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Chris Tomlin

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Everything posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. I still need to look over the pack to confirm this. May be getting confused with SCGT when I think about need 5 wounds worth of models. Considering running my Ardnob as General in some games. His command ability is very short range and he is less survivable than the Megaboss, however I do feel that it could be the key to running 2x 10 Brutes. We shall see. Thanks man, fingers crossed it goes ok...I literally have no expectation; untried list, unplayed comp pack & Cardiff (so, permadrunk!) = ??? Oh, and its Megaboss I'll have you know Cheers bro, appreciate the comments from a skilled hobbyist such as yourself. IMO there is more potential to the Warchanter than even I originally believed...however you do need to bust out the greenstuff. Even just what I've done is by no means simple tbh. Would be interested to see your flaming bone! Thanks man! Did you see my first Warchanter on one of the earlier pages? His pose is stock standard, though I did give him a head swap so he looks like he's pulling a sweet scream as opposed to looking pretty gormless haha! I've got a 3rd to build so will have to see with what I can come up with... Quick update on Clash progress. You can check my Twitter feed (@the_black_sun) to see a #wipwednesday video of the 10 Brutes and 2nd Warchanter. I ended up stay awake until 2.30am painting last night (4 1/2 sleep ftw! ) and made some good progress. May have another late one tonight ahead of the event though. 30 Brutes is gonna look so sweet on the table though!! Chris
  2. Hey there, Apologies I've been so useless in updating here recently. Usual story; busy at work + painting at home! I've been making some good progress on my next 10 Brutes and second Warchanter though, please be sure to check out my #wipwednesday video on Twitter tomorrow as I'll be sharing how far I am with them then. My deadline is Thursday evening as I'll be heading up to Cardiff on Friday afternoon for Clash of Swords. This is a 50-60 player, 5 game event which usually has a pretty messy social side (my kinda event!). Really looking forward to the games as much as the partying though, which says a lot about where I am with the hobby right now as that's never really been my focus. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for a good finish, but we'll have to see...it could easily all go wrong. The main issue is the comp pack as it's not using the General's Handbook battleplans and has different criteria for scoring. It's going to be a bit of a departure to what I'm used to and due to all the painting I haven't had any practice games with the army I intend to use. There is a 2,500 point pool, with 2,000 points to be selected each game. I believe single models never score (though need to double check this), which makes the Cabbage a big point sink...sure he can mess stuff up, but if he can't subsequently score it's a issue. So I plan to use the models I'm painting now instead of him (he'll still be in my sideboard to hopefully assist with painting votes - if I get nominated). Again though, I haven't played any practice games so I could see this not going my way. We'll see I guess. This will mean that come Monday next week I will have a further 20 games to report on(!!!)...yeh, I've not done too well keeping up have I? I will 100% be providing reports on all of these, even if brief. I think I'll need to break my "No TGA at home" rule next week after Clash and spend a couple of hours smashing through a load of them. Still hopeful of getting a few written up this week. But yeh, just wanted to give a bit of an update as it's been a while. I was close to saying something about posting photos...but I'm even more useless with that than I am reports Keep an eye on the thread, there will be something worthwhile here again very soon!! Megaboss Chris
  3. Thanks guys. I'll look to provide some more details on this soon, including announcing the date and time for Ticket sales. Exciting.
  4. Yeh I can see that, fair play. Tbh there's a couple on the latest 10 which I think are borderline. Cheers man, all the effort into RAW will be totally worth it I'm sure! Glad you like the new stuff...I am a little concerned they won't get done for Clash, however with 2,000 points already done I'm not letting myself get stressed about it. Yeh mate, was from a company called Kremer, I think they are German. Glad you like it.
  5. Looking forward to my first Slaughter!!
  6. Oh yeh I saw that little bro! On the somewhat blurry pics it took me a few seconds to work out his pose!!
  7. Yeh they are doomed to always get the Slipknot comparison tbh. Back in the day there was bad blood between loyal fans of both bands who argued the other was a rip-off etc!! haha I've always enjoyed both and IMO they don't even sound alike.
  8. Interested to see how they work out, but I'm confident something can be done there for sure. I've seen nothing of Goblins and Trolls (feels weird not saying Grots and Troggoths!!!)...
  9. Yeah exactly right, if GW don't, someone else will for sure!!
  10. Oh man, I'm so hard for Blood Bowl. The new models look amazing. Will definitely be pre-ordering the boxed game, wanna paint up those Orcs! If they become available as an individual team outside of the box set I'll look at picking up another box initially to see if I can make some cool Ironjawz Ardboyz out of them.
