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Everything posted by Kirjava13

  1. Proof-proof. Only non Contrasts used are Vallejo Black Metal for weapons and armour, Warplock Bronze for a few details like the bell, Agrax Earthshade for the metals and Martian Ironwhatsit for the base.
  2. Contrast paints have helped me up out of a dark hole by making things very simple, and thus ensuring that I can make the minimum possible effort to paint. Without them, I might not have found the energy or will to paint again, and then there is a very real chance that the hobby and whatever joy it brings me would have gone away, at the very least for a while. So... thanks, Contrast. You make hordes of Clanrats easier, and you've helped me find some happiness in my hobby again.
  3. They just jacked the price of Clanrats up when they reboxed them, are they seriously doing it again?!?
  4. Pretty sure a range-wide price hike means GW won't be getting any more of my money. Stormfiends are already expensive enough as it is.
  5. How the miniature designers have to this point missed the enormous open goal that is naked dwarves riding baby magmadroths remains a mystery.
  6. That just means it was a disappointment. @RexHavoc didn't say who to, and presumably meant himself or people he knows.
  7. That is... the most unexpected sideways pivot into a 1984 reference I think I've ever seen.
  8. I have a lot "on the go", at least, when I'm not too depressed to hobby. So chalk one up for Skaven, Nighthaunt, Idoneth, Daughters and Seraphon.
  9. ...at least they put him on a round base for the picture...?
  10. Go and read the Warhammer Community blog, it has most of the pertinent information there.
  11. We can't specialise our Stormfriends now, so the best we can do is try. My rule of thumb is that a melee unit should have: Grinderfists, Warpfire Projector, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlets. A shooting unit should have Ratling Guns, Windlaunchers, Doomflayer/Shock Gauntlets. Put Vigourdust and More-More-More Warp Power on a big unit of six "shooty" Stormfiends and watch your enemies die-die.
  12. The cat's helmet-tiara-thing looks very reminiscent of DoK Melusai headgear, so I'm leaning that way.
  13. They mentioned it in the Warhammer Potting Shed video or whatever. Props to them for being straight up about it.
  14. So... no actual Age of Sigmar models? Just a book and stuff for two skirmish games? Yay, that was worth waiting for.
  15. So I gave him first turn, he moved forwards, I plopped down the WLV and that was the game basically. Between that and Stormfiend shooting, he lost his entire army and I took one wound on a Stormfiend from vigourdust. Dude got so salty about WLV that I said sure, I'll just being a Warlock Bombardier instead, and so we reracked and played a second game, which went about as I expected. I lost everything except the Bombardier and a Stormfiend, he lost his Witch elves and Sisters of Slaughter, with an untouched Cauldron, Medusa and five Khinerai by the end. I never enjoy one-sided games but being made to feel guilty for bringing a strong (arguably overpowered) choice against DAUGHTERS OF KHAINE, no less, really spoiled it for me. Sorry, I won't bring the 100 point thing that can be denied, can hurt my own guys and is largely ineffective if you don't bunch up. You carry on with your army-wide FNP and rerolls for everything, it's cool.
  16. Ok, going with the Arch-Warlock, 2x3 Stormfiends, 20 Acolytes and the WLC. I'm 20 points over but my opponent doesn't care. Plan is to focus the characters down and use the vortex and the warpfire projectors to take out the inevitable blob of witches. If he goes snake-heavy, I have plenty of mortal wounds to take his expensive two-wound models off the table. Trying to mentally prepare for the dice going all 1s...
  17. 1k against Daughters of Khaine later today. Not optimistic. I'm thinking ranged Stormfiends to try and vigourdust/MMMWP the witches to death at range, cc Stormfiends to warpfire thrower them to death and then some spells to plink off the characters. But if he goes Khailebron my shooting will be neutered by the -1 to hit... uncertain. I wonder if the vortex is worth it in such a limited points environment? Also is it me or this forum about as reliable as a Skaven friendship? I feel like 3/10 times I try to get on, it's down.
  18. Three more Stormfiends to add to the host... only two more to go (for the moment), then I try my hand at painting for the first time in months 😐
  19. Well, my hobby vibe is basically dead but in the spirit of 'fake it til you make it' I put some Clanrats together for a 1500 point game against a friend who wanted to test out his new Kharadron. I had Skurillious Maus (Arch-Warlock), a Bombardier, a Clawlord, 2x40 Clanrats, 2x3 Stormfiends and a cannon. Floating menacingly on the other side of the table were Brokk McMoustachecannon, an Ironclad (or the base of an Ironclad, as the model was still being painted and assembled), a Gunhauler, 2x10 Arkanauts, a Khemist, an Endrinrigger and 5 Thunderers. In another game where I successfully lost every single priority roll (I'm not sure I've ever won one in all my games of AoS), many Clanrats heroically gave their lives in the name of holding up Mr. Tophat for a single turn. He took first turn, which he almost instantly began to regret, and almost killed the cannon. Skurillious ate some warpstone and got a bad tummy. The Bombardier, reasoning that the cannon was near its end anyway, overcharged it for its return shot at the Ironclad, and I promptly rolled a 6 for the shot strength, ensuring a measly two mortal wounds. The first unit of Clanrats charged Brokk and he started to cut through them with merry abandon. In his second turn, he shot all the Clanrats attacking Brokk to death and finished off the cannon, securing his objective (middle board segment) in the process (we were playing Gift From The Heavens). As Rat Force Five responded, my objective plopped down on my right flank, conveniently next to the Gunhauler. My wizards left a cloud of ash where Brokk had been. Skurillious shrugged and shook some spicy vigourdust over the Stormfiends with windlauncher and Ratling Guns, then overcharged them with more-more-more warp power. The resultant barrage left the Ironclad on a single wound, before the unit charged the Gunhauler and knocked it out of the sky. Rats of the match! The rest of the beardy gits turtled up, trying to back off and keep their own objective with the Endrinrigger desperately trying to keep the Ironclad in the fight. Arkanauts and Thunderers together managed to bring down a Stormfiend from my second unit which had emerged from the tunnels to try and engage the Kharadron infantry, but it wasn't enough, and the second unit of Clanrats (which had been sprinting from the other side of the battlefield the last two turns) and the Stormfiends wiped out the Arkanauts holding the objective. With some lucky shooting it could have evened out in the fourth turn, but it was late and I had to go so we called it a Skaven win and left it at that. It was a bit of an ice bath for my mate to go from Daughters of Khaine to Kharadron Overlords. For my part, the Arch-Warlock remains brilliant, I am fully converted to vigourdusted/MMMWP'd shooty Stormfiends, I really have to try and utilise the gnawholes more and the WLC is increasingly more worthwhile for its psychological benefits than any damage it does. Having blown up a Stardrake twice, people are now deathly afraid of it, and focus it when they really ought not to. I built a proper windlauncher fiend when I got home, but... meh. I'll carry on but all my hobby joy has been sucked out of me.
  20. That Fyreslayer wall endless spell is literally just the Prismatic Palisade with some runes on top.
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