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Chris Tomlin

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Posts posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:56 PM, Russ Veal said:

    2000pts no sideboard
    2 lists from same grand aliance
    Each list must be used at least once

    Interesting - inspired by Warmachine & Hordes? I know they have used something similar.

    Sounds cool/different. Looking forward to it.

  2. 10 hours ago, Nixon said:

    Sorry to ask this, since Im not part of the event, Im just curious. Where in the GH can I find this?

    Nice event Chris, hope to do something similar here in Denmark sometime.

    Cheers @Nixon - It should be a good time for sure. I can try to grab you a page reference or screenshot later on after work, but you'll find it within the matched play section. It's only in a small passage and not highlighted as a big rule or anything (which I found strange!)

    @Gmac2610 - Good on you for posting your list, would be nice to see a few more of you going balls out and sharing (lists, not balls!).

    @Marc Wilson - The Battleplans will be predetermined by myself, but just announced before each round, along with any relevant clarifications.

  3. Hey there,

    Thanks guys, glad you are liking him! He was a lot of fun to paint. I am now really, really, struggling to meet my deadline for this upcoming doubles tournaments. The Arduous Boyz (thanks to @Forestreveries for that one!) are still not complete and I have 10 Brutes plus the updated basing on all other stuff to do. Tournament is 20th of this month. Arghhh!!

    On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 11:19 AM, Gaz Taylor said:

    As usual Chris, stunning. I'm really enjoying this blog

    Cheers Gaz :) 

    On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 11:27 AM, Lez said:

    Looks great Chris, I really like the way the green glow sticks pop compared to the muted bone colours.

    im looking forward to see what you do with the cabbage! 

    Thanks Les, I had a real vision of what I wanted to do for the stick and it didn't quite come to fruition. I'm happy enough though. I have been researching and planning for the cabbage already. Can't wait to start him. Will definitely have them at FHGT.

    On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 2:46 PM, Dez said:


    Watcha say Dezi?


    Though I think a proppa boy needa a choppa!

    He has one...a small one, but one none the less! ;)

    I will be converting my second Warchanter though.

    Thanks again all :D x

  4. 4 hours ago, Nico said:

    Feeling very excited now it's this weekend. Got my suitably filthy raffle item ready.

    Are there going to be open lists and the draw in advance?


    Draw yes. Should've been done yesterday but I have been unwell. Will be up this evening. 

    Hopefully I have time to get the lists up on a PDF beforehand as well. Losing yesterday has been a bit of a killer prep wise though. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Dez said:

    I actually like the dark contrast, and plan on doing a few drybrushes of something very bright then going back through with a brush and adding some dark shade to the recesses. Because you know, spending hours just painting cracks in bases.

    Yeh I do think the contrast is required. But I think a dark brown is preferable/more natural to black. I think I read somewhere that the Agrellan Earth adheres better if you paint it first. So that's a pro tip for you all (or utter nonsense!). I've seen people do really clever things with painting lava effects underneath the crackle stuff.

    1 hour ago, Eric54114 said:

    Looks like I'm late to the party!

    Such good insights in this thread, especially for aspiring Ironjaw generals like myself.

    Look forward to reading more!

    Thanks Eric, glad you've enjoyed it so far! I look forward to adding plenty more.

    As well as modelling, painting, theory and casual games, I currently have 6 Tournaments booked in for the rest of the year and I'm currently planning to use Ironjawz at them all, so that may (or may not) be interesting!!

  6. 9 minutes ago, jonwarmington said:

    At least you guys have something to aim for! I can't sit down for more than an hour at the moment before thinking the grass looks fun to go and watch grown or other similar procrastinating tasks to do.

    You'd think right? I was sat at my painting desk for 4 hours last night. Sounds good.

    1hr = new Robot Wars!

    2 1/2hrs = watching music videos on Youtube.

    1/2 hr = actual painting


  7. 2 hours ago, Sangfroid said:

    Sorry Chris the bases look great and better than you had before and certainly better than my cop out stirland mud drybrushed tat ;-)

    the ardboyz really are a joy to paint and will come together quicker than you expect once you get going as the majority of the model is armour and as it's an old style design not particularly detailed at that. 

    Cheers Kieran...although at present I don't agree with you on the Ardboyz haha!! I've half done the skin then basecoated and washed the other areas and its been a right chore. Taken me far longer than it should've to get this far. I'm hoping that when I get them done and have some nice results I'll be enthused to do 20 more. At present I cant think of anything worse haha!!

    57 minutes ago, Morpheine said:

    The crackle paint definitely makes it pop a lot more! My only suggestion would be to paint a different colour as an undercoat before you put down the crackle? :) 

    Can't tell if you have or not, but from the pictures it looks like you can see the black of the base under the cracks? 