  11. Ooooh!! Replies Cheers man, super kind words there! Really pleased my experiences can be of some use to you. That's great to hear. That 2k list of mine is pretty standard I would say and I think most people, like you, will opt with the Weirdnob over the Ardnob - I just haven't got on with him personally. Congratulations on your win though. As mentioned above, dropping the pigs for 10 more Ardboyz is certainly "better" in my mind. But...the Gore-gruntas look so cool! I am starting a new escalation campaign ran by @Forestreveries this Sunday. My plan for this is to assemble my extra Gore-gruntas and give them a run out for the lolz! I pretty much have the same plan as you say for Clash. It's not dual lists, rather 2500 pool, with 2000 pt games. That way the Cabbage can sit in the sideboard whilst I replace him in most games with 10 more Brutes and another Warchanter. Interested to see how this goes!! Thanks bro! Appreciate your post and indeed your lurking! Moonclan are awesome, I have so much love for them. When they get a new Battletome I'll be on them I'm sure. Glad you like the Warchanter. I have plenty of plans for the future so stick around. Cheers! Not sure exactly where the head came from, I have an extensive 40k Ork bitzbox and also order some individual heads online. Keen to not do too much with the Flashgitz though as Pete Foley's amazing Ironjawz use a lot of them. And yes!! Great call on the Mushroomhead reference, wasn't sure anyone would pick up on that. I always have an Orc/Orruk/Ork called that and no one has ever got it before. Yeh, gotta love that band. Think I'll give them a listen on my lunch break now! Yeh I'm pretty sure the dude from Mushroomhead had that exact intent haha!! Prince Albert works nicely for a Weirdnobs name actually! Have you tried their music or just checked a pic of them? Won't be for everyone, but I like 'em Thanks again for all the replies guys, Chris
  12. Happy Friday all! Wow...talking to myself much in here at the moment? No love for the Warchanter conversion? Was hoping that'd get a bit of interest tbh. Makes me worry less about not putting photos up here at least!! So with The Warlords finally covered off, it's time to move onto Facehammer GT, I will just focus on the games as opposed to the event as a whole as that will be covered off in Episode XCVIII of The Black Sun which will be out over the next week or so...lots of audio to edit, but kinda gotta prioritise painting for Clash I guess. It'll get done. This event operated a 2 list policy, using 5 of the General's Handbook battelplans. You could freely pick your General, Command Trait and Artefact(s) at the start of each game. I am a fan of this format and would probably adopt something similar for events I run in the future. Due to my limited pool of painted models, I was just running the one list, identical to what I ran at The Warlords; Megaboss Krunk Pig Benis, The Warmaster, Fist of Krunk on Red Cabbage Da Ardnob Da Kurlzz (Slaughter-choppa) Ironfist 10 Brutes (Jagged-hackas) 5 Brutes (Choppas) 5 Brutes (Choppas) 10 Ardboyz (9 'Uge Choppas, 1 Shield) 3 Gore-gruntas (Choppas) Krunk took Ravager and Battle Brew in every game. The Cabbage went with the Talisman in every game I think...though there may have been the odd one or two he went with Battle Brew as well. The rest of the army is ok, after the number of games (including this Tournament and the one to follow) played now, I am looking to switch up the Ardnob and run him with a pair of Deff Choppas instead. The Slaughter-choppa can be brutal, but you need him near another character to ensure the hits. I'm going to try him with the Deff Choppas at Clash and see how he does. Saying that, the weapon choice doesn't need to be listed and my model works as either, so I may need to be a bit savvy and tailor it to my opposition (Slaughter-choppa is amazing vs Seraphon etc). The Gore-gruntas are rubbish, I vehemently disagree with anyone saying otherwise. 5 Brutes or 10 Ardboyz would make my list instantly better, however as I am also trying to compete on the painting front, they are crucial (adding a different height to the army and being awesome models!) so will remain. As for the Brutes, the configuration I have is pretty solid I think. This would only differ if I had a different character set up. With two Warchanters, two units of 10 is very nice. Also with 2 units of 10 you start considering the Ardnob as the General perhaps. I'll quickly touch on Ardboyz as clearly my above configuration is far from optimal. I made them like that way back at the beginning of this journey as I preferred the aesthetic of the 'Uge Choppas (and you only got 9 in the box). I would like to do a whole piece on Ardboyz in the future and talk about different weapon loadouts for different situations - like the Ardnob, you don't need to be writing weapon selections on your army list, so if you have the models painted could tailor to each opponent, which is ideal. However, in lieu of that I am actually adamant that shields are just the best choice. If you want more punch, then just take Brutes. But I do think probably a couple of units of Ardboyz are key to pure Ironjawz armies as our best point/wound ratio. They are very solid when it comes to defense, not just with the shields but also the improved Bravery when in combat. So yeh, keeping it short for now, I definitely need to suck it up and do more of these boyz!! My deployment now actually tends to be pretty similar from game to game, I feel having the confidence to just put your stuff down and force your opponent to be reactionary can (but not always) be benficial. Perhaps I'll take a photo of a sample deployment, or you can watch the Periscope vids for a good example of this. Essentially I tend to have Krunk and the Warchanter pretty central, accompanied by the 10 Brutes. The Ardnob will go slightly wider (ensuring he will be in range of one of the other characters when combat hits) and the Cabbage on the opposite flank. The two units of 5 Brutes start slightly out of the centre (the one on the Ardnobs side usually further towards the flank) and the Gore-gruntas near the Cabbage, usually quite tight to the board edge. Obviously it is key to make sure everything gets to take advantage of Rampaging Destroyers. The Ardboyz are the unit that varies most, dependant on the battleplan. Most often though they will sit behind the 10 Brutes, allowing them to advance with impunity whilst the Ardboyz hold the backfield. Obviously this is by no means definitive or set in stone and will be adapted as required. Just thought it might be nice to share some of my current thoughts. How do you guys like to deploy your Ironjawz? That's the preamble out of the way, make sure you check back for the battle reports over the next week, Cheers, Megaboss Chris
