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Everything posted by pseudonyme

  1. Funny that everyone thought that it would be a couple of kits.
  2. And avoid the never ending chaos chaos chaos chaos centered narrative and releases.
  3. No chaos. Too much chaos, all the time. Either Death (with plastic updated vampires as exclusive minis), or Destruction (including a good panel of green skins). Like Descent v2 alternating outdoor and indoor (cave, mausoleum, maze...)
  4. Who was manipulated by Tzeentch MOUAH AH AH AH AH!
  5. Pfff the only Bad Moon Rising https://youtu.be/PKBtVe-krtM
  6. No Spiderfang. Weird as an unreliable source told me they will be part of the force.
  7. My guess is a DoK trailer tomorrow and a full reveal on the 5th, with some stuff in between.
  8. Isn’t it 50 renown max? And with a monster, you might be able to do Skirmish battleplan set in Ghur
  9. More a AoSed Speedfreeks inverting grots and orks
  10. Even though I am sure that kill team gameplay is excellent (by readinh thé rules), a basic transposition to AoS would be an error. They can share the same basic core rules but should have distinct flavour, if not what would be the point ?
  11. The whole segment on how to pronounce Taco Bell.. The stupidity of this épisode was at 11!!!
  12. Congrats ! I think it was the longest awarding speech I ever heard. They should contact the Guiness book.
  13. Guys, should I remind you that @dewidiot will take a picture of his zalbo elf during Christmass ? #Zalbo4Christmass
  14. Tzeentch does not use guitars, does not use any instrument in fact. Tzeentch is the composer !
  15. Guys, this is a mini diorama I saw twice last year at conventions in Paris. It is both stunning and full of nostalgia. Hope you will appreciate it.
  16. I am not sure about Gitmob and Greenskinz, from newcomer’s eyes, they look rather old/classic.
  17. My hearsay is Moonclan battletome regroups Moonclan, Troggoth and Spiderfang
  18. Dear people, that was a joke. Not a good one I admit, but was still a joke ?
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