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Everything posted by Hollow

  1. ****** it, if we are going full Old World - Old model wishlist crazy, then these beauties (and most of the DoW range) are what is needed. I wants them. I NEEDS THEM.
  2. This is a bit of a hot take. I personally think that destruction would be much better served if it was combined into a single large Battletome. Giants, Ogres, Orcs and Goblins fight together in my mind. I'd like to see a single Destruction battle tome that incorporated them all. It would have the freedom to add different monsters and esoteric units of strange beats that all flight under the same flag of whoever is the biggest, meanest, or most cunning.
  3. I also think they are nicely designed and I have a small force (which I plan to add to). I just think that in the broader context of the game, the resources used in their creation would have been better spent defining established factions further.
  4. I can't help but recall this line from the January update on Warhammer Community. Rob: We’ve hinted at the unprecedented amount of work that has gone into this new game and its setting. I still think (and hope) that ToW has a lot more to offer.
  5. The problem I have with Kruleboyz is that they seemed to come at the expense of established factions getting much-needed love. A dozen new plastic kits for a faction that kind of came out of nowhere and didn't really seem to have prior demand. It was a strange choice IMO (although GW does work in mysterious ways, they frequently make decisions that just completely baffle me.)
  6. Whilst I see your point, it is important to remember that Reddit isn't really representative of anything. A few thousand Reddit accounts across a customer base in the hundreds of thousands is statistically negligible. Not to have a go at you specifically Baron, It's just a problem that I think too many people have these days, equating online representation with real-life representation, which are worlds apart.
  7. Snotling pump wagon! 🤩 As a small note, I do like the more old-school scenery aesthetic used in the Bretonnia photos. The flocked grass table, textured rocks and old-school trees.
  8. You can still pick up Dominion for around £80/£90. It's a good box, I just don't think Kruleboys have that strong of an appeal. I would have much preferred to see a new Beastmen/Skaven line other than a new line of green skins.
  9. I'd love to know more about how a project like this is green-lit by GW. Do they appoint a "Studio Head" and then allocate X amount of money or do they allocate X amount of resources? Like "You can create a Starter set, X number of new kits, bring back X number of old kits, and publish X number of books" or is it based more on manpower? You have this group of people, get as much out of them as you can. Without knowing this kind of information I am hesitant to jump to conclusions before we know more. (Although I can't deny my disappointment at the seeming lack of updates for Bretonnian Knights) We don't know if Factions are going to get their own Army book or if they will be in Compendiums. We don't even know which factions are even going to be present. (Although their statements in the past on being able to use older armies puts the potential faction count at around 20) Post Launch I hope we see a dedicated day for TOW on Warhammer Community. We have Heresy Thursday, how about The Old World Wednesday? As for the starter set, all bets are off at this point IMO.
  10. Surely anyone apart of any "community" that acts like a petulant child should be ignored anyway? 40k, 30k, AoS, ToW; 4 fully fledged, distinct Warhammer settings and I love them all for different reasons. I just hope we see Gamesworkshop really develop and support each of these 4 Universes going forward with consistent content.
  11. I so wanted new Bretonnian Horses with crisp new sculpts and detailing. Waaaah. I remember putting those Knights together 15 years ago.
  12. I'm not surprised to see this, although I am a bit disappointed. Still so much up in the air about the project, not really a fan of the super slow drip of information. I think it works for a new announcement like 10th edition 40k, but I would much prefer to get an overview of what the hell they are actually planning. How many factions are they planning and how are they going to be represented? Army Books? Cards? Compendium? There are lots of new plastic kits coming but for what? It's been years and for a company of this size it's getting a bit frustrating tbh.
