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Everything posted by Elmir

  1. That's all correct. The heads come from a bits maker from Europe: https://www.beastsofwar.com/news/puppets-war-start-sucking-blood-vampire-heads/ Sadly, those are no longer available it seems, but they do have 2 new vampire heads sets if you look around on the puppetswar website.
  2. Olynder done! Didn't care for the original white colour scheme that GW did (feels more festive than grieving), so I opted for a darker, black-ish palette:
  3. I do want an iteration of Tomb Kings or even Brets back... Mostly the monsters/constructs for tomb kings though or a clearly knightly army that might rival the nobility of the Flesh-eater courts... But not before the scattered remains of some other armies (like ogors and many of the greenskins) have been fixed. GW adding new factions is cool, but there's still a lot of "mess" to clean up after AoS' rocky start.
  4. There's just one thing that worried me about the Twitch stream yesterday with Ben Johnson. He didn't want to disclose to much, but at some point, he did mention that the hedonites book is limited to the warscrolls that are in said book (a bit like Legions of Nagash is limited to the 33 warscrolls in their book). That being said, they did expand that list (for LoN) through a FAQ with more warscrolls after the nighthaunt release drops. Perhaps something similar can happen here.
  5. Slaanesh is the smallest mono-chaos God book, that's for sure. The mortals not being there feel like a missed opportunity, but this release does tie you over for a couple of years I suppose. I was a bit let down that the FEC only got a single hero, spells and terrain. but then I remembered how much work I still have with all my nighthaunt, Legions of Nagash and shadespite... And warcry is going to be added to the mix. So, my initial sadness of "not that many releases" oddly made way for being happy that the FEC feel quite "complete" for a change. After a bit of that sinking in, I was actually quite pleased. I'm just not sure how well the hedonite rules will interact with slaves to darkness (who will surely be getting an update soon). Jess (on Stormcast) essentially said the focus would shift back a bit to chaos after all this death stuff.
  6. That Subvert spell can really mess up a LoN player's plans if it goes off. Also, fear not! I've found some amazing Slaanesh dice online:
  7. ^This I'm really not looking forward to a 40k like situation where 20% of all codexes are just a variation of marines in a different colour and 2-3 unique units. AoS actually has a more healthy mix of armies and I hope they don't ****** that up like they did for 40k. Big burly dudes in heavy armor can exist for every grand alliance essentially, but not if they leave factions like Ironjawz lingering (compared to stormcast at least).
  8. Five extra hexwraiths finished off this deathriders battalion really nicely!
  9. I'm not panicking about any subfactions not being there from the start... These are the bands who will be there day 1. Nothing stops them from adding in anything at a later date. Maybe LoN isn't there day 1... I could see that happen, as they are massively hero focused and killteam also launched without any proper HQ heroes. Sounds like an expansion waiting to happen with LoN if they do that.
  10. Getting your hopes up beyond this, would be silly. I don't think any existing ranges will have new models released, so only new chaos models and terrain for now is my guess.
  11. Shadespire warband added to the undead horde!
  12. Work has picked up again! And Magore's fiends have started as well:
  13. So this is necromunda, but instead of imperial gangs only, they've opted for chaos gangs only. I'm not sure I have any interest in the game itself, but the scenery might make it worthwhile to pick up, it'll be dependent on the retail price.
  14. So the endless spells are completely finished! I also set the white balance a bit better. The previous pictures balanced it very much towards the red end of the spectrum. These pictures with slightly lower lighting is more like they appear irl rather than bright lightbox: Also, the Archregent's base (and minor blood effects) are also finished:
  15. It was a super quick and easy paintjob... Everything was just painted in bone, drybrushed and highlighted, shaded with army painter dark tone and then the skintone was done with tamiya clear red. The whole thing was super easy to do. *edit* the nighthaunt were not a rushed job though... It's the subfaction that I'm really taking my time with and putting in a bit more effort compared to the rest.
  16. More finished stuff. Finally gathered the courage to start on yet another horde unit...
  17. Better pictures of some of the recent additions and some brand spanking new ones:
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