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Everything posted by yarrickson

  1. My ovals arrived today so I've spent a dire hour and a half holding dragon Ogors to 90mm oval bases. If GW ever change the base size on these fellas I think I'd cry. A lot of weight on relatively small contact points on the feet.
  2. Painting day 1. Started slapping some base layers on the Shaggy trio.
  3. Based up the three Shaggoth ready for undercoating. Boring update but one that means they'll be ready for paint tomorrow along with the Herdstone.
  4. Such a bright red that the Citadel Paint app says it's actually orange.
  5. I may stop short of going full on red phase GW as these are even redder than I remembered.
  6. Got the last 6 dogors with crushers built. That's everything built that is in the starting army. I still need to decide what to invest in for Primordial Call. My 90 by 52 bases should arrive at local GW tomorrow or Monday. But I can start on the Shaggoths and the Herdstone already. Basing and spraying up next, then the fun and exciting (hopefully) painting can begin. I think I'm going to go with quite a classic "Battle Book, Red Phase' look on this army. So bright green dragon bits, nice clean bronzed flesh, red and silver armour bits. Think I'll stop short of basing with goblin green and flock though.
  7. Painting and basing will be doing a fair bit of differentiating between models although because I've gone 12/9/6 in Great Weapons, halberds and two weapons the units look relatively different to the eye. Had a day off today so splurged my free time on building 21 of the 27 Ogors. Might get the other 6 later on. Pics are 9 halberds, 6 crushers and 2 sets of 3 paired weapons, then the obligatory herdstone.
  8. Shaggoth 3. Played around a bit mostly because I could. Not unhappy with him.
  9. Something for all players? Maybe the next set of universal Endless spells? That'd be nice.
  10. Pushed on past bed time and built the 2nd Shaggoth. Straight weapon head swap and gave one of the little hair spites some horns.
  11. Shaggoths go together a lot easier in finecast than they did in metal. This one will be my general I think. Adramalech the Azyrite. Tried to go for mid-cast on a lightning based spell, gave him new horns off the bloodthirster sprue and a wee Mohican thing. I'll probably tart up another one and have the third pretty much stock.
  12. Recently I've been trying to chase the meta with a Stormcast Evocators list, before that I had mixed order filth and a variety of other attempts at top tier lists. To little success, and even less enjoyment. In an attempt to bring myself more hobby joy I scoured the battletomes, spent hours on Warscroll Builder and Azyr. Finally came across the Thunderscorn in Beasts of Chaos and their Warscroll batallion. Going back about 15 years or so I used to have a couple of metal shaggoth and 6 metal dogres in my old Beastmen army and they were and are some of my favourite models and background in Warhammer. Eventually decided upon the list attached, and today a big pile of boxes arrived, (attachment 2) along with 30 square bases. So I've now ordered 30 ovals from GW along with a bunch of basing material. I plan to have the army ready for BOBO in May. So three months or so to build and paint 30 models. And a herdstone. And options for primordial call points expenditure. Should be doable I hope. I was also inspired to write a wee bit of fluff at work the other day, which I will flesh out over time. (3rd attachment) First proper update likely to be shaggoths.
  13. Doesn't sound overpowered in the slightest. There's a few armies in the game that it'll rarely effect (beastclaw, any big gribbly army) and it's at best 5d3 mw over the course of a game. Khorne, Nurgle, SCE, half the realmscapes already have similar anyway. Fuss over nothing imo.
  14. New models, dice, cards and scenery. That's my prediction for 2019. I have a good feeling about this one. 😁
  15. I'm playing Storm cast because Evocators are filth.
  16. Nagash cannot benefit from 'look out sir' as he is a Monster.
  17. Evocators staves win the mathhammer battle over swords. But you only get staves in the multi-part box and the market is currently flooded with cheap starter kit sword evocators. I went all swords simply as a matter of cost. I'm prepared to be corrected. But I've only ever seen Lord Celestants on Star drake with Celestine Hammers, and a quick look at the profiles tells me I'd prefer the 2+ wound rolls over the chance of the occasional couple of extra hits.
  18. Except no-one takes the lens since the FAQ do they? I've certainly not seen one since 6nations.
  19. There's still what was called the 'Les Martin TM' list, Stardrake, 2*2 Fulminators, relictor, castellant, 2xjudicators, liberators, prosecutors, incantor, vexillor, heraldor. Just a really well rounded army that does well at most scenarios/types of game?
  20. The ever blaze comet combos well with (sorry for bringing it up again) a decent Gavbomb. Any decent opponent will try and clump up and hide behind whatever chaff they have to avoid taking evocators directly to the face. So that's when you smack them with the comet from outside dispel range, opponent has to shuffle his army away from comet and then you drop the Gavbomb into whatever gap opens up. Beautiful.
  21. Regarding protecting backfield objectives when using a Gavbomb. Best defence is a good offence in my opinion. If you can tie up most/all of the enemy army with Evocators/hammer unit of your choice then they can't even think about objective play. Obviously there'll be caveats to that, a few annoying armies like Sylvaneth will just retreat/teleport away from your bomb. But they're the exception rather than the rule. Failing that you can't go wrong with skinks or 5 man-regenerating-the-unit-on-a-5+-liberators
  22. Indeed I am. Hilarity was had. My record today was a 33" charge as well. Proper bonkers AOS.
  23. 3 game tournament today with my Gavbomb list. Game 1, Blood and Glory, realm of Fire vs Sylvaneth. Lost this in turn 1 when the evocators fluffed on Alarielle and left her alive on 2wounds. She ended the game almost at full health and I ended up tabled, mostly from bow hunters. Major Loss. Game 2, Star strike, realm of light vs Nurgle. Picture attached of the evocator wall killing 6 drones and a unit of blight kings in turn 1, pinning back the enemy army, wiped the nurgle army and it never got out of its deployment zone. Major Win. Game 3. Relocation Orb, Realm of Death vs Legion of Azgorgh. The threat of the evocators made the opponent corner defence and by turn 3 and the drop from the sky I was up 9-0. Evocators dropped and killed 2x12 K'dai Fire born. Major Win. Ended up 10th out of 36 and the Sylvaneth ended up in 1st so no shame in the loss. I'll get him next time.
  24. So far I've been using 7 CP in turn 1 to add 21" to the evocators charge to really get stuck in right where it hurts. I reckon this'll be dead come January so making the most of it now.
  25. At the risk of being dubbed a fun sponge. Here's the list I'm taking to a tournament at the weekend. I'll update with how I do afterwards ?
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