  16. The dice are really nice. Weighty and clear, definitely not like the Death Guard ones. Glad I bought 2 packs.
  17. Thanks for the updates and batrep @Kirjava13 I’m going up against Stormcast today as well with my magic, fiends and cannon list which I posted a few pages back. Actually I’ll just post it again: Grey Seer as General -Master of Magic- *Suspicious Stone* .Warpgale. Arch Warlock .More-More-More Warp Power!. Warlock Bombardier .Chain Lightning. 3x3 Stormfiends 3 WLC Doomwheel Balewind for Seer to cast Warp Lightning Vortex at 32”. Basically gonna present a WLC gunline and slow enemies to a crawl while doing MW shenanigans. I’ll let you all know how I get on.
  18. I’m avoiding the batallions, partly because I don’t have enough of the right models / load outs to take advantage but mainly because it’s scandalously expensive. When you look at what you get for how much you pay it’s far too much. Having the one drop is a bonus (I think we’ll want to shoot first a lot of the time) but still, all those points for one artefact and a couple of half-decent abilities just doesn’t add up.
  19. I think we need to be realistic here, there’s very little chance they’ll faq such a massive rule that defines the army. It’s not a misprint and there’s no way they didn’t understand the implications of such specific wording. I think the rule is obtuse but it must be the result of playtesting and there’s something they want to avoid. Probably Skryre with Clanrats I guess.
  20. Great work. Is there good artwork? Don’t suppose you’ve read any of the fluff yet?
  21. I see your logic, but one is a new model in a £95 box set and one is a fugly old metal cast that goes for about a tenner... /removes cynicism hat
  22. I’m playing low model count Skryre because, well, they’re amazing, which will give me time to paint up Clanrats if I end up wanting them.
  23. Is that what is says on the page? Can’t see on my phone screen but I’ve listened to twice and he definitely says 100. Not listened to Facehammer again but pretty sure they also said 100.
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