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Everything posted by adreal

  1. I'm excited about the new army, but I hope that what was put into the cities of sigmar tome, stays there, but skycutters and stuff like that would be awesome if they came back
  2. So, I have been playing living city since the tome came out, but right before a tournament I put up a photo of my army, and another player (who follows tournaments and can see strong combos and such) asked if the army was tempest eye. Not to soon after that there was a comment in the living city discussion about how tempest eye fits wanderers better then living city, and as I want to play a wanderers army, I have given it some serious thought. Anyways, below is my list, understand that I want to play wanderers, so it will be heavily wanderers, but some thoughts would be nice. Plan is to have the eternal guard out front, both units of sisters around the prince and move up to center field turn 1 to generate massive threat. Yes the sisters do loose some output from moving, but it's still 42 shots hitting and wounding on 2s, with mortals on 6s. Dragon just flies up and seems big and scary, it can do work if left alone, but hopefully will draw attention (2+ save turn 1). Sisters of the thorn go for cp generation and wild riders counter charge, shadow warriors pop up and put pressure with the dragon or on a far flung objective
  3. Loosing wanderer heros sucks, but I can use my spell weaver as a Ghyran battlemage, I'm sure with some thought I can find something to use for my waywatchers. My waystrider is a freeguild general
  4. When cities was announced I was excited and apprehensive for what it ment for my wanderers army (2k built from the old battalion). I lost glade guard and 4 out of my 5 heroes (I had started to play heavy sisters of the watch). When cities dropped i was happy, my surviving warscrolls got buffs to make them more universal and good, with some point adjustments that do actually seem fair. I needed to add in some other stuff to make my army fit into 2k, so I looked at other aelven options (I play a wanderers army) to fill out what I needed. Shadow warriors give me a good shooting unit that isn't static, and their deployment rules fit wanderers to a tee, so taking (at the time) 10 was no drama for me. I've always wanted a big beasty for my wanderers, I can now include a forest dragon, so taking a Dreadlord and converting up a wild rider prince wasn't hard at all. After playing in a local tournament, my lack of movement really hampered me, so out went a nomad prince, in came another 10 shadow warriors. I could have gone dark riders, but only 5 didnt feel like they would do enough. I have a nice themed army that does seem to have some teeth, limited due to choices yes, but still, I like how it plays
  5. I like the cities book for what it is, I can use mainly aelves in my list, so I'm happy with it, may not be the best of the best of the best, but it's certainly better then what things were before
  6. @overtninja is right, wanderers will loose their allegiance abilities because they were rolled into cites of sigmar. Same with darkling covens and freeguild, what is in the book is the tools we have going forward. I for one am very happy with the options we have, from esoteric counts as solutions (black dragon being green), or just adding in Duardian/humans, only thing we are missing is a true approximation of wardancers
  7. While other cities may work with wanderer units, living city is the only option for me
  8. Highlight of a game yesterday, my unpainted wild rider on green dragon right before he got yeeted of the table
  9. Had three games yesterday, got another two coming up today. Lost 2 won 1 Eternal guard are pretty good, but do melt to mortal wounds (dang beast claw raiders) Sisters do not like being charged, even with loose until the last, I really need to protect them. First game (against beast claw) I was hoping for the early double turn, so I moved them up, yeah, bad move. Third game (against gloomspite) they got hammered two turns by the mushroom, still they were good. Shadow warriors are nice, but need support, still they held up a dankhold trogboss in game two which helped me just keep shooting all his guys as they came to me. Wild riders, glass cannons, need to position them so they get the charge rather then be charged. Black dragon, while it has died every game, every game he has been good, killing stuff, holding stuff up for longer then he should, really happy with this guy I only had 1 game where I didn't generate a extra cp when I had both princes together, and the birds are really good, though beast claws shoot with a "ability" which is a fresh sort of bull#### Just some shots from my last game yesterday, prebattle shot, and my dragon getting yeeted by a giant
