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Everything posted by yarrickson

  1. Aventis Fire strike would be the natural centerpiece to go with all your sacrosanct infantry. Or a Star drake might be a good choice. Still a lot of armies can't deal with him. But I'd recommend a Celestant Prime. I've played against him several times recently and I'm always impressed by his utility. Between his comet ability and the guaranteed 12" charge he can really impact a game when he drops from the sky.
  2. Just 2 attacks each. The pairing just gives the re-roll.
  3. You would still be able to. Vengeful Determination (Vandus' command ability) isn't conditional.
  4. No probs. I'd meant to put allegiances on the spreadsheet anyway but just hadn't gotten round to it.
  5. Hi there. Lists are in the first post but here's a wee breakdown. Image 1 I've added what everyone's allegiance was. Image 2, 3 and 4 are the top three lists. For the rest you'll need to download the list document from the 1st post. :-)
  6. Results. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZjsLKurhdn0y4ZqYt7bnYkERlEUWhHeZ
  7. Lists! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gV2Xf-aqZIFX7-x9IxPNmII2gX8c_lZR/view With commentary!
  8. Food! We all need to eat, right? So I'm going to book a table for one of Stirling's fine eateries. Already have 12 names. (Kevin, Grant, Liam, Adam, Leigh, Nathan, Jamie, Riyathe, Stu, John B, Ross. ) but if you want to join us just let me know so I have an idea of numbers.
  9. And the final batch of prizes have arrived courtesy of Greenstuffworld. Was super excited to open the box to see the colour shift paints. I know a few folk who'd be keen on winning those.
  10. 25 lists received. Lists will go out for commentary in the morning and will be published as soon as that is done. First round draw will be next weekend.
  11. Just a list from Duffy. Payment and list from Brian. Thanks :-)
  12. Couple of days till lists and payment due. I don't have everyone's TGA names but of the ones I have: Need lists and payments by end Sat from: @Dioxymoose @Robsco26 @Teuchter @Alfascozzesi Lists: @sirflukesalot @quina2525 Payment: @Soup Dragon Also if anyone knows: Graham Duffy, Aidhan Higgins, Brian Convery could they give them a poke ta.
  13. Friendly reminder that lists and payment are due by 23.59 on Saturday 3rd March.
  14. The physical trophy for the Most Fabulous Army arrived today. Much like my painting it is simple and understated
  15. Updated the pack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sMHSkblSZ-9DmsIFGyHRvgXav6zPXL7e/view?usp=sharing All lists and payment due by 3rd March
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