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Everything posted by Fungrim

  1. This is why I was interested to see the reboxing of the Duardin units, and still labelled 'Dispossessed' and 'Ironweld Arsenal' - the latter being a faction completely in-operable in of itself. Points toward a more intuitive army composition system in GHB2 perhaps? Certain factions able to tack on to other factions (almost like 40k detachments?) It's that, or we have another few years of useless factions that only have a place in mixed allegiance lists. I can't imagine there's an Ironweld Arsenal battletome on it's way any time soon...
  2. Still annoys me that Ironweld Arsenal is a thing. Factions that don't have their own battleline and can't be added to other factions without breaking allegiance, is annoying (see also Troggoths, Giants etc)
  3. Ace stuff as always mate! I've been assembling a Chaos warband for Skirmish inspired by the Archaon/Gaunt Summoner fluff - but this has really made me want to use my Ironjawz. Seem very powerful in small numbers!
  4. @rokapoke @KnightFire - weird I couldn't get to any of it earlier. Rotbringers were fine but the Daemons had nothing in the way of rules available. Must have been a glitch.
  5. Haha I know. I think there'll be something along with/just after the GHB2 release. Chin up dude!
  6. Might be old news, might be nothing, posting it anyway. I can't seem to find any of the free pdf downloads for any Nurgle Daemons at the moment (where you normally find it on the GW shop page, there's just no link). With the hints at a 40k release just after DI drops this weekend, perhaps a multi-platform Nurgle Daemons re-release? Also. Weirdly. Both Ironbreakers/Irondrakes and Hammerers/Longbeards are currently 'sold out online' and no longer available, with no option to 'email me' when they're back in. Possible re-box with rounds as per a few of the other factions recently?
  7. Blood and Thunder, about 42 minutes in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvgv2aFfy9w Also, a quick Google image search shows up the box and contents etc
  8. GHB2 will bring a lot of buzz back around in July, few releases tacked on to it you'd imagine. With the last 2 years of almost pure Sigmar, 40K deserves a month or so of limelight to be fair..
  9. Currently half-way through Fury of Gork myself - highly recommended
  10. Great to see Grugni is up to something. Give me more Duardin! Give me ALL the Duardin!
  11. It's definitely worth a watch! I missed the first turn or so as I was driving, but by the time I got home, from the looks of it you were bossing the objectives. I panicked at first because your cabbage was out of shot (!), wondered if you'd thrown him forward early-doors and the Ironclad had ground him off.... then the camera panned out and I realised he was swinging round the right flank, which looked so awesome Think on any given day if you'd won just one more priority, or if he'd fluffed a few of his shots (there's a lot of 4+ rolls in KO shooting...) - you'd have nicked it on objectives. You as the megaboss know this I'm sure, but it's taken me a while to get used to it myself - Ironjawz can be so all or nothing a lot of the time. I've really had to adapt to the method that you just have to play for the Major and hope to cling on to the objectives, as the inevitable high number of casualties seems to make those hard fought Minors too difficult to get (especially when facing these pew pew armies!) Good work mate, was great seeing you on there, and the post-game discussion was ace too. Hopefully not the last time we see Krunk on the tele!
  12. Last Facehammer, I think it was Russ saying Ironjawz could be a bad match-up for the Kharadron (quick, multi-wound, smashy) - here's hoping! Good luck mate. I'm sure you will anyway, but give us a reminder on here/Twitter etc (mind of a sieve over here..)
  13. Suggests it's out pretty soon if it's already painted and ready to go? Not a slow-burner like some of the rumour engine stuff
  14. I actually think they do this most the time, that's why sometimes stuff looks like Forge World when it's not - bit of Photoshop greyscale action
  15. Re. that rumour engine picture isn't the clue in the text as always with GW - 'Well, we haven’t seen this before… it could be anything' Sneaky Deathrattle battletome with reboxing and 1 or 2 new models. Or, long-term, Aelves in the summer (sometimes these GW 'leaks' seem to be well in advance!)
  16. Khorne is a starterbox force though, the main bad guys for the first few years of AoS. Who had fairly few minis before, that weren't Mortals. Just figured they'd address Death and Aelves before going back to Nurgle
  17. Nurgle got a lot in End Times and have a fairly established Daemons range. Can't see them getting much on the new side for AoS. Think it'll be largely 40k to be honest. There's loads of other armies I can see them doing before revisiting Nurgle in the realms
  18. Agreed. I imagine they won't get much, probably the Seraphon treatment//if they're lucky the Khorne/FEC treatment (new battletome, rebox etc)
  19. To be fair this does bode well for Wood Aelves (Wanderers) getting their own release seperate from Sylvaneth, something that didn't look too likely for a while. It kind of felt like they'd renamed everything just for the sake of it, but perhaps they do have genuine plans to re-introduce all the Factions in their own right as time goes on
  20. Reckon this is where it broke down mate, I absolutely know this feeling and when it's Gorefist time, I get the impression there is absolutely no room for fear.... Another great battle report though mate, think you're inspiring us all to get our pig on (sounded better in my head than it looks on-screen...)
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