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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. Call me crazy, but I'm getting a very Kharadron-esque vibe from this thing. More rounded than the hard angled stuff of the 40k universe.
  2. I agree with @Skreech Verminking. Stormvermin will slaughter anything they touch, but have to deal with the threat of getting wiped out before they get to it. Thanquol or tunneling both work towards fixing that. If you can get a 40 rat stormvermin unit into the enemy's main lines, the game should tilt heavily in your favour. Keyword being "if".
  3. Could the "suspicious goats" poster be a potential brayherd shadespire warband instead of a full release? We know new warbands are incoming, so that might be what that is aimed at. Darkoath/beastmen would make sense too.
  4. @robbobobo if you max out those Stormvermin, that's the best 80 points you'll ever spend Gutter runners are also super nice. I think trading in one warlord on foot to squeeze them in there would go a long way.
  5. Spears in a pack of 40 is superior to 40 sword rats in every way. This is primarily because the +1 to hit/to wound makes them pretty good in combat since they get to fight in three ranks. Doubling those attacks essentially pops them beyond the damage output of plague monks for that attack. However, they fall off -hard- the moment they go below 30, and are actually useless and should never be used in combat below 20. Sword rats retain their usefulness even then. There's no "best" choice between the two in general, but my own rule of thumb tends to be; blobs of 40 = spears, blobs of 20 = swords, as long as I expect them to do any fighting
  6. That's Tretch Craventail. A very high-ranking warlord of clan Rictus in the old world Also featured in the new Total War: Warhammer 2 game if you want to see him in action. He is a warlord, but I'm sure you could easily run him as an assassin as well. I'll leave that to your personal preference
  7. 6 limbs look a lot more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes*, so I wouldn't be surprised if those are simply an updated scuttlings look. Scuttlings are also completely absent from the rules right now (i.e: they're not in the app. Correct me if I am wrong) *Subjective opinion is subjective, and I am arachnophobic so eight limbs will always give me a sense of "wrongness" so don't take my word for it, but I figured I'd bring up the possibility.
  8. I think at the very least they should release the island of blood kits. It baffles me that they haven't ?
  9. If it helps the discussion: Other hero-phase moves, like teleportation, does not count as a retreat, even if they teleported out of combat. Seraphon comes to mind. Following that thinking, I would say that it would be a bit weird if a unit could move out of combat in the hero phase, do a normal move in the movement phase, and then not be allowed to attempt a charge. In the movement phase, a unit in combat has two options: remain in combat, or retreat. If they retreat, then they can't charge. That limitation does not, to my knowledge, extend to the hero phase
  10. Coincidentally a great trilogy. Really worth picking up! Skaven almost destroy the entire Empire
  11. @AliKing Nice! Keep them coming Interesting to hear about how you come from a different competitive wargame. How do you rate/judge age of sigmar (competitively) compared to those?
  12. There's also the -very- notable combo between a lord of blight (nurgle, 140) points, and a unit of plague monks. It's just incredibly difficult to squeeze in good value units alongside my core (3x40 plague monks, 1x20 gutter runners) at this point without losing out somewhere. The ability to deal with big, tanky, hard hitting monsters come to mind. By deal I mean chunk down before they mess up my infantry domination strategy ?