  13. Hey, So for those not on Twitter here are some work in progress pics of what I've got to paint for Clash of Swords at the end of the month. Still gotta take some good pics of the completed stuff so far. The Warchanter was actually pretty tough to convert his right arm like that and I had to use a Brute right arm and shoulder pad in the end. Used lots of 40k Ork heads to make sure that none of my 30 Brutes are the same. Also utilised some Gore-grunta Jagged-hackas for further variance. Enjoy, Chris
  14. Actually thought I'd quickly smash this one out now, as it's not really a battle report... Game 17 - The Warlords - Round Six vs Tim Fisher @Bananaman (Ironjawz?!) Ok so the keen eyed reader may recall that my second round opponent was Timmy! After my 5th game against 5 amazing opponents I knew it wouldn't be possible to to get a 6th...and I didn't! Me and Tim had been tracking pretty closely since our game earlier in the event, but I still couldn't believe it when I was drawn against him again. I said, "did you want me go up and let them know?", Tim replied with a "shall we just not?". I was pretty over the moon(clan) about this response as it hadn't even crossed my mind. We were midtable-ish, so us playing again wasn't going to impact anything of importance. So it was set, I was due to finish the event with 6 great games against 5 great opponents!! haha Shortly after this, I was in the toilets chatting with a younger, slimmer version of myself (@Liam Cook) and he came up with the bright idea of an army swap if we were going to play again. This is something I would not usually entertain as I am super weird about things like that. However Tim is a good friend and a top hobbyist who I knew I could trust with my models (and vice versa I'd hope!). So I went back to the table and suggested this to Tim, who was eager to give it a go. If you want to see Tim's (or mine, for this game!) Moonclan list, scroll back a bit to round 2. This worked well actually as we'd played each other and had some idea of how each others armies played and what stuff did. Being the friendly kind of game it was we were both offering up suggestions and reminding of rules etc. The battleplan was Take and Hold, which upset me a little as I quite like playing this with my Ironjawz myself, it's one of only ones you can literally run and the opponent in smash! I won't really go into the game due to the nature of it. Suffice to say it was loads of fun!! I didn't get to Hooded Villain off anything good, but did supe up a Mangler to similar levels and squashed the Cabbage in a oner. Using all the big Squig monsters as a first wave I made a really big dent in the Ironjawz, using fanatics as a second wave to halt the charges (this was on Tim's advices), all the while pinging away with magic before wiping up in combat with the Grots. It ended up as a tabling for the Ironjawz, but a Major Victory to me! Odd!! Result - Major Victory Feels kind of strange recording that one, but it should certainly be noted as it was a fantastic way to end a brilliant event. The overall winners and my feelings on painting have already been discussed elsewhere, so no need to get into that again other than to say I was obviously disappointed to not be nominated.However this had no impact on my enjoyment of what was an amazing weekend. Oh, I should say I came 35rd out of 100ish, so not too bad Will leave it there now as it's lunch! I'll put some photos of my wip's up during the next hour (easier to upload pics from my phone!) Cheers, Chris
  15. Thanks man, glad you liked it and more importantly found it useful from a learning perspective. It actually was a great game and both me and @Forestreveries agreed it was a good example of a competitive game. Both going for it, but being courteous explaining and reminding stuff etc. As mentioned before, I know where I can improve the videos so look forward to making more of them - may even do a poll for the next one to see which Ironjawz battalion people would like to see used? As it happens, the Periscope videos are still available it seems (I thought they expired after 24 hours), so please have a look if you haven't already. As for my Tournament performances, they have been pretty mixed to be honest. The army is draw dependant (both on the opponents list and the battleplan) and I need to look to take advantage of dual list events to cover any potential weaknesses, if possible. It's just getting it all painted the moment. I still have another 11 Tournament games to report on, as well as covering off that Periscope one with Aaron. Once they are done I will have 5 more from Clash at the end of the month, plus hopefully a couple of practice games. If you want to see my Ironjawz hobby progress (until I get around to posting it here!), check out my Twitter feed for #wipwednesday yesterday. I made a short video and posted some pics of my converter 2nd Warchanter and next 10 Brutes...have 2 weeks to paint them for Clash...why do I do it to myself. There will be more reports up tomorrow for sure. Thanks for reading, Chris
