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Everything posted by firebat

  1. This isn't going to happen. There aren't going to be a bunch of new rules for units, characters and battalions that there are no models or images for just because they're going to turn up at some unspecified future date for the other game.
  2. The Daemon Prince model is even in the style you'd expect for more mortal followers that fits in with the Hellstriders.
  3. Well rules are quick and easy to throw out compared to models. They have most of the art and the lore and rules already, it's just a matter of laying them out and tweaking the bits that need tweaking. Compare that to models that will take a lot longer to design and paint for stuff they don't already have a library of. They're a bit damned either way. People have been clamoring for rules updates and have shown they're willing to pay for fairly minor updates just for some attention for their army so if there is a big enough backlash we'll be able to buy another book next year with mortals in it but it being Slaanesh probably not. The Warcry deflections simply don't fly because that will either have an undivided focus or all the gods will be getting attention anyway. If I was feeling especially petulant i'd half expect Tzeentch and Khorne to get some new stuff and Slaanesh can use the undivided stuff 😛
  4. Well it's only what anyone who has been playing Slaanesh for a long time expects really. Looking at it the Nurgle release was actually pretty similar with the only new models being character models. The Blightkings, much like the hellstriders were from the End Times period. At least nurgle got access to Skaven for a bit more variety as well though. I think ultimately people can make excuses all they want but some models where it was about time they got an update (no matter how good they are) doesn't make up for a release that ultimately doesn't stand up to the expectation they set with the Tzeentch and Khorne releases. It's effectively half as much.
  5. Well I was a bit disappointed in all. Khorne getting a 3rd book before Slaanesh gets one is...well about what I expect honestly... but it does confirm my feelings that all the rules should be free. Ultimately in the case of Khorne itself it will amount to being expected to shell out for a few extra special rules that cover your army build. Does this also mean re releases for any army that doesn't include those things currently? So are we now going to see a new edition of the Tzeentch and Nurgle books? How about Khaine? They don't have endless spells or a terrain piece so I expect they're on the new book list too. Could start to feel like some kind of annual or bi annual subscription cost I've no problem with them changing the game and introducing these new elements but does it now mean that whenever they think of something new and cool to add to an army that it's going to be a re release of every book that doesn't include them? It also makes it really confusing and not a great investment for new players when one of the offsets of it being relatively expensive is that the stuff you buy is useful for a long time. Why buy this Khorne book when there will be a new one out next year? Sadly I bet it's because the rules team has to look like it's making money separately from the models to justify it's existence. It does start to feel like an early access game where you're paying for the lack of development early on rather than great additions later. tl/dr new book for substantive content is good. new book for a few extra rules is bad.
  6. See I love the minotaurs precisely because they're so over the top. If it's the muscles over the shins you think look weird, those do make sense, it's just because every muscle has been made so bulky they stand out more than they ever do on anything realistic. In fact I like the minotaurs so much i'm making dragon ogres out of them.
  7. The Bloodsecrator is also all Khorne units within range while this is a spell you can cast once on a single unit a turn.
  8. My first model, the chapel in my previous blog (link), had been quite a large model and while it had been a fun experience from which I learnt a lot it seemed like it would be better for the next steps to try something a bit smaller with a lot less parts. The first of these was a memorial model that was still relatively large so it would block line of sight. This was made in 3 pieces as shown above in order to make it manageable to print on a variety of print bed sizes as well as making it less risky (Nothing worse than getting to the end of a print then something going wrong.). I also wanted to leave the top off in order to make it easy to install another model as a statue. It's a bit more awkward printing decent character models than buildings and scenery so my plan is to add a Chaos Warrior model as the statue to this model at some point. In general I was quite happy with how it turned out though and it was good having something that could be printed in less than a day instead of about 3 days. In addition to above I had been working on some smaller extra bits but the main next building I decided to work on was a smaller version of the original chapel as a mausoleum. Again I wanted something a bit smaller but that would fit in with the same style as I was planning on making a series of terrain with a similar theme so i'd have a Death or Shyish set. This model came out as 16 parts. The ground floor: and the roof: Part of what I wanted to do this time was as it had a modeled roof I wanted it to be easily detachable so I created some indents in the tops of the pillars and in the base of the end sections of roof. This allowed some small 5mm diameter magnets to be glued in and so I can detach the roof as needed. The next step is to finish off the extra bits i've been working on and I should have a good set of graveyard themed terrain which i'll hopefully be able to post about soon (and hopefully be able to give my Aelf Loremaster a rest too).
