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Everything posted by TheOtherJosh

  1. Woo hoo! Not the first! Goals: - Build two more warbands - Prime At least one warband - Build Beastgrave modular terrain for WH:U Stretch: - Paint models for Warhammer Quest - Paint warband for Underworlds
  2. And the end of the month is upon us! In some places we’ve reached the 28th (hi international date line!) So post up your results and come join in on October! I managed to build two warbands (and a cabinet to put all my board games and miniatures in!) But didn’t succeed in the painting aspect ... (silly lack of primer...) But there’s next month! (And I finally got something done ... so there is that ... totally been unmotivated ... and side tracked)
  3. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for October 2019! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, Gorechosen, or Stormvault. On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh
  4. So... two WH:Underworlds bands are built: Thorns of the Briar Queen Lady Harrow’s Mournflight (from Dreadfane) Not sure that I’m going to get a WHQ hero painted ... next weekend is an Underworlds tournament.
  5. That sounds pretty darn reasonable from a back of the napkin math and available data!
  6. Outside of the Core Set ... which provides additional cards for deck building will we still see additional universal cards in the warband boxes? I am optimistic and hopeful that there will be additional universal cards in the warband boxes. But those traits don’t pay the bills. IE other than getting a new warband, and the warband specific cards that come in that set, how much of a benefit will there be to getting the new warband boxes (other than the core set)? Will they still be a “must buy” because they include coveted universal cards? Or only needed if the warband strikes your fancy because there are no universal cards in the individual warband boxes? And, If there aren’t any universal cards in the warband boxes, will we be seeing them all come out in boxes like the Leaders box from season 1 or Power Unbound from season 2?
  7. “Being sure” and having GeeDub come out and tell us are two different things. Right now the magic 8 ball says “Reply hazy, check back later” So, we wait until they clarify universal cards in warband boxes.
  8. The availability of universal cards in the warband decks hasn’t been identified. (IE how do we get more universal cards?) These decks sound similar to the decks in Warhammer Underworlds: Dreadfane Those decks have two complete decks, and all the cards are flagged for a specific warband. from the Beastgrave Core Set Unboxing “In the set, you’ll find two pre-made decks for the warbands inside that you can learn the game with, plus a selection of additional cards for when you want to start deckbuilding.” “A small but significant change in Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave is how faction-specific cards work. Starting with the Core Set, every Warhammer Underworlds warband will have a minimum-sized deck’s worth of cards – that’s 10 Upgrades, 10 Gambits and 12 Objectives. This means that building your first deck is super easy, just grab everything that’s specific to your warband and you’re good to go!” So, unraveling this seems to be that you’ll have your 2 core decks, and a selection of additional cards. The warband decks will have a full minimum deck (so pull it out and play immediately) but there is no clarification about additional universal cards in a season (other than the cards from the core set). It also will make it easier for them to just keep the warband boxes around because the warband and the cards for that warband will always be viable ... “Warbands will be exempt from cycling, along with any cards printed with a warband symbol.” ( Warbands and Competetive Play Article ) That wasn’t done with Seasons one and two. Universal cards were in the Warband packs ... along with warband specific cards. So... where will we get more universal cards?
  9. 9 more days left in the month? (Until the end of the contract on the 25th) How’s everyone doing? I ended up side-tracked by WHQ “future reality” edition ... (But they all got assembled! And I managed to get through one mini adventure... it’s a blast! Working on the assembly of the expansion boxes... which don’t officially count towards my Sigmar stuff ...) I’m still on track for the assembly of the Warhammer Underworld bands... but the grey seer primer hasn’t been back in stock for ages.
  10. Building and priming are all part of the painting process as well. So don’t sell yourself short! Is your set already built? If not, what’s striking your fancy for the Soul Wars box? Nighthaunt or Stormcast?
  11. Too quiet ... let’s get stuff started! It’s been crazy getting settled after a move ... but I’m going to get the following done: two Shadespire war bands built (waiting for the contrast paint primer to get back in stock ... facepalm) paint at least one hero for Warhammer Quest... Stretch Goal: Paint More Kairic Acolytes...
  12. It’s the end of the month! Finish up and come join in for September!
  13. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for September 2019! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen. On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh
  14. Woo Hoo! Nothing like dealing with a move to throw everything out the window! Thanks for the backup!
  15. We’re not so much for “punishment” ... like the grandfather welcomes all to the garden, we welcome all to the painting table. The reward is in the risk ... if there is no challenge there is no reward ... apathy rewards little ... while hard work gives you armies. Make sure to post updates so we can follow your progress!
  16. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for June 2019! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen. On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh
  17. It looks like a bug in Warscroll builder. @scrollbuilderdude Probably knows. They’re listed as “Battleline” as their role in the Beasts Of Chaos book, and listed as “Battleline If General is a Tzaangor Shaman in a Beasts Of Chaos Army” So, in a GA Chaos Army (Or Tzeentch) Army they would be Battleline... but in a ‘Beasts Of Chaos’ force they would only be Battleline if the General is a Shaman. (I bet that the implementation of that in the Web tool is a pain.)
  18. @RaritanAnon It might be worthwhile to consider “Treacherous Bond” on the Summoner. It has the potential to make them much more resilient especially when using the horrors as the wound pool.
  19. They cannot attempt to cast the same spell (in Matched Play) unless they explicitly have a rule that allows them to do so.
  20. They just need to add the Chaos deity keyword to all of the warscroll Battalions ... not just the models when using the Battalion rule. Because rules as written even if the units are all marked ... they are still in a Battalion that is an ally so they’re all counted as allies.
  21. And most other Melee Tzeentch Units hit like wet noodles? ? Suggestions?
  22. I’d actually recommend Treacherous Bond as an alternative. While Infusion makes him scarier, the Bond makes him more hardy and makes him less likely to go away (at the expense of other models). It works really well with Pink or Blue Horrors as the target unit.
  23. It is worded to stack. However, there are alternate Artefacts that might be more optimal. Mark is ‘edge case’ as it requires that the spell not be unbound. Sure .. you get two Fate points. But it won’t work all the time. Overseers Fatetwisters is expensive. All of the LoC units are 380 each.
  24. Yes, but they're all counted as allies. (Until otherwise FAQ'd.) "Q: Some warscroll battalions included in battletomes do not have a faction listed above their title. How do I determine which faction they belong to for the purposes of allegiance abilities? A: The battalion belongs to the battletome’s faction. For example, the warscroll battalions in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals are part of the Stormcast Eternals faction." From Core rules Designers commentary p.7
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