  16. Hello all, Probably about time I caught up with some more reports here, right! I am very keen to get up to date before Clash of Swords at the end of the month. I know I still haven't got proper photos of my army up...but I promise, I will. I feel bad for you guys and also for @The Stronghold, who I keep delaying as well. I really am just so busy at the moment. All good though. Hopefully some of you checked out the periscope and enjoyed it. Very keen to do much more of this going forward. I think it's fun and perhaps useful to others. Maybe we can experiment with some different lists on there as well, that could be interesting. I think it's now fair to say that I've probably played more tournament games with pure Ironjawz than anyone else, so I like to think I have a decent understanding of the army by now...not saying it means I'm any good mind!! haha!! Right, lets have a look... Game 16 - The Warlords - Round Five vs @Adam Hall (Sylvaneth) After 4 amazing opponents up until this point, I was really interested to see who I'd get next. On the Friday night we'd talked about our ideal round one opponents and Adam was actually the guy I went for. I hadn't seen Adam for probably years, he's a great guy who I get on with really well and we last played at the first big 8th edition event (Maelstrom's Winter Incursion), playing the penultimate game of the tournament on Table 3 (Adam beat me and went on to podium that event). So this game was a little different as we were pretty low down the tables by this point having won just 1 out of 4 games each (ouch!). I had a bit of a catch up with Adam on the Saturday morning after Game 1 and we talked over our armies etc so I knew what he was packing...and I gotta be honest, I was rubbing my hands together a little (having played the match up before). I'd been saying before the round that at some point in the last two games, someone was due a real smashing from the Ironjawz! I have this kinda faux confidence when I'm playing Sylvaneth, I'm on a good run against the trees and like to project this, often informing my opponents they'll be lucky to make turn 3 (In a fun, friendly way, of course!). Adams army was Alarielle, Treelord Ancient, 2x 3 bow Kurnoth, 3 sword Kurnoth, 3 scythe Kurnoth and then Dryads/Revenants for battleline. I'd previously played @Forestreveries with a similar army (one of our first GH games, so not too much to take from it) in Places of Power and smashed him off in two turns. Unfortunately for Adam, we were playing Places of Power!! The first issue you'll have noticed is that Adam only has 2 characters, the second being he has no Battalions meaning I get the first turn. This means I can go and sit Krunk, the Cabbage and the Ardnob on objectives straight away instantly giving Adam an uphill battle. Even better, Krunk and the Ardnob managed to be sat in terrain whilst on theirs. As per usual in this battleplan, I move units up with the characters to screen them off. This is possible thanks to the Ironfist affording the units even more move than their heroic counterparts. The centre of the board was dominated by a huge building, probably 8-10" square, which we rolled up as Damned. Having not played so much AoS, I informed Adam of how awesome this was when combined with Alarielle's healing, giving him +1 to hit on pretty much all his Kurnoth Hunters and Alarielle for essentially no loss (take the D3 mortal wounds, gain the buff, then heal. Amazing). The was potentially a pretty big problem. He also got Mystic Shield off on Alarielle. He then went on the aggressive, teleporting a bunch of Dryads over into a central Wyldwood to face off against the Ardboyz. The two fighty Kurnoth units went for the Ardnob and his Brute retinue (though didn't get into combat until T2). The Treelord and another Dryad unit went up against the Cabbage on his objective, whilst Alarielle barrelled into the 10 Brutes that guarded Krunk. This was going to be quick and messy as predicted (though perhaps not in my favour!!). Shooting was decent as whilst Alarielle missed, the Kurnoth Hunters did a bunch of damage of Krunk - perhaps even killing him? (Spoiler; Adam got T2 priority and I know that Krunk was dead by the end of that shooting phase). Alarielle wasn't overly effective on the Brutes, doing a few mortal wounds for charging into terrain but only getting one unsaved Wardroth Beetle attack through (even with the +1 to hit), I did some wounds back. The Treelord and Dryads put a bit of a dent in the Cabbage. As mentioned, Adam got T2. He healed up Alarielle, but due to the wounds suffered from the Brutes opted not to take the Damned terrain (I think). He also failed Mystic Shield, which is huge and what the Brutes were waiting for. The fighty Kurnoth got in on the Brutes and deleted them. Thankfully though the Ardnob was still out of 3 and still holding the objective for my 3rd turn. Krunk died to shooting as mentioned. In combat, a couple more Brutes went down, but without Mystic Shield the remaining 6 put a whole bunch of pain on Alarielle (+1 to hit from Warchanter, rerolling. Nice!). I think at this point the Cabbage finished off the Treelord as well. My T2 was, as predicted, where it pretty much ended for Adam. Alarielle, already wounded and without Mystic Shield was surrounded by the remnants of the 10 Brutes (think 4-5 left, including the Boss and 2 Gore-choppas), another unit of 5 Brutes and the Gore-gruntas. I should note that the Warchanter had retreated from the combat with the Dryads (alongside the Ardboyz) and had claimed the middle objective that Krunk previously had. In combat I decided to try and delivery the finishing blow to Alarielle with the actual pig attacks from the Gore-gruntas...and did actually manage this, adding salt to the wound!! We called it at that point as he had no characters and no score. Pretty tough battleplan/matchup for Adam I think. Result - Major Victory The game was as quick as it was brutal, so it was nice to get to spend some time just chatting with Adam after the game. We discussed some various ideas he had for the army going forward - most of which centred around more Kurnoth Hunters (and why not, they are so good!!). Anyway, another great game 5/5 so far. Check back again for the final Warlords report soon! (and who knows...maybe some photos!! ) Cheers for reading, Chris
