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Everything posted by Turragor

  1. If shadow aelves are close with tentacled creatures, winged lampreys and other creatures from their environment why wouldn't they be the 'sea forest' Aelves scratching that same itch. They could be druidic and wholly in touch with nature - their own environment - and that environment just happens to be like the sea floor. I love the idea of bonuses for mixing the two types and different bonuses for being pure light or shadow.
  2. I love the idea of both races being 'blind' for different reasons (too much light, too much darkness).
  3. I think there will be some ethical differences but I think they'll be based on their environment and the solutions to problems (which let's be honest is "how do we kill the chaos stuff thats running rampant?") that suit their lifestyles as a result of that environment. So a new kind dark and high dichotomy.
  4. I am glad you guys like it. I feel the extra scrolls are a bit on the thick side but I guess at this scale it's going to go mostly unnoticed. I will paint some suitable scrollwork on them as a distraction.
  5. Re tomes to be redone - all pre GHB deserve it but realistically I think the following: Seraphon - you have the model count for it definitely. They may be in need of a greater redesign. They're also an old faction. Where there is less incentive to drum up a frenzy. Ironjawz - They don't have the model count unless they're in a larger orruk tome and I think that is longer off (though maybe not?) Maybe with more models they'd work. If any were in the pipeline already - as with Stormcast - I think there's a good chance. Fyreslayers - they don't have the model count unless they're in a larger duardin tome and I think both those are longer off (maybe not?) Maybe with more models they'd work. If any were in the pipeline already - as with Stormcast - I think there's a good chance. You see I believe the redone tomes are all great reactionary work from GW. If there is a base in model form or a release soon, they can tie it all into a book (shorter turn around time than the models - I'm only guessing that ofc).
  6. Doing a conversion for a potential extra Relictor (also a bit of AoS28 feel):
  7. I was wondering here until I saw 'Sayl' and now I get it. Yeah, as far as I know (no Chaos expert) a good chunk of non-Tzeentch lists are Sayl and/or Belakor and friends. I'd love for all chaos to get nice allegiance bonuses to contend with the auto-included named characters. It's just more flavourful.
  8. The Headsman. Tracker and executioner to the witch.
  9. Why do they have to be so cool? I have no time or money for an army of moon-balloon dwarves from Flash Gordon. But I have all the desire.
  10. SC have the room for named characters. They've one named character at the moment.
  11. I usually paint rather brightly, and struggle towards ever neater paint jobs. I'm seeing and reading some cool stuff that makes me feel less put off about mastering a darker aesthetic so here's the first mini I've painted for my warband. It's going to be a few Stormcast and then some unlikely chaps.
  12. I'd say this is likely the case for most of these factions. Eventually. There is no rush though whilst the concept of "all descendants of the old world peoples united in the large cities" still exists. There just won't be any updates for them. I just don't see GW doing new factions that aesthetically match these guys (enabling their reabsorption into a new faction with new rules) going forward. Not when they can do cooler, more distinct new stuff.
  13. I'm going to guess multiple materials and chemical processes. There'll be an "antigravity" metal from the realm they've hidden in? There will be at least 2 other variants powering different weapons. They'll probably just call some of them 'aetherstones'.
  14. PS! I am winning the lottery and using this terrain as a mountain top duardin pirate base for AoS> https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/03/15/war-returns-to-armageddon/ Also, the way this box set feels - Necromunda mixed with killteam - makes me think Shadespire is going to be the mordheim equivalent. An official warband based ruleset with some minis and plastic terrain for the eponymous Shadespire (where warbands are sent to win glory or something). Rules will have warband progression etc. Will be kind of like a proper sized path to glory (instead of rolling up a stardrake and 5 full stormcast units - hey this warband is 2000 points after 1 game).
  15. To those saying there are more kits coming... I am not sure. It would be cool to see more but if we do this would be a pretty big faction release! It looks like 3 ship variants, 3 types of troops, 4 or 5 characters on foot, 1 character dangling from a balloon. If you add older kits that are speculated (gyrocopters, irondrakes - the like) maybe estimate another 3 or 4 warscrolls? If no old kits are getting added that might change things. Though they've had the prime time and the big stage to announce these, I'd be further surprised if they were hiding something else cool.
  16. If you measure base to base there's no issue. If you measure model to model each of these ships has a pretty deep fin keel which means you just put models on the base and they reach that without much issue. You cannot use any flying stand length that you wish. Whatever comes in the box would be official and should be reachable by infantry. If they want units to be 'flying high' they give them rules on the warscroll I'd say.
  17. If I buy these (I will at a later date) I'm converting their balloon-esque things to true balloons. I don't 100% like the hard struts holding them to hard balls. I'm thinking of making each one look like the house from 'Up'
  18. I see this happening, it's a mobile shooty army with maybe 1 unit exception - like most of the Vanguard units. I think it makes sense to steer the game away from bunkered gunlines.
  19. Miyazaki style conversions please! These ships and balloons can be attached to any race of miniature and use the Kharadron rules. I think this may be the most exciting modelling release in a while for that reason alone.
  20. Every ship has bombs attached. I also wager the skyballs-duardin drop from most ships. The one noted as a transport can probably contain the rest. I'd imagine the ships deploying alone to start with filled with goodies, they may even deploy off the board as SCE do. The ships then move towards and OVER the enemy, dropping units outside 9" and doing mortal wounds on each unit they pass over (bombs). The dwarves dropped now pin units in place, the skyballers probably have some kind of slipperiness maybe not being bound in any combat but able to just float about pinning other units. The ships continue moving over units dropping bombs and shooting. The transport has to land to drop the foot infantry perhaps - slowing it in comparison to the delivery of balloon guys. Could be cool, the ships in formation just doing bombing runs up and down the board flinging out duardin onto objectives as they go.
  21. First of all, I'm back onto some prosecutors (I've a lot of SC to paint for a tournament to open up new lists, otherwise I'll use old lists). This is the first: And then, separately, I'm messing with the AoS28 idea of a more darker look. I struggle with that with my paint style but my first attempt is:
  22. Sounds more like Necromunda's rebirth possibly
  23. I am thinking here. That first preview image - largely accepted as Aelves now - definitely represents someone blind. I am not old fluff expert but this matches a few from the old world? In any case, we've got the potential for 'sight without sight' shenanigans for each faction. The realm of shadow is well in shadow. You'd need other senses or 'talents' to see. The realm of light is probably not "the realm of a comfortable level of light for the eye". It's probably more "the realm of light blazing your retinas off". So the way I see it they can go for the 'blind samurai' kind of aesthetic. Not necessarily eastern (though wouldn't that be a bit of a twist? Do Aelves like the classic Asian warrior stereotypes or tropes) but modeled to clearly appear blind
  24. New app kinda neat. Sub'd. Things to improve on (like old points cost for SCE) and whatnot but like where it is going.
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