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Everything posted by ageofpaddsmar

  1. Don't know if I could play against someone who didn't remove their own mold lines. I prefer to play people you know who are actually involved in the hobby 😂
  2. Do ungors and gors in a depraved drove count as battle line in a slaanesh army. I think they do as it would be the same as slaanesh marked chaos warriors but the azyr app says invalid due to not enough battle line
  3. Question for those with the new keeper model. Is the head as big as the head on the fane of slaanesh ?
  4. Although bonesplitterz could do with an update , they should start with the older battletomes or armies that have no battletome. before you say it I know bonesplitterz is kinda old but they do have a proper allegiance abilities and items and spells. there are older tomes that need an update first
  5. Not to get anyones hopes up but there is a seraphon paint set up for pre order along side a khorne one. We know Khorne is next so maybe a book is coming. Although there is also a nurgle paint set and a standard chaos one so who knows
  6. I had said about seraphon aswell. maybe we should message Warhammer community on facebook that someone is leaking then they may show us something 😂
  7. Do you guys think the gorbeast from the chaoa charoit is too big to convert into razorgor
  8. The rumour engine is clearly seraphon. Its the radar screen from their starships
  9. They are falling into one of the things that killed fantasy. There are still armies with no books and books that need an update. If theres a another rule change so soon it may make newer books obsolete then there will be more books that need doing. When aos 2.0 came out they should have done what 40k did and release aload of temporary updated books for most of the armies
  10. Some re do of old battletomes have been rumoured for end of jan beginning of feb. Although this was from a gw store manager (not my source) so take the whole salt shaker lol
  11. With regards to the seraphon maybe both will be in the book. Like the beasts greatfrays , you could choose to be celestial demons and gain the teleport ability or choose to be physical and get another ability
  12. Having looked at it again I think your right. Still the patterns are similar
  13. I wouldn't say not even close. The smaller part of the shield where thet are closer together its very similar other the the curves.
  14. So managed to get some 105x70 bases for the chariots. Dont think I can use the chaos chariot as a conversion as the bases are tiny
  15. Not my model but look at the shield similar pattern. Although the spiky parts are more curved in the rumour pic. So maybe seraphon underworlds warband
  16. Sorry was at work and not supposed to have phone on lol. I did hear that a spawning pool would be the terrain feature. The only thing I can back it up with is the source told me about legions of nagash before it was revealed.
  17. Seraphon endless spell. Spirit of sotek. Quezicoatyl looking thing
  18. So i Have a pretty big event coming up and thinking of running seraphon. I have been looking at potential list ideas over at lustria online and see alot of thunderquakes. I dont see this as effective due to struggling on objectives. Like if scorched earth came up it would struggle. Am I wrong
  19. Yeah the marauder horses come up alot in searches. They look great but its the saddles that bother me. Not sure how hard they would be to remove. Was thinking someting really different and using spider riders but not sure
  20. So has anyone got any ideas or links to conversions for centigor. Ive googled but there are only pics and no real indepth tutorials.
  21. Saw a review of the book on youtube. Gitmob and greenskinz are dowm as allies. Make what you will of that.
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