  17. Cheers man, thanks for watching. Glad you enjoyed it. I hope your girlfriend appreciates the effort there haha!
  18. Hey, cheers for checking it out man. Was a lot of fun. I don't normally come on here over the weekends but did want to point people over to my Twitter feed @the_black_sun - as @N_Watson said I did a Periscope battle report last night with @Forestreveries on a live feed. It's my Ironjawz vs a very well honed Sylvaneth army as discussed on @scrubyandwells latest podcast (worth a listen btw). You can still watch the vids now but probably only until this evening as I think they expire after 24hrs. It's split over a few vids. If you're unsure on don't have the time, the post game wrap up is worth a watch as we talked over the game and the match up in general. Without video it's essentially a 30 min podcast if you just listen. But if you have the time, scroll through my feed and watch from the start. It's my first go at it and will certainly do more. I'm aware of some of the issues, most important the camera lock as it switching around is jarring. The rest is just bits I've noted for improvement. Lots of fun. I hope some of you check it out Chris
  19. Event Title: Tomorrow Burns - Weymouth 25-26th March 2017 - Bowling info required! Event Author: Chris Tomlin Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 03/25/2017 12:00 AM to 03/26/2017 12:00 AM EVENT PACK - http://traffic.libsyn.com/theblacksun/Tomorrow_Burns.pdf Afternoon boys and girls! I am pleased to announce Tomorrow Burns - the first of my two 2 day Warhammer events in 2017. This will be held over the weekend of 25-26th March at the Upwey Memorial Hall in Weymouth. Tickets are priced at £36 (I really think they should be £38, but should be ok!) and include lunch on both days and a limited edition glass only available at this event. Depending on left over funds, I will also try to pick up some beers etc for entrants...I don't run these events to make money, but to make fun times! My Birthday is March 26th and this seems a great way to spend it! Regardless, it will be BYOB. There will also be bowling on the Saturday night (additional cost), this was great at New Dawn as it kept a large group of us together and was good fun. The event itself will be 5 games of General's Handbook Warhammer. You will use a single 2,000 point list across all 5 games which will be submitted on the Saturday morning. Generals, Command Traits and Artefacts can freely be picked before each game. Armies must of course be fully painted and based. Details on the scoring will follow, but my 10-0 per game system used at Rain of Stars will definitely feature as I feel it was simple and worked well. Ticket sale info Tickets go on sale at 8pm on Friday 2nd December. Payment (£36 per player) must be sent via Paypal as a gift to lunatic_Pandora@btinternet.com - please note that anyone sending their money before this time will find their payment returned. Initially there will be 38 places available, though some of these will be allocated to club members etc. I'm fairly confident I could sell out a larger event but I like my venue and the smaller numbers are good for social. This is now a 56 player event!! That said, I believe there is room for more tables without compromising on space, so I will be visiting the venue and looking to increase capacity slightly. Therefore any payments over the 38 places will go on a paid reserves list. Anyone not wanting to wait on this can request a refund at anytime. Anyone still on the paid reserves list at the time of the event will automatically be refunded. Drop outs from the main entrants list will be refunded up until February 10th 2017, after that time you will forfeit your entry fee. There will be no selling or transferring tickets (due to paid reserve list). Drop outs are a complete pain for TO's!! I think that's all I needed to share for now, please do not hesitate to ask if I have missed anything out. Many thanks, Chris GRUDGES Aaron Bailey vs Donal Taylor Karl Breakspear vs Andy Talbot Paul Buckler vs Kieran Harper Gary Hennessey vs Martin Morrin Rob Ellis vs Russ Veal Adam Petford vs Laurie Huggett-Wilde Mark Mitzman vs Tom Hewitt Matt Lyons vs Richard Ciereszko Wayne Holt vs Ricky Mee Declan Waters vs Tim Fisher Matt Clarke vs Les Martin Sam Davies vs Ben Diesel Entrants 1. Steve Phillips 2. James Eveleigh 3. Rich Morley 4. Adam Petford 5. Tom Hewitt 6. Matthew Lyons 7. Jen Lyons 8. Mike Wilson 9. Paul Buckler 10. Tom Hutchings 11. Will Philpott 12. Aaron Bailey 13. Laurie Huggett-Wilde 14. Wayne Holt 15. Gary Hennessey 16. Dominic Hook 17. Ricky Mee 18. Andy Talbot 19. Patrick O'Sullivan 20. Robert Nightingale 21. James Mapson 22. Liam Cook 23. Kieran Harper 24. Jonathon Kyprianidis 25. Karl Breakspear 26. Dave Roberts 27. Patrick Rance 28. James Box 29. Terry Pike 30. Sam Davies 31. James Warth 32. Mark Mitzman 33. Steve Hursell 34. Donal Taylor 35. Rob Ellis 36. Tim Fisher 37. Bryan Hatchett 38. Chris Lewis 39. Elliot O'Neill 40. Jon Warmington 41. Kris Robertson 42. Richard Ciereszko 43. Ben Smith 44. Matthew Arnold 45. Ian Ralph 46. Declan Waters 47. Chris Green 48. Henry Poor 49. Russ Veal 50. Les Martin 51. Matt Clarke 52. Ben Diesel 53. Martin Morrin 54. Carl Smith 55. Craig Namvar 56. Mo Ashraf Reserves 57. Mike Burgess 58. Dave Fulbrook 59. Tim Bamford Tomorrow Burns - Weymouth 25-26th March 2017 - Bowling info required!
