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Everything posted by pseudonyme

  1. Yes, sure, but: 8 mortal realms, excluding Azyr, still make 7 mortal realms for 6 chaos warbands. Did I miss some information on the realms the chaos warbands are coming from ?
  2. I would focus more on the archétypes than on the realms, even if there is a strong possibility they went down that road.
  3. I thought of that, but we should also think in terms of archétypes. I am expecting at least a wizard warband and a long range one. The 3rd one I don't know, à warband inflictingvdamage to themselves to push their damage output to 11?
  4. My local GW is inviting people to paint the new Contrast line from June 10th https://www.facebook.com/WarhammerParis08/events
  5. From the Malerion artwork, I think the so called draconic dark elves will be more leathery dragons. Anyway, it really really looks dinosaury to me, so I vote for Seraphon. New model in a dual box. Versus Bonesplitterz who wil get a new shaman in the box (I read here that the old scaly rumour engine matches the back of the wurzog prophet).
  6. Would love an exception for Spirit hosts for that Legion
  7. Dear fellow wargamers, would you want me to launch a preferential vote on the upcoming 1k rules like I did for the upcoming Death reveal ? Because I have limited access to TGA from work, feel free to consolidate all suggestions by the community
  8. The method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majority_judgment You pointed the 3rd thing that surprised ( and disappointed me 😛 ) : some people rejected the idea of a complete new faction. This, I don’t understand. I could have understood that some wanted refreshed old factions before a new one, but rejecting it? I more or less agree. Not that I don’t like some of their models, but I would prefer GW to go forward and not recycling things. Once again, I would be happy with any of the first 3 factions, but I would be far more excited by a complete new one.
  9. Results are here!!!! Complete new faction Soulblight Deathrattle Tomb kings Necromancers / zombies 2 surprises: Soulblight so popular and Tomb kings struggling with zombies.
  10. And who do you think are the last 2 ? FYI we are stuck at 157 participants, don't think the result will change, but will do the sum-up tonight lt tomorrow morning.
  11. So, what is your guess? Will post the results either tomorrow or Saturday.
  12. It's more or less stabilized now at 130 participants. Maybe I should have set the poll to 24h and not 48h. Still retweeting it à couple of times.
  13. You might want to wait a little as changes are coming after the release of Warcry
  14. Quick update because this my obsession of the day. 84 voters as of now 2 factions fighting for the first place 2 factions fighting not to the last one So do not hesitate to spread the love of Nagash !
  15. Wrong. I want people to vote with something more elaborated than an exclusive choice. From what you are saying we voted more or less the same way. As of now, 60 participants, 2 are clearly ahead and 2 rather behind. It is funny to see the intermediate result as it does not reflect what I usually read. I think I will launch preferential vote often in the future
  16. As of now, 28 voters, 3 factions are rather close to each other. I hope we will have enough votes.
  17. Thanks mate, and do not hesitate to share the love of Death !!!
  18. Dear fellow Nagash worshippers, I created a preferential vote poll concerning the potential upcoming Death release. I have 2 goals with this poll: - With the obvious upcoming of a new Age of Sigmar Death release, I would like to know which faction people would prefer - Test the preferential vote system Disclaimer: description of the choices are half wishful thinking based on absolutely nothing. So... Beyond telling you that I will share the results if there is enough voter, that's pretty much what I wanted to say 😅 https://jugementmajoritaire.net/vote/4822964bafed1891358249806b8e5e99c0a187e0498
  19. Speaking of which, my tinfoilhatting for the next itération of AoS: - setting will be Ghur - grand alliance main opponent will be Destruction (After Chaos and Death) - New mechanics / battleplans with behemoths let loose on the battlefield (escaped from Stormvaults) #YouReadItHereFirst
  20. It needs a bright primer. A very cool review that have been already posted: https://the-art-of-caesura.blogspot.com/2019/05/citadel-colour-contrast-paints-first.html I guess, as you can already do it with washes, you will be able to have very différent results if you tint your whitish undercoat with primary and secondary colours glazes. An easy example would be à green contrast paint over pale yellow, pale blue or pale green. I can't wait for deep down reviews and my own experimentations over zenithal and pré shading
  21. Disclaimer : Uninteresting post. I tend to spend a lot of time painting models, and I am happy with any new product that can make the paint faster / easier. So I am looking forward to this new line. Will I buy everthing? No. There is still colours/materials that I will want to paint the old fashion way, but I will sure buy some for specific projects (my Hellboy KS ennemies come to mind) and specific colours (my guess is that I will love both whites, the black, and a leather one). But frankly, I am very surprised to see that there is a debate on this new line and that there is haters. You don't like this new way of painting ? Fine. Keep painting like you always did.
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