  10. So, finally got a game in last night against mawtribes. My list Nomad prince with ironoak skin Nomad prince Battlemage with cage of Thorns Black dragon with crossbow and spear of the Hunt 20 eternal guard 20 sisters of the watch 20 sisters of the watch 5 sisters of the thorn 5 wild riders 10 Shadow Warriors Emerald life swarm Extra cp. His list Guy on stonehorn (General) Huskard on thundertusk Huskard on thundertusk 4 mournfang 4 mournfang Butcher with cauldron 3 ogors on foot 3 ogors on foot. Played the mission that was hammer and anvil deployment with 3 objectives in each zone, you can burn them but you get more points if you hold them for longer. Gave him the first turn (we roll off for first turn rather then who drops first chooses) so he moved up and didn't do much at all. My first turn, shadow warriors pop up and take an objective off a ogor unit, dragon appears with them. Sisters kill 5 mournfangs (3 from one unit, 2 from the other), shadow warriors do 5 wounds to ogor unit (enough to kill 1 and hurt a second), dragon kills the second ogor with its crossbow and moves to engage the single mournfang. Wild riders kill two mournfang on the charge, dragon wiffs. His turn two, his general moves up to engage my sisters and my eternal guard (with all the buffs I can put on them, on them). His huskards move up to put some snowballs into my gun line. His charges almost wipe out my eternal guard, hurt the dragon and do nothing to the wild riders (1 wound I think) and the lone ogor engages the shadow warriors. My shooting from sisters take 5 wounds off his general. His attacks kill the dragon (second turn of wiffs), kill a single shadow warrior, kill 3 wild riders, kill almost all the sisters of the watch. Shadow warriors kill the ogor. Wild riders do 4 wounds to huskard. Battleshock removes a sister unit and pulls the eternal guard out of combat. My turn, with shooting I kill the last mournfang (Love shadow warriors, holding an objective and a flank by themselves) and the general (sisters are sooooo good) I have run away with points at this stage, something I never thought wanderers could do..... The next couple of turns see the huskard push up into my gunline, but I do manage to kill another before the game ends. Really fun game, but my first turn shooting really blunted his charge, so he didn't really threaten my home base
  11. Yeah I got 15 eternal guard to go for that unit, still they look awesome when finished
  12. Gasp, my secret identity is comprimised lol. Thanks, it was a slog to get through the last 10 or so
  13. No problems, oh and yeah, 40 sisters of the watch
  14. The one in the front is a kitbash nomad prince and the one in the back is a battlemage
  15. Been working on my living cities force
  16. I never really got the whole 'mono pose is bad' idea. Like, for example, the old skaven clanrats (legs, tail, arms, body, head), sure they would look different, but my god did they never rank up well (less of a drama now I suppose). And stuff like space marines, unless it's a display piece, basic bolter guy looking like the next basic bolter guy is fine Just my opinion anyway
  17. I'm running two units of 20, should make a nice no go zone
  18. I have a feeling I will buy that start collecting box, purely because those models look sick as
  19. Phoenix guard look kinda dorky, so there is that
  20. Then take Phoenix guard?? I like my blob of 20 eternal guard, but I had them before the book came out, where as if I was building a list now I probably would look towards Phoenix guard. I wish you could take a hero level wild rider/sister of the thorn, but it is what it is
  21. I like having the nomad prince as my general, but I want to play as close to pure wanderers as possible, and I'm taking a second one to outflank with 30 sisters. He could be a little bit cheaper, but hey, atleast we kept him
  22. So I read the princes command ability wrong
  23. I have been really faffing about with what to add to my models that survived the culling, finally decided to go with something. I'm going to add in the anvilgard start collecting box, everything is pretty cheap in the box, so my list will look like Nomad prince- general, druid of the Everspring circle, ironoak skin Nomad prince- spear of the Hunt Battlemage- cage of Thorns Black ark fleetmaster 20 eternal guard 30 sisters of the watch 5 sisters of the thorn-life surge 10 wild wood rangers 5 wild riders 10 Shadow Warriors 10 black ark corsairs- crossbows Scourge runner chariot- high beast master War hydra Extra command point Plan is for the sisters and a nomad prince to hidden path, and just put out the hurt Eternal guard, battle mage, prince and sisters of the thorn to form a bunker on a objective Hydra, wild riders, wwr, chariot and corsairs to do things in the middle
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