  20. until
    EVENT PACK - http://traffic.libsyn.com/theblacksun/Tomorrow_Burns.pdf Afternoon boys and girls! I am pleased to announce Tomorrow Burns - the first of my two 2 day Warhammer events in 2017. This will be held over the weekend of 25-26th March at the Upwey Memorial Hall in Weymouth. Tickets are priced at £36 (I really think they should be £38, but should be ok!) and include lunch on both days and a limited edition glass only available at this event. Depending on left over funds, I will also try to pick up some beers etc for entrants...I don't run these events to make money, but to make fun times! My Birthday is March 26th and this seems a great way to spend it! Regardless, it will be BYOB. There will also be bowling on the Saturday night (additional cost), this was great at New Dawn as it kept a large group of us together and was good fun. The event itself will be 5 games of General's Handbook Warhammer. You will use a single 2,000 point list across all 5 games which will be submitted on the Saturday morning. Generals, Command Traits and Artefacts can freely be picked before each game. Armies must of course be fully painted and based. Details on the scoring will follow, but my 10-0 per game system used at Rain of Stars will definitely feature as I feel it was simple and worked well. Ticket sale info Tickets go on sale at 8pm on Friday 2nd December. Payment (£36 per player) must be sent via Paypal as a gift to lunatic_Pandora@btinternet.com - please note that anyone sending their money before this time will find their payment returned. Initially there will be 38 places available, though some of these will be allocated to club members etc. I'm fairly confident I could sell out a larger event but I like my venue and the smaller numbers are good for social. This is now a 56 player event!! That said, I believe there is room for more tables without compromising on space, so I will be visiting the venue and looking to increase capacity slightly. Therefore any payments over the 38 places will go on a paid reserves list. Anyone not wanting to wait on this can request a refund at anytime. Anyone still on the paid reserves list at the time of the event will automatically be refunded. Drop outs from the main entrants list will be refunded up until February 10th 2017, after that time you will forfeit your entry fee. There will be no selling or transferring tickets (due to paid reserve list). Drop outs are a complete pain for TO's!! I think that's all I needed to share for now, please do not hesitate to ask if I have missed anything out. Many thanks, Chris GRUDGES Aaron Bailey vs Donal Taylor Karl Breakspear vs Andy Talbot Paul Buckler vs Kieran Harper Gary Hennessey vs Martin Morrin Rob Ellis vs Russ Veal Adam Petford vs Laurie Huggett-Wilde Mark Mitzman vs Tom Hewitt Matt Lyons vs Richard Ciereszko Wayne Holt vs Ricky Mee Declan Waters vs Tim Fisher Matt Clarke vs Les Martin Sam Davies vs Ben Diesel Entrants 1. Steve Phillips 2. James Eveleigh 3. Rich Morley 4. Adam Petford 5. Tom Hewitt 6. Matthew Lyons 7. Jen Lyons 8. Mike Wilson 9. Paul Buckler 10. Tom Hutchings 11. Will Philpott 12. Aaron Bailey 13. Laurie Huggett-Wilde 14. Wayne Holt 15. Gary Hennessey 16. Dominic Hook 17. Ricky Mee 18. Andy Talbot 19. Patrick O'Sullivan 20. Robert Nightingale 21. James Mapson 22. Liam Cook 23. Kieran Harper 24. Jonathon Kyprianidis 25. Karl Breakspear 26. Dave Roberts 27. Patrick Rance 28. James Box 29. Terry Pike 30. Sam Davies 31. James Warth 32. Mark Mitzman 33. Steve Hursell 34. Donal Taylor 35. Rob Ellis 36. Tim Fisher 37. Bryan Hatchett 38. Chris Lewis 39. Elliot O'Neill 40. Jon Warmington 41. Kris Robertson 42. Richard Ciereszko 43. Ben Smith 44. Matthew Arnold 45. Ian Ralph 46. Declan Waters 47. Chris Green 48. Henry Poor 49. Russ Veal 50. Les Martin 51. Matt Clarke 52. Ben Diesel 53. Martin Morrin 54. Carl Smith 55. Craig Namvar 56. Mo Ashraf Reserves 57. Mike Burgess 58. Dave Fulbrook 59. Tim Bamford
