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Aaron Schmidt

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Everything posted by Aaron Schmidt

  1. I'm uncertain about the seekers (although I love them in concept). I think they are too expensive to be chaff (Furies are better), they don't hit super hard, maybe they can threaten light-weight characters? Its a shame they can't run and charge (unless I'm missing something). I'd not be surprised if they become a little different in the hypothetical future book. The Hellstriders seem fantastic simply for their -1 banner. They mechanics of how it works, and on a unit with oval bases, makes covering models with its naughty effects pretty easy with a bit of smart positioning. That shouldn't be hard with all that movement. I can see CPs used for the 'At the Double' command ability being very worth it in a Slannesh army.
  2. Cool. Yeah, my #1 army is Nurgle, which can be pretty resilient. Slannesh seems more fragile for sure... except for all the sweet -1 to hit you can get through different ways. That seems to give them some staying power? I ordered several boxes of Daemonettes and a pair of Getting Started boxes. Not sure what I am going to make with all that, but it should be entertaining. What are your feelings about the different chariot permutations? The Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot seems solid for the potential summoning points it could generate. Are there ways to heal them? Emerald Life-swarm following it around?
  3. Cool. Thanks for the clarification! Good to know. Getting interested in Slannesh, so I wanted to see how the stuff worked.
  4. Newbie question... when a unit benefits from the KoS’s command ability, ‘Excess of Violence’, do they attack and pile in twice once the unit is chosen for combat, or do you choose the unit twice during the combat phase?
  5. Its a good sign that its hard to choose between the rustfang and the witherstave.
  6. A1: Witherstave is worth keeping a character in there with it. Chaos Sorcerer Lord? Harbinger is pretty cool, but other options are cool as well. A2: Palisade + CP I think would be best.
  7. It certainly looks fun. I like Sumptuous Pestilence on the Verminlord a lot, his mobility and base size really give that spell some punch. The Chaos Warriors have a tax feel, but I get why you went with them. I've been liking Plaguebearers in small units to act as chaff. In the right build it isn't hard to get them where you want them. Summoning seems very legit with this list. The additional Contagion points can go pretty far.
  8. <8 wounds sounds like a 40k thing. I think the only limitation to Look out sir is 'Monsters' keyword.
  9. Witch's Brew/Catechism of Murder/Mind-Razor is a magnificent combo, but the best part is that with Blood Sisters you kind of only need 2 of the 3 to trigger to still be amazing.
  10. I had better than average luck with the Plaguedrones at Midwest Meltdown. I still find getting a decent amount of members of a 6 demon unit into combat difficult. I've been thinking about running a sort of MSU build with them. I have enough to do 4x 6 Plaguedrones which could be cool. I've been in good shape to have extra CPs in most games, so giving two or more units Grandfather's Joy is feasible when needed. It kind of insulates them from getting wiped out by a good charge by enemy units too. The most I should lose is 3. Has anyone tried a build with multiple 3 packs of Drones? What were your experiences like?
  11. Yeah, that was kind of the combo I was thinking with the Hags / Sisters. I've not gotten to the table with any of this yet.
  12. Holding objectives? Not sure. Those SCE bolt throwers could provide great support for attacking units holding objectives however.
  13. I'm pretty happy about the change. While there are times I'd love my drones to have +5 attacks, it just isn't a good game experience. Eventually you are taking something similar to the face... no fun. I'm thrilled that the GUO can still use it's command ability several times a turn. Giving 2 or 3 demon units +1A each is appealing in certain circumstances.
  14. What do you bet this gets attention in the FAQ eventually? Skaven Plague Furnace/Screaming Bell is the another one like this.
  15. My take away from the weekend's event for my list is that I am too dependent on magic. I ran into several opponents who had very solid magic defense. My dice also betrayed me a little. I think I got Blades of Putrefaction off about 5 times in 5 games. Foul Regen was another one that was tough to make happen. I think that I will keep investing in magic, but I'll have to count on it less for making hammers happen. If there is Arcane ruins around things tend to work a little better, but that is a long shot.
  16. I love it so much. I took it on the GUO at Midwest Meltdown this weekend. I wrapped him in 30 Plaguebearers, which also had the LoB's command ability on them. -2 hit in combat, re-rolling 6s was huge.
  17. I ordered a Corruptor... on Friday the 13th.... on the 7th month.
  18. I've been sussing out the Corruptor... very cool. I may have to pair some Skaven with my Demons!
  19. I could see the gnarlmaw, dial, GUO's bell, and maybe even cogs allowing you to really get those plaguemonks across the board.
  20. I like this. I've been wanting to explore a Nurgle/Pestilens list. The buffs the dial can provide are nice. Would Pestilens wizards be able to use Foul Regen to move the wheel?
  21. I played an interesting game last night. You all wanna see a battle report?
  22. On a more narrative side of things, I was listening to 'Plague Garden' last night while painting. There is a bit in there about an elite guard of Nurgles which is unit of armored GUOs. It was an interesting visual and made me think of Thricefold Befoulment. It would be interesting to run for sure. I'd probably do it with combat GUOs, one having the bell. There are some matched play scenarios that it would have trouble in, others it could dominate.
  23. I dig this list a lot. Its similar to some things I've been experimenting with. Are you worried that Glottkin having blades (instead of Festus) is a lot of eggs in one basket? I suppose you may want both those spells in play in the same turn. Knights + CLoDM with Carrion Dirge sounds epic. I'm building models for a similar combo now.
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