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Everything posted by Sutek

  1. I've used him a couple of times, the best thing is the 3D6 charge but I've found he isn't that killy when he gets there. I used him alongside Radukar the Beast so he got the extra attack when they both charged. Unfortunately you can't deepstrike him in LoN because he has the Vyrkos keyword so can't gain the LoN one. Would have been a good use for him, I used to use Morghast Harbingers as ambushers in the Legions of Nagash days.
  2. It's particularly annoying when someone does exactly 16 wounds to him, as happened to me recently.
  3. I understand they'll stop being prime hunters when the new book comes out.
  4. Well done on the placing. I've written a similar list I'm planning to try during March and maybe taking to a tournament. The main difference in my list is I've got a block of six Vargheists instead of the skeletons and bats for even more starting off the board shenanigans.
  5. I tried Nagash out for the first time last night against Bonesplitters. I lost heavily but was impressed with my Spirit Hosts ability to hold out against over half his army with support from the Cruciator. Unfortunately I got double turned so couldn't make use of the healing. I also lost Nagash turn 3 because I got over excited and decided to charge Kragnos.
  6. I'm painting mine up at the moment to go with my Nighthaunt. I'll be trying the list out in a few weeks time and plan to take it to a tournament next month.
  7. I love Decripfy. Particularly when you play it on a big character like a Mawcrusha. Overwhelming dread is good but can be countered by all out attack. There's little that buffs wound rolls.
  8. Can Nagash's new command ability stack with the Cruciator's empowering excrutiation ability to give a unit a 4+ ward save?
  9. I've just updated the app and Frightful Touch is back on the new Warscroll. I assume it was an error that omitted it from the version on the downloadable update.
  10. I'll be interested to hear how the crawlers do as I've stopped using mine due to it having no rend in the era of save stacking. I'm also gaming this weekend. Taking my Bonereapers to an event in Wales.
  11. I always run Deathriders in fives so swords all the way.
  12. If I'm playing my Vyrkos list I will always have two units of dogs available to me. One to bubble wrap Belladamma, one for Radukar to summon. They are not there to kill anything, but their speed comes in handy for objective play.
  13. I bought mine from Element a few weeks ago
  14. I bought it. I may never build the Black Knights but as it's £60 and 20 Grave Guard bought separately are £55 I'm basically getting them and the Wight King for £5.
  15. Nagash is five points cheaper. That is the only points change.
  16. Didn't spot that thanks. They probably work better in Vykros anyway but to be honest Radukar's court is not something I'm going to be looking at seriously going forward. For a start I'd prefer to run Radukar the Beast in Vykros and you can't have both Radukars.
  17. Using that argument only Mannfredd would be able to ambush because his is the only warscroll with the Legion of Knight keyword. Surely they gain the keyword by being included in the list. Page 72.
  18. I ran it as Legion of Night. The Varskyr and Bloodborn make good ambushers. The Nightguard hang around with Radukar and will get 4 attacks each with his command ability if they both charge. The rest of the list was 20 Zombies, 40 Zombies, 30 Skeletons, Prince Vorhdrai and a Vamp Lord.
  19. The Stalliarch Lords CA can only be used on mounted troops so it's only a few of the units. If they removed the mounted requirement then this would be a big boost.
  20. I'd stick with your original list. Two big flappys will be fun.
  21. Keep the regent. He's worth it for his summoning and his spell. Also you can get another six flayers from the summoning of the two GKOTGs,
  22. I was thinking yesterday that the rules for this guy would have to be amazing to have much of an affect on the competitiveness of Nighthaunt as a whole. A summoning mechanic may be just that. Really like the model on it's own though.
  23. go with the army in the picture. It looks great. Only go with the Arkhan list if you reckon you'll be up against a lot of lists with strong magic.
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