  13. Hah, you're right ? it didn't work either. I completely misplayed it. Thanquol went the whole game without using his warpthrowers, cast two spells over the course of the game, and didn't even take a wound because he was so out of position. His command ability is pure gold though, but the list needs tweaking. Probably dropping an arch-warlock for something. The ungors, which are essentially a smaller unit of clanrats in stats, were very useful however. We played the "one objective in each corner, hold both from round three onwards to win" scenario in realm of metal with the rust plague feature. The Seraphon turtled up in his corner, and I failed to breach it, mostly due to misplacing my second wave ? Ratling guns were essential to removing chaff walls, but I might not need two. Between removing one of those and one Arch-Warlock, two ungor units might become two full clanrat stacks. Gotta check the numbers when I get back. Edit: Something like this. Should at the very least give some staying power, which I felt I lacked during this game. Allegiance: ChaosThanquol and Boneripper (400)- Warpfire ProjectorsScreaming Bell (200)- General- Trait: Cunning Deceiver- Artefact: Crown of Conquest10 x Ungors (60)- Mauls & Half-Shields40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Spear40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Spear40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades20 x Gutter Runners (200)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 255
  14. Speaking of Thanquol. Gonna be trying this list today against the Seraphon player. Don't know his list, which realm, or what scenario yet Trying out Ungors as stand-in slaves. Double arch-warlock since we get realm spells. Allegiance: ChaosLeadersThanquol and Boneripper (400)- Warpfire ProjectorsArch Warlock (140)- General- Trait: Cunning DeceiverArch Warlock (140)- Artefact: Crown of ConquestBattleline10 x Ungors (60)- Mauls & Half-Shields10 x Ungors (60)- Mauls & Half-Shields10 x Ungors (60)- Mauls & Half-ShieldsUnits40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades20 x Gutter Runners (200)5 x Gutter Runners (60)1 x Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80)1 x Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 206
  15. Thanquol + 3x40 clanrats would work pretty nicely, since few things can deal with that amount of wounds in a 1000 pts game. For a more nuanced list, minimizing the clanrats (2x20) and using the freed up points to give yourself more specialized tools is also a valid approach, although far more affected by personal preference. For example, I would personally be looking to squeeze gutter runners and plague monks in there, since they're amazing, but the ratio would require some experimenting. If in doubt, Gutter Runners wins you games Good to note is that Thanquol is not a monster, so he benefits from "look out sir" tl;dr: Thanquol can work in 1000 pts games.
  16. In terms of mixed skaven, I've been having a lot of success with using plague monks as the core of my army (3x40) while having minimum-sized clanrat units (3x20) as very useful battleline tax, with the sole job of dying in place of the plague monks, or stay behind on objectives. Treat them as slaves essentially. Plague monks are highly competent units that really knows how to throw their weight around! So don't worry about maxing them out Although if 60 is still too much, a cheaper non-skaven battleline tax would be "better" competitively and would need less models, so good to be aware of
  17. You're on point with the "too expensive to do" sentiment It could work in combination with something else, but on it's own it is a poor man's gautfyre scorch.
  18. Incorrect! I would buy the only box, and sell it to @Skreech Verminking for his stash of clanrats. I know you have a bunch. I must have most-most! Okay, rumour time.
  19. What @Reeve said. We received: - 3 new incredibly useful command abilities. - Access to all the realm artifacts. - Access to battleshock immunity (crown of conquest, inspiring presence) - Point drops across the board. - Now one of the few factions with access to 40 models for 200 points, clanrats/giant rats, since prices went up for everyone else. 40 Skinks, for example, costs as much as 40 plague monks. This is the main reason I've started using plague monks the core of my infantry force. When our rabid stabby rat men are as cheap as their helpless chaff, we're in a good place. - The ability to use any hero's command ability (i admit, I haven't been using this much) - Many of the new scenarios have us start much closer to the enemy than in ghb2017. This allows us to give pressure from the start, and prevents gunlines from freeshooting us for multiple turns. Additionally, the recent change to the assassin proved very useful, and if realms of battle start being a commonly used thing, we have so many spellcasters who could make effective use of the realm spells. Looking at you, Arch-Warlock. To put in perspective, and not considering the latest point, I have decisively won the past three battles against my regular Seraphon opponent, versus a combo (kroak, thunderhost) that I normally struggled quite a bit against, and were often unable to pull a victory just due to the overwhelming force against me. With inspiring presence, crown of conquest, and new artifacts, I really feel the change. For the first time in a long time, I am forced to consider not how to win, but how I can be defeated A battletome would push us up into top-tier levels. I have no doubt about it. My battle report a few pages back illustrates this, if you're looking for hard evidence
  20. People don't appreciate Skaven like they should. But they will. Oh yes, they will! We got buffed in aos2, but it has mostly gone under the radar. Make no mistake, skaven armies are no push-overs if played correctly, and will surprise most opponents one way or another. Do elaborate on how it went. We're always happy to hear how other Skaven players play around here.
  21. That's a clever way of going about it. Especially if there is uncertainty around how big the series will end up being. A safe option that adds to the whole rather than taking away from it Really looking forward to this, and future installments
  22. Since I said I would get back to you once I tried it: Here is a prototype. Grimghast Reaper body, blood bowl night runner body. Clanrat head and right arm. Plague monk left arm. There's a huge gap on the inside between the body and the head (head is just attached to the robes) so I'll need to use a bunch of green stuff when I mass produce these guys. Overall a tricky conversion, but I think it serves well as proper gutter runners
  23. Tail(s) of new fiends of Slaanesh, perhaps?
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