  21. Hey guys, Unfortunately not had as much time to write reports as I'd like, but we'll get there! Another 12 Tournament games to report on, plus I will be playing @Forestreveries this Friday - you'll be able to follow that one on Twitter (though a report will follow here). Think I'm going to try out Periscope for the first time if you wish to check in on that. Cheers man, yeah it'd definitely a good feeling Gonna save that until I've caught up on reports, purely to keep focus in the thread tbh (don't think I'm hiding any awesome tech, it's not anything ground-breaking)...I will say that I am currently assembling another 10 Brutes (to take me up to 30)...so take from that what you will! In time I would like to try all Battalions and log my findings. It's too easy to default to the Ironfist. I'm sure there are results to be had with some of the others. Thanks for reading, Megaboss Chris x
  22. Hey, Hope you all had a good weekend? So...another weekend gone, another tournament done! Wow, that's been a pretty mental few weeks I gotta say. Whilst I am so psyched for Warhammer at the moment, I am breathing a slight sigh of relief that my next Tournament isn't for 4 weeks. So gives me a bit of time to catch up on some other bits and get this thread in order (finally!). I think at this stage it's fair to say I am unlikely to go back and add photos to the battle reports and I think in general I will keep them to Twitter. The way I go about posting makes it hard to add photos in this way. That said, I need to take some good pics of my army this week to add to this thread, the Gallery and also over on @The Stronghold - been promising that for weeks now!! I actually had a great conversation yesterday about my army, paintwise and whilst I was considering calling this 2k done and moving on to other stuff, I now have some ideas for further improving it. So much I want to do, my brain is buzzing with ideas and I'm so motivated at present. That said, I think I'll give myself a few days off painting this week. Shall we have a look at some other battle reports then? We are going as far back as 4 weeks to Warlords here so you'll forgive a lack of detail. I did go through all these on The Black Sun podcast so you can check that out (although I think I recommend coming here in that!). Game 14 - The Warlords - Round Three vs Tris Buckroyd (Death) This round was Escalation and perhaps surprisingly, was my first time playing this battleplan. After two great opponents, I was pleased to see Tris opposite me game three. Whilst I didn't know him well, I knew of him going way back into 6th edition tournaments at Warhammer World (back in my Tema Shenanigans days) and knew he was a super nice guy. His army was pretty strong I felt; Vampire on Zombie Dragon, Winged Vampire, Corpse Cart, 50 Zombies (in 3 units, they mobbed up T1), Mourngul, Vargheists, Spirit Hosts, Dire Wolves and maybe a couple of other little bits. Initially, I was quite confident and have played escalation twice more since this, it seems I always feel like this! I pop down 10 Brutes centrally, then some Ardboyz on one flank and 5 Brutes on the other (to challenge the two side objectives). They are pretty solid drops and I can move up speedily to claim all objectives quickly. However my opponent then brings on a bunch of their good stuff and my confidence fades!! I think my mistake here was chucking the unit of 10 Brutes (and then the Megaboss and 5 more Brutes in subsequent turns) into the 50 Zombies. Tris was savvy enough to put Inspiring Presence on them which make it such a slog. He had the Corpse Cart and Zombie Dragon behind them, anchored around a building which made it impossible for the Cabbage to engage thanks to his dinner plate base. The Mourngul and Spirit Hosts savaged the other 5 Brutes and Gore-gruntas holding the right objective. On the left side, it was going ok. I had the Ardboyz and the Ardnob facing off against some Dire Wolves and the Winged Vampire, holding out ok and keeping hold of that one for a number of turns...until 6 Vargheists turned up and literally killed 6 Ardboyz (12 wounds!) in one round, the rest fleeing to Battleshock. So yeh, that was pretty much that. It was a pretty rough grind and once it got going I felt really up against it and like I was never going to win. It was still super fun, Tris was as nice and friendly as opponent as I'd hoped...oh, and I even remembered a Triumph, after writing it on my hands and spelling out a big "T" with my dice!! Apologies for the briefness here, but when you put your big hitters into 50 Zombies, not much else really happens other than your perirpheral stuff getting picked apart by his elites. So poor match up play on my behalf, and good play from Tris to be fair. Result - Loss As that game was super quick, I found I had plenty of time to head back to the hotel for a shower and a costume change!! The evenings entertainment at the venue was pretty good to be fair, the quiz was a lot of fun and many drinks were had! A few of us then went into Nottingham and hit up Rock City until the early hours of Sunday morning, it was a great fun night but my throat wasn't thanking me Sunday morning (and less so Monday). Still, it could be worse, I could've been @Andy Talbot, who is hands down the worst person on a hangover