    With that said, I think you've single-handedly convinced me to go pick some up haha. 

    Cheers bro. I have actually painted Rhinox Hide underneath, which is clearer in real life. I think its important to keep it darker underneath as you really want that contrast. What did you have in mind?

    I would definitely recommend it for Orruks or Destruction in general. goes nicely. My only concern is whether it'll degrade over time.

  8. Good morning boys and girls!

    No more thoughts on my revised basing? I had hoped to pick up a couple more comments. I'll just have to assume that "no news is good news" rather than "if you've got nothing good to say, say nothing"! :P 

    Unfortunately I missed out on another game last night, instead choosing to stay home and get some painting done. Still no update for now though I'm afraid, but by next week at a bare minimum I'll definitely be able to share some pics of my Warchanter, Da Kurlzz, who is almost finished.

    I've also washed 10 Ardboyz after laying some basecoats and put down the first layer of green on 10 Brutes. So it's all ticking along, but I'll have to sink a lot of hours into these models between now and 20th August to get them done in time. The fact I'm running a Tournament next weekend doesn't help things as it will write off the best part of week with further prep!

    Watch this space!

  9. 20 hours ago, Jimbo said:

    The list I was thinking of bringing is built and under coated but that's it! Nothing like a deadline to get those painting juices flowing tho :)

    Yeh tbh I've really been struggling to get much progress on one single army, so whilst I bemoan it, having some tournament painting deadlines is probably going to be a positive motivation to actually get s**t done!!

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Jimbo said:

    Ok, thanks for clarifying Jon! Looking forward to the event - just need to get painting!!

    You and me both...I have a Warchanter (half done), 10 Ardboyz (half basecoated) and 10 Brutes (undercoated) to paint and plenty else on getting in my way! :S

    Considering how long the other models for this army have taken I am feeling increasingly negative about my chances of success. However I really really need to hit this deadline as it also gives me a chance to then paint a further 1k in the following 3 weeks for Facehammer GT.

  11. 2 hours ago, N_Watson said:

    Love the new look on your bases @Chris Tomlin

    Been thinking about doing something similar myself. 

    1 hour ago, Dez said:

    The Agrellan is magic, as much as I wanted to use something different it just looks too good!

    Cheers boyz,

    I was very aware that Agrellan Earth (and Martian Ironearth) are very much the flavour of the month, however I couldn't argue with the feedback that my bases were very plain before. This way there is another element/texture to add interest, which still keeping the overall feel I wanted to achieve. So to be honest, I'm pretty happy with how it works alongside the sand.

    Give it a go, definitely looks good for Orruks IMO.

    Unfortunately until my new wash order turns up, painting is at a standstill on my Ardboyz (which are taking me FOREVER!), that said, I do hope to get my Warchanted near to finished tonight, all being well.

  12. Afternoon Ardboyz!

    Bit of a hobby update today. Unfortunately no where near as exciting as what I'd hoped to share (see above excuses).

    Basically I scraped some of the sand off the existing base and added some patches of Agrellan Earth, drybrushing it up the same as the sand to tie it in. Hopefully this adds a bit of interest to the base, without cluttering it. The "plain" basing was the main complaint I'd had against the models. What do people thing of this? Any better?




    • Like 1
  13. On ‎22‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 8:23 PM, mrstimpson38 said:

    When ran in a Weirdfist, Green Puke is pretty reliable in both range and damage. But I find most people are running a MawC+Ironfist in 2k lists so it's not really an option for them. I run an Ardfist+Weirdfist 2k list and the Weirdnob is definitely a useful asset.

    Yeh I can honestly say I have never once tried to cast Green Puke!! The Weirdfist battalion is pretty good and does actually make the Weirdnob useful (as you said). I think in time I would like to try this out as well as the other battalions.

    On ‎22‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 8:23 PM, mrstimpson38 said:

    Also, thanks for this thread, Chris. It has been a great read and a pleasure to peep your Ironjawz.

    No worries....it's thanks to people such as you reading and interacting that are keeping my motivation high.

    Unfortunately this past weekend I did not get anywhere near enough hobby done. I ran out of AP Dark Tone on Saturday and was horrendously hungover yesterday :( 

    I have managed to add to the basing on one of my already painted Brutes though, so I will post that up later.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Sangfroid said:

    great battle rep again Chris, I agree about shaman I often find myself dropping magic in favour of another foot character, been thinking of 2 megaboss on foot and a cabbage one foot boss as general with 4+ ward other with battle brew and cabbage with MHB

    Cheers bro.

