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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Well the same thing happened with Tyranids too and most of the rumors for the Chaos Space Marines seem to be on track as real as well
  2. Ahh ok...and yeah now that you mention it that image makes no sense at all there lol but hey now I can live the dream of a full Bladegheist list. Load up on them and get those auto-wounds via weight of attacks
  3. Nighthaunt, S2D, and Chaos Knights all at the same time lol Nighthaunt and Knights make sense but if S2D are really that far off then yeesh....also why no DoK?
  4. Ive only seen a super blurry pic so it was hard to read what their one and only ability said Also doesnt make any sense why they are not battleline in The Scarlet Doom when Bladegheist are the entire point All I can make is out something about adding 1 to attacks if something something something
  5. What was their 'recent' update?
  6. Okay so we talking Cultist vs Marine level of difference? Chaos Warriors are pretty chonky. Maybe Legionaries are marauder level but less berzerkery
  7. Smaller...are we talking actually physically smaller? Or small like 1w vs 2w
  8. The downside is definitely the points increases all over the place
  9. I dont like how that top one is judging me and the bottom one is staring into my soul
  10. What are those? Sparkle ferrets? Seraphon Celestial Star Mammals?
  11. Everyone is going to be real sad when its just a small Kill Team kit or part of a stand alone Space Hulk game
  12. Yeah i used to have a ton of Gundam models back in the day but those were more traditional model sets that you assemble and set up on display. Unless there is a Gundam table top wargame I dont know about...
  13. Everyone is tiny compared to GW though on the model making front right? The only real competition GW has is 3D printing and their response to that is constant price raising
  14. GW: Yo dawg I heard you liked Space Marines...
  15. Everything is Marines. We have mini, future, and past Marines. Stormcast? Generic Marines. Even Ogors...just fat Marines with a melee doctrine supported by tanks(Stonehorns). Dawnbreaker Crusades? Merely serfs that serve Marines. Soulblight? What do you think Bloodknights are? Thats right, Marine biker units. Embrace the Marine. Become the Marine.
  16. This is pretty much it. People mostly want the rules so they can play. Everything else is either optional or meh. Most of the time if I want lore info ill google it but rules are in specific places.
  17. I hear ya on the lore parts but heres the thing that kinda stops that point...the old AoS app....have we all already forgotten you could buy the entire book, lore, rules, and all, on that app. And it was amazing. I miss that app. I still have it on my phone tbh. Ive been saying for a long time the 40k app should have just used that old app as the template and slapped 40k stuff on it. Im fully in the camp of give me the option to buy the full book online. Yeah there are people that want the actual books and I get that but those people are a dying breed. Figuratively and literally. Im pushing near 40 years old and I dont own a single book of any kind outside of 40k codexes and AoS battletomes. If GW wants its business to survive to bring in new blood they will 100% need to go full digital at some point or be left behind.
  18. Id rather these guys be glass cannons. 1 wound but better attack profile and abilities. The attack profile is straight garbage so that sucks but maybe they have other abilities beyond shooting through stuff.
  19. Ive been saying stuff like this for a long time. There is no consistency at all. Try to look at Idoneth, then Fyreslayers, then these guys...it will give you a headache trying to figure out how GW thinks
  20. I can see the Crossboos working kinda like a unit from 40k. Deepstrike them close to their target and shoot. Depending on other rules and support heroes and assuming the deepstriking mechanic is still there for the army wide ability, you could drop them down 12" out and fire through terrain or whatever to pick off something
  21. They are definitely hanging on by a thread to an antiquated business model of trying to hold on to physical books while the rest of the world is online. And yet they are trying to push for their apps to be used...but the apps still require physical books...theres a lot of questionable decision making going on for sure and none of it makes sense.
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