  9. My choice would be drop the spells and 5 of the Hellstriders and the CP and take 30 daemonettes. Given the summoning rules I think it's better to take as many characters as you possibly can.
  10. Holographic map I guess. In fact, isn't that Warhammer World?? Edit: Yes it is haha
  11. Yeah I assume it halves the move characteristic. I think it would have to say halves any movement. Although it saying that turn rather than that phase could imply it works for charges and pile in moves too.
  12. Am I totally wrong in thinking that if they replace the marauder kit that would be the first plastic kit they're replaced since 6th edition? Although I suppose if they're spurned off to their own faction and not called marauders any more it could be argued they still hadn't.
  13. Entirely depends on if they can fill out a full faction of Marauders in an interesting way I suppose. It's a bit like a Beastman army without the interesting bits like monsters and goat heads (or horse bottoms).
  14. Makes sense if Darkoath is taking over the marauder side. The question is will it be just the marauders or replacing Slaves to Darkness entirely. Chaos Warriors must be the oldest plastic kit now and look a bit weedy next to the Stormcast and Khorne Chaos Warriors.
  15. I use the app, but yeah the allegiance abilities that get added seem to be the 2017 pages despite selecting the 2018 option. Not the biggest deal since they didn't change as a whole but is a bit annoying. I'd either just note down the costs of what you're likely to want to summon or keep a screenshot of the page open so you can flip to it easily.
  16. I could see them perhaps giving the Seeker chariots run and charge to make them more of a choice compared to the exalted chariot but can't see the exalted on getting it. It's good as it is.
  17. I did Architecture at university not long ago and as part of that I started to experiment with the possibilities of getting my models printed rather than the traditional methods (and familiar to anyone that makes terrain) of mountains of foamboard, knives and creating a big mess with glue. Being a poor student I ended up only getting one printed at a local business I found online. Not needing (or being able to afford) a large model and not being familiar with the best way to get it printed I sent over my entire, unedited building model and after a few false starts below was the result. Around the same time I learned of a friend of a friend buying their own printer who was looking for some bits to print out to see what it could do. In the spirit of running before you can walk I took a local building for inspiration, modeled up a wall section and sent him the files to see what the result would be. The end result, while there being room for improvement, were quite encouraging so I decided to go ahead to try and finish the model using a printer of my own and modelled up the rest of the parts and had some fun along the way figuring out how it would all fit together. In the end the model came in at 56 parts as shown in the renders below of all the parts together and an exploded view. Because the model is supposed to be interacted with I thought it was better not to bother with the roof so you can place models inside, not have to mess about with taking it on and off (and storing it) and just to save on material on something that I didn't expect to be on most of the time. Below is the model assembled and painted. In the end I decided to print out at a scale of 1:50 which is a bit bigger than the traditional scale but since the models have been increasing in size over time anyway I thought it fit well with those currently in use.
  18. Well they're not Khorne that's why. As a faction I am curious how they're going to fit in though. The Community article says they fight alongside the Slaves to Darkness so I presume StD will become pure Chaos Warriors and marauders will be retired.
  19. Priest would be a good fit actually with some different tunes to play.
  20. Now I really want some fantasy version of noise marines.
  21. I do really like all those models but the base changes is really frustrating. Not because I think it makes a vast amount of difference in game but because it seems a lot of other people do. My fiends have been rebased onto 40mm round bases because that's what they're supposed to be using according to the base they come with and the suggested base size sheet, And yet, these new fiends are on larger new oval bases so I either need to cut them off again or hope the ovals are 40mm wide and try to get together some kind of base adapter.