    Yeh that would be my ideal set up if I'm honest. There's just literally no way I can find the 20pts for the second Megaboss though. Pre GH I actually had a pretty dim view of the foot Megaboss, but Rampaging Destroyers + Ravager + Crunk Juce suddenly makes him a legit boss!

    As soon as I get that second Warchanter I'll give the revised list a go.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Nico said:

    Thanks. So a one use reroll for a turn or a battleround? That could be massive.

    Just a one use reroll. Still potentially very good. I do wonder if tournaments will use that table.

    18 minutes ago, Dez said:

    I don't find the Weirdnob an auto include. With Foot so hard to cast and puke being random, the thing he is bringing to the table is Mystic Shield and Unbind. I'm not convinced it's worth the points especially as he cant take a mount. 

    I also scoffed at the Warchanter too, but that plus 1 is so good I wish I could give out to more units.

    i wish Ironjawz heroes could take mounts so we could run them up the board for Ham and Cabbage dinner!

    You're totally right with the Weirdnob. I've never once tried to cast Green Puke and have recently talked myself out of getting overexcited and trying to cast Foot all the time! However, its just typical that when I talk myself and cast Shield instead, I always pop a cheeky 10+ haha!

    Shield is obviously solid and stacks up nicely with Warchanter and Inspiring Presence on a unit of 10 Brutes. Unbind happens so rarely I find.

    The Warchanter is not to be underestimated IMO, a really key piece in the Ironjawz army. As I'll have a couple spare soon (hello SC: Ironjawz!) I think I will experiment with dubs 'chanter over the Shaman. It's worth consideration and indeed, testing I think.

    Mounts would be good, but I tend to find running them behind the units keeps them in range.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Nico said:

    I've not seen any leaks of the Triumph Table (I gather it's not the one in the regular rules). I suspect 1980 will be the sweet spot (or 1990 if you fit in a 30 point fanatic) as you'll gain a significant buff for 20 points against some players. 

    It's a D3 table, the 3 buffs are a one use reroll on hits/wounds/saves for a unit. Quite nice.

    20 minutes ago, Nico said:

    Yeah - that does make a lot of sense against Ironjawz, as a hero at the back is safe as can be with Ironjawz' near total lack of shooting. I think it depends on what the Command Trait is, if it's a passive one that doesn't require proximity (like the death one here), then great. If you're going for an aggressive buff to the hero, then obviously the big flappy. It's a nice tactical choice you can make for each game when you see your opponent. Here you're not losing much as the GkoZD's buff is his spell, rather than his Command Ability (which is summoning).

    Yeh as you say, its nice to have the flexibility. My concern is the some tournaments will enforce a fixed list with things like this listed and applicable to all games.

  17. 5 hours ago, polarbear said:

    The hotdog-bun problem has gone off the chain with the matched play structure. Leadbelchers come in boxes of 4, but you'd need to buy 3 boxes to have an even split of groups of 3, unless you want superfluous models. In a weird way I'm actually coming around to it though. It basically means you'll almost never build an exact force, buy it and be done. You'll always have extra models and that will breed different ways to construct your army as you go. Steers you a bit more to building your army in a general sense and not specifically for that one competitive list.

    Ha! That's more akin to the way it was in WFB. I was hoping for nice clean round numbers of models that directly slot into their warscroll ;)

    To be honest though, I think it will mostly be like that by the time everything is repacking. There are very few repacks that aren't "warscroll size" (or divisible by the warscroll size)...in fact, I'm not sure I can I can think of any other examples!

    4 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I fully expect a reboxing of Leadbelchers in the future.  I've still got a box in a cupboard and quite fancy doing an army next year once they get updated (Chaos this year).

    Yeh agreed...though I think the repack would be 6 as opposed to 3. The trend seems to be to go bigger (Ghouls, Savages etc) and Ogors are 2 per sprue.

    • Like 1
  18. 39 minutes ago, Nico said:

    I'd much rather keep the all important ward save buff on the 14 wound monstrosity and take a few more Ghouls. 

    I think this was actually factored into how @The Lost Lighthouse (Gary) wanted to play his army. The Haunter Courtier was used much more defensively whilst the Dragon could go marauding without it's loss impacting negatively on the rest of the army.

    I've been doing a similar sort of thing with my army tbh. The Megaboss on foot is my General, leaving the Cabbage to go off doing Cabbagey things*. I'm not entirely sure this is the best way to play it, I guess more games will be telling.

    I'm also increasingly finding the Weirdnob less and less effective/important. I've considered another Warchanter instead. This would leave me 40pts under - enough to often get me a roll on the Triumph table. Any thoughts on that anyone?

    *Cabbagey things include mostly dying and the occasional #cabbagestomp

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