  13. A big part of that will come down to the print run I am assuming. The number one thing that costs money in making a book is the spine. (It's part of the reason why I think that GW is moving to card decks, they are cheaper to produce, the margins are higher and you can do smaller batch runs) I have absolutely no idea how many books GW does in a run (If I were to guess I would say 500/1000 Limited Edition and maybe 3000/5000 Battletomes) but the shear volume of books that they put out (all using the same general formatting and a lot of reused work) means the margins must be pretty high. I can't see a battle tome costing more than a few pounds to produce.
  14. I have found the AoS app to be pretty good. It's nicely laid out, makes sense, and is easy to navigate. The problem is the process of having to buy a full book, to enter a code to unlock further content. This is archaic in 2023 and GamesWorkshop needs to fundamentally change how they deliver their content. 10th edition has me hopeful that they understand this (although I think they are moving too slowly)
  15. Recently I've been putting together some Sisters in preparation for 40k 10th (They will be my 10th Edition main) and the Arco-flagellants and the Sister's Repentia give me a lot of hope for where CoS Flagellants might go.
  16. It was decent. This might be a weird thought, but I wish they would show the characters "out of armour". It's one of the issues I have with the general world-building of Warhammer. When she was woken from her dreams and went walking to find another Stormcast sitting fully armored drinking ale by the fire, it just doesn't sit well with me. Warhammer needs to explore more of the civilian life aspect of the world, IMO.
  17. When it comes to Warhammer Plus, the optimist in me thinks that the entire exercise has essentially been a proof of concept, which lead to the Cavill/Amazon announcement.
  18. All this talk around lore compendiums and fleshing out of the Mortal Realms makes my creative juices flow. (At least I think those are creative juices) I would love to see a lavish 10-book series written in the style of a great explorer, who set out to try and map the mortal realms. 1 book for each of the 8 Mortal Realms, 1 for the 8 points, and 1 for the Atheric Void between realms. Not novels, but more like a series of journals (Think "There and Back Again" from LotR). Perhaps the protagonist could have some distant connection to one of The Old World's greatest explorers, Marco Colombo! (Aboard a giant flying ship of course!) Big chunky leather bound covers (a bit like the limited edition Horus Heresy books) Filled with maps, sketches and tales of wonder. Detailed, in-depth looks at the citizenry, politics, architecture, nomenclature and cultural traditions of the many different races and societies that populate the realms. They could include some fun and flavourful terrain and campaign rules (A bit like 2004's Lustria book for Warhammer Fantasy) with each tomb as thick as a core rulebook. I'm getting carried away, but damn... so much potential there.
  19. Was that not the initial intention with the different Stormhost Shield options? They were discontinued because they didn't sell.
  20. That would be awesome. I really should read up on the Warcry stuff, been looking at getting a Warband. Modular Seraphon dungeon tiles would be great, especially if it meant more Seraphon kits.
  21. Perhaps we could see a 'Boarding Patrol-type' expansion for AoS in the future? Rather than the interior of a spacecraft, it would be the interior of the underground dungeons that sprawl the Mortal Realms. Would be cool for AoS 4.0 and I would love a full fantasy plastic dungeon board kit similar to the Boarding Actions Terrain Kit for 40k. It would fit really well with the aforementioned "Duradin Underlords", "Underguts", Skaven etc, as well. I want AoS Mine of Moria. 🙃
  22. I think it's utterly absurd to categorize people interested in TOW as a single "community" to start with. Like life, there will be all kinds of different people and groups. If you don't like a particular group or person, find someone else or another group to play with. Wargaming in general has a percentage of perpetually unhappy 'comic book guys'. 40k has plenty of toxicity as well (just read Dakka lol) Don't let any single group define what a setting (That appeals to millions of people) is or isn't.
  23. I don't think units should be hard-capped in that way. I'd like to see the return of standard regiment sizes of 12/20 depending on the troop type. (I'd love to see the return of the 20-man regiment boxes with full command and movement tray, with Elites being 5/10 12/16 depending)
  24. Ulgu would be a cool setting to introduce a destruction insectoid faction. The flutter of insect wings through the thick fog.
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