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Everything posted by Arkiham

  1. it says in the same manner, that doesnt mean the same amount. at least to me.
  2. Wow, it got salty real fast about dark elves
  3. Not really, a sentence saying "Shields: non mounted units equipped with a shield use it to try and block ranged attacks, add +1 to the units save against shooting if not in melee combat" Would be enough
  4. Add a passive save bonus for units with Shields against shooting. It's completely illogical to suggest they wouldn't try defend themselves with their Shields A stormcast or chaos warrior with a shield almost as big as they are, who are most definitely strong enough to lift it a over their heads have the same armour save against shooting as their mates running about with two swords in their hands. What the hell?
  5. Rules priority. Many warscrolls and battalions allow stuff to be used in narrative and open play which aren't usable in matched play due to the restrictive rules. this is a waste of rules often making models unviable in matched play due to it. These aren't too common to come by but it's noticeable, a few examples (there was more but ive forgotten them ) , Lord kroak, zombies, Fatesworn Warband. Allowing some units to "break" the rules isn't going to break the game, the advantages they'll gain aren't too major due to other restrictions placed upon the lists. For instance, the fatesworn warband, ok it's potentially a lot of spells, but heroes are limited to 6, are more expensive than units and outside of those spells have limited viability, "d3 mortal wounds? ok only 37 wounds left in the unit and it's my charge" Zombies merging, is this really an issue? Kroak may be an issue but then increase his point cost to counter it.
  6. Those spikes are awfully spiky. What ever that is, it's not a good guy.
  7. Apparently all the magnus parts are on a separate sprue smaller than the rest, so there's a good chance they'll be using the magus kit as part of the new lord of change kit. In reverse order to Skarbrand
  8. There is nothing stopping them from changing the rules to units. it's 2016 and digital, not 1996 and book release only.
  9. It's missing the great axe option, and that great big longsword looks like a special weapon option, So I'd expect another sprue to be released with the AoS version, and the rules to be changed. Edit : I see two great axes. So I suspect it'll be a unit of 10 with the leader with the great sword, 2 great axes and then generic weapons for the rest, either way it looks like the rules will be altered if they want to use that great sword.
  10. it probably could be done, but the amount of time youd spend doing it, you may as well do a few hours over time an just buy another box.
  11. Reintroduce lores of Magic, add new spells. Rules for rivers Change the key wording on some of the chaos monsters, the slaughterbrute is so obviously khorne based and vortex beast tzeentch, they might see use again, same with warhounds, dragon ogres etc, Splitting them up made them unviable and thus unusable
  12. Hmm, could we use this one as a good proposal thread? so keep it locked and add collated ideas or something , as there is two threads about this and I can see both become a real mess or ideas, counter ideas, complaints, general chit chat etc. Remove the suggestions which have been altered or something already via the faq etc. Basically. keep this one as nice as possible so people can see ideas being put forward, and discuss it and etc on the other one. Just an idea
  13. It came out during the end times, I think it was the glottkin issue. It was a centre page thing which was separate so you can remove it without ruining the mag, disrupting the pages etc. Edit: found it.
  14. Handy guide for painters I thought, came in the white dwarf a while back, but not always accessible if you don't have it on you. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/CitadelPaintingSystem.pdf This is a link to a basic guide on how to use the differing types of paint. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-Paint-Guide
  15. Sorry if that came across very negative, I didn't intend it so, I do really enjoy games workshop and love the new direction they're going, but I'd prefer actual leaks, not snippets purposefully getting peoples hopes up. But my example still stands for me at least, there's only so long waving a treat in front of something holds it attention. I prefer to Base my excitement on actual leaks, where you can see things clearly and know what it is. That picture they shared could be a dwarf steam tank for blood bowl for all we know, could be another stormcast ( excuse my lack of excitement ). I don't want to poop on anyone's fun, but I feel like my opinion should still be voiced for those who wouldn't say it, but feel it also.
  16. It's like a child teasing a dog before it either eats or gives the food. I'd rather have the whole thing, than make me wait knowing something is coming and ending up dissapointed when it's not the thing I wanted. They literally mocked the rumours in the last video, mocked the people waiting for sisters of battle, and now do this with dwarf golumns which have been rumored for years.
  17. They're having a right laugh as us currently. All a joke to them.
  18. I feel what it does prove is that people are desperate for information of releases. Relying upon the old tactic of "people won't spend their money on stuff if they know what's coming " doesn't really hold weight anymore. Look at the video games industry, look how it's evolved, we are told about games while they're in alpha production stages to build up hype and demand for them, given progress releases. We're given bonuses for preordering not nessarily discounts but bonuses, you can buy special packs and get stuff other people don't for slightly more. We understand that time frames aren't always achievable, those loud mouth whiners who moan about delays are more than likely to be the same ones moaning about the lack of new content. Other companies, (major ones included ) also do kick starters and give bonuses for that, I'd happily pay extra money to get cool stuff no one else does, " donate £100 and get x models and gain entrance to play with the army before general release at warhammer world" "Donate £1000 and have the entire army (used in the white dwarf magazine ) professionally painted by our army builder team " for instance. Games workshop are definitely going the right way lately but there is SO much potential they're missing out upon, and it's pretty much all profitable and benefits both the company and its customers
  19. More inclined to belive this guy than anything from BoLS
  20. should release deals for battalions warscroll x needs units 1,2,3,4,5, hero blah blah, buy it all for this price of £$ % lower than individually. make it some sort of bulk buyers discount, doesnt come in a unique box, just a deal offer. They should also consider looking into doing that random miniatures box thing, where you pay a sub and get a model, paints an brush delivered every month. slightly cheaper than buying individually, but again it opens up more of gw to people who previously wouldn't risk exploring. with different price bands allowing more models or bigger models
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