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Everything posted by TheOtherJosh

  1. For those of us who aren’t doing the printing, any possibility of a breakdown of the pieces used? (Counts etc.)
  2. It’s the end of the month and we’re half way thru the year! Come join us in July!
  3. This month I’m working on terrain! goal: Warcry Starter Set Completed Paint AoS Plant Terrain (barbed venomgorse and grappleweed) for Warcry (was Killteam terrain) Stretch: Build and Paint Warcry Catacombs Terrain Set Paint Warcry Starter Warbands Paint Beastgrave Terrain
  4. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for July 2021! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
  5. So. Better late than never! And it’s been quite a while since I’ve actually sat down and done hobbying. This month has been a build month for me: Warcry Nighthaunt Warband Models from Soul Wars: Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed Guardian of Souls Lord Executioner Spirit Torment Extoller of Shyish 3x Grimghast Reapers Terrain: Death World Forest Box: (Because they have rules from White Dwarf for AoS) 3 stands of Barbed Venomgorse Shardwrack Spines Grappleweed (which doesn’t really have rules… but dangerous plants for the realm of beasts or the Eightpoints is always a reasonable thing!)
  6. In no spot in the Tome of Champions guides have I seen a requirement for all players to play in Champion mode. If you are running a Soroth Kor campaign all players need to be in that campaign.
  7. It’s pretty awesome, are either the small or large templates the same size as the original cards?
  8. The time has come to wrap this month up! Come Join us in June!
  9. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for June 2021! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
  10. Keep in mind that you can always do a “basic goal” and a “stretch goal”. I’ve often found that making unrealistic goals can lead to becoming unmotivated because stuff doesn’t get done. If you get both done, great! If not keep at it next month. We’ll hold you a spot at the table.
  11. While I don’t have “any special knowledge” I don’t see it likely that we will see Beasts of Chaos going away. They’re a relatively recent faction redo, (2018) and they’ve been a chaos staple for a long time (Tzaangor are even available in Disciples of Tzeentch) As they’re from several years ago I do expect them to receive a Battletome update. But as a faction they’ve even received support in Warhammer Underworlds. Whatever choice you decide upon, know that we’ll hold space for you here at the painting table when you finally decide where you want to go with your next painting project.
  12. It’s that time again! The end of the month! (There’s been some awesome work this month! It’s crazy!) Come join us in May!
  13. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for May 2021! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
  14. On the new website update there are no participant names shown when browsing using IOS on mobile. One sees the thread creator, and individual posts. The posts can be quoted, but the usernames of participants in the thread are missing on mobile. Here’s a thread example:
  15. Grot Spiderlings from Silver Tower The “giant spiders” in WHQ-95 were small enough to fit in single squares (IE 25mm). Spider Riders are on 50mm X 25mm bases. Unless you specifically need GW minis, I might recommend the Reaper Bones Spider Vermin Or the Otherworld Miniatures Large Spiders (40mm) Theres always “clockwork spiders” aka Single Necron Scarabs on 25mm bases. 🙃
  16. Possibilities: Give each of the gates a number and die roll where they come out. (Rerolling any number that doesn’t have a matching gate. IE 1-4, reroll any 5 or 6) Create a rule where non-starting Equipment / Weapons / Armor can break. A Hero’s standard equipment they are familiar with keeping repaired, found stuff, not so much. If an item breaks, then they would need to go hunting for more equipment.
  17. At a core level: It actually looks like you could run Silver Tower/SoH adversaries against Cursed City. You would just use the Silver Tower D6 dice. The Silver Tower/SoH adversaries wouldn’t have crits or use the new Cursed City dice without conversion. (And they don’t get stronger after dark.) We do have Nighthaunt rules for Silver Tower/SoH from the last WD with SoH content. The translation for their core stats would just be: Move = Move Vigor = Wounds Behavior table = Behavior table One can use the adversaries standard attack rolls/attacks on the ST adversary cards using the original D6 and hit rules. Each “successful attack” would then need to be defended by the heroes. The only minor challenge would be that you need to create a “monster encounter table”. It doesn’t easily work in reverse, running CC Adversaries into ST/SoH. They don’t have Agility. And their attacks are single attacks designed to do multiple damage or crit rather than a model having the possibility of multiple attacks. Heroes, that’s a whole different ballgame. They’ll require some definite workarounds to function well. They don’t have a run stat, they use a different “leveling system” (they get the random skill cards rather than a defined leveling path based on character type) For leveling, it would be possible to define each of the heroes as being one of the four basic class types in CC. So that would make it a relatively smooth conversion. But there is definite work involved with a conversion.
  18. Remember that while you may not have met your personal goal you have put paint on models and your project stack has things closer to being finished! Often projects get put down because they’re not engaging you at this moment. That’s fine. I have things that I put aside because they were not where I was at in my painting journey. The painting had become more work and not enjoyable. So they were put aside to rest while I worked on other things. Work at your own pace. You have the time you need, and there is always next month!
  19. It’s the end of the month! Wrap up your stuff, post it in the thread and join us all in April!
  20. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for April 2021! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Warhammer Legends, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
  21. Well... that was over entirely too soon! Lets try again in a normal length month!
  22. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for March 2021! If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
  23. This is it! The end of one month and the beginning of another! Come Join us in February! The painting table awaits...
  24. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for February 2021! (It’s a short month this month!) If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh & special thanks to @Kramer
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