  22. I wanted to try something like this: Allegiance: Slaanesh - Host: Pretenders LEADERS Dragon Ogor Shaggoth (180) Keeper Of Secrets (260) Daemon Prince Of Slaanesh (160) Daemon Prince Of Slaanesh (160) Herald Of Slaanesh on Exalted Seeker Chariot (160) The Masque Of Slaanesh (80) UNITS 30 x Gors (210) -Gor-Blades & Beastshields 1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60) 1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60) 3 x Dragon Ogors (140) 30 x Daemonettes Of Slaanesh (270) 5 x Hellstriders Of Slaanesh (100) -Claw spear - Enrapturing banner BATTALIONS Depraved Drove (150) TOTAL: 1990/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1 WOUNDS: 147 LEADERS: 6/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 3/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 I'd wanted a dragon ogre themed army a while back (like 7th.ed while back) but game changes when 8th came out put it on hold so this was trying to fit some stuff into my daemon army with half converted models I had stuffed in a box. No artifact choices or anything but the idea being it split into the 2 halves of the beasts being one blob and the daemons the other with the Shaggoth as the general. I used to really like a unit of pleasureseekers in oldhammer as a grindy unit to tie things up which is the dragon ogres here with the Shaggoth in a position to support them while trying to take wounds and then heal them up again to generate depravity points. I'm undecided between Seekers and Pretenders though. It used to be Pretenders all the way but with summoning now the extra move means the difference between a newly summoned unit likely making a charge roll instead of failing.
  23. Ah fair enough. I haven't used one so I missed it was immediate. I should try one out really as I can't decide if I like it or not on paper. I don't think it's bad or anything but it feels like the only real gain is a slightly more durable general and and extra spell cast and dispel. The immediate pile in is nice (now I know about it) but I can't help but feel i'm just consolidating more eggs into one target and either losing a character that has more depravity point potential (in more wounds you can just throw away) or losing a unit and having the bare minimum of actual troops and so losing a lot more damage and wounds. 180 points on the Exalted over the Keeper gets you 5 wounds and about 5 extra damage. Fiends might not be popular but they get you 12 wounds and about the same damage for 40 points less. 180 points of Seekers (7.5 models) gets you 15 wounds and about 7.5 damage. A Herald on an Exalted Chariot gets you 9 wounds (and possibly 8 depravity points) and again does about 5 wounds. Of course that's a really basic comparison as it's leaving out armour saves, rend and other abilities but I guess I just don't feel, at least at 2000pts, the Exalted Daemon is very Slaanesh. Hmm, now i'm wondering if a Keeper, 5 Exalted Chariots and 100 Daemonettes might be a way to go. Bit boring though. Coming back to that list again the Doppelganger cloak on a Daemon Prince feels a bit pointless if i've got it right. The whole point of a Slaanesh Daemon Prince is to attack first and interrupt the enemy without it costing you a pick. Since you can't choose to not attack you can't sit him in combat protected, you're just negating the effect of the Mark of Slaanesh. The only time it would have any benefit would be if he was involved in a combat where you had other units and you really wanted to prevent any wounds being taken by the DP so you could pick him last after the enemy had already attacked your other units but then I feel you're better off putting it on the general. I think you want Slaanesh hero's taking wounds though so healing might be better.
  24. Also the Daemon Prince ability only works if it hasn't already attacked in that phase so it can't use it to attack twice in a row with the command ability.
  25. Excuse me but i'll have you know the classic face is bovine face and it will be a crime if there isn't an option for that in the new kit. I expect the Khorne side will be mostly stuff out now with a couple of new plastic characters but I think the Slaanesh side will be all new stuff. Khorne has it's bloodbound, Nurgle the blightkings and Tzeetch the Arcanites so Slaanesh will get some kind of equivalent that probably fits into the theme of the Hellstriders. It works if they're a bit like Khorne too with it being a hero/elite warrior heavy force. New plastic Lord on big Steed, new Masque, new infantry and Hellstriders maybe? I do wonder as well if considering they made a thing about Morathis form being an influence from Slannesh (And Fulgrim having a similar form in 40k) if that snake form will make some kind of appearance. It's not something present in any of the daemon range other than that lords daemonic mount and they almost never redo plastic kits.
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