I've ever seen haha!! Game 15 - The Warlords - Round Four vs @Wayne kemp (Chaos - Skaven) Suffice to say I was feeling a little fragile, so I was super pleased to see a friendly face at my table in the form of Wayne Kemp. I've known Wayne for a number of years now but have never had the pleasure of playing against him, so this instantly perked me up a bit as I knew we'd have a laugh and the game would be easy going.When I approached the table, Wayne was having a Warhammer TV interview with the legendary Duncan Rhodes, who upon finishing had a good look over my army and complimented it...my heart melted! This battleplan was Border War (GHOUL PATROL!), my favourite and most played of the Matched Play battleplans. Wayne's army was a mixed, balanced affair...a bit of a @Gmac2610 army (one of everything!!). He had (roughly); Arch Warlorck, Warlock, Warlord, Clanrats, Stormvermin, Jezzails, Rat Ogres, Stormfiends, Doomwheel, Warpfire Thrower and maybe something else? That sounds about right. So this is one of the battleplans I like to go first in, using all my extra movement to pick up some good positions whilst still claiming the middle two objectives, giving me a nice 5-0 lead. This does leave you open to the double turn and unfortunately I got hit by that here...hit pretty hard!! Wayne's magic and shooting was off the chart, by the time my T2 had come around I'd lost Megaboss Krunk and 19 of my 20 Brutes. Utter carnage. I've honestly never seen anything like it. I actually think only 2 of those Brutes were lost to battleshock as well, the rest were straight kills. Savage. I had to laugh...as lets be honest, it's that or cry. That said, this is the beauty of Age of Sigmar, I was still really really in this game. To the point it was currently an uphil battle for Wayne. However, I think the war of attrition really took it's toll. I just had so little left. The Cabbage, with the Talisman of Protection (super useful against Skaven) needed the game of his life...and he nearly had it! Over a few combat rounds he finished off the Stormvermin (a few remaining Brutes had made a bit of dent here) and had the Clanrats. This left him with a charge onto the Jezzails and more importantly, his objective. At this stage I was still holding my own and one of the middle ones (just!). In an inspired move by Wayne, he actually charged the Arch Warlock into the Cabbage. He was likely to die, but with his good armour save (augmented with a Mystic Shield) he had a chance to survive, pinning the Cabbage and stopping me getting into the backfield. Due to that stupid dinner plate base, I wouldn't be able to retreat to a position that would allow me to claim (not able to clear 3"). I'm pretty sure anyone reading this will have guessed it, the Arch Warlock tanked the Cabbage, not even taking a single wound. Ouch! From there it all went downhill. The Stormfiends and Rat ogres, now free to leave the central objective without fear of me being able to take it, moved agressively towards my objective, eventually taking this. The Gore-gruntas were ground off by the Doomwheel (plus some shooting) and eventually the Cabbage also fell to magic and shooting...not a single Orruk survived. Utterly brutal. Wayne the game!!! Result - Loss If my game vs @Russ Veal was rough and went badly, I don't know what this was! Wayne was a complete gent throughout and kept apologising for "luck". Sure, 6 Jezzails rolling 5 sixes to hit (so 10 mortal wounds) IS lucky, of course it is. However, as I said to him, all his target selection was spot on, he made the right moves (including some really good ones) and in general just played really well. I did not walk away from the game bemoaning luck one bit. If you play well and get into good positions you can to some extent make your own luck. It is another tough match up for my army regardless and jokes aside, Wayne is playing a lot of Warhammer at the moment and knows his army well, it counts for a lot. So yeh, no complaints and it was a fun game regardless of how awfully it went for me. Ok, I think we'll leave it there for today. Will try to get caught up fully over this week. If I do the reports a bit shorter like this you'll still get the jist of things and they won't drag on any longer than they already have. Don't worry about the losses above, there are some wins to come I promise (and more losses!!) @N_Watson, thanks for the post. Nice one on getting the Destructive Bulk chain off...it still hasn't come up in my games! I nearly got it yesterday but did 1/7 4+'s Glad to hear you beat Slyvaneth, they are one of my fav armies to play against, just seems to go well. Your list is good, basically just a better version of mine as I hamper myself with the Gore-gruntas! I do have some variants in mind for "stronger" builds, none of which involve the Cabbage. I will discuss these in details after catching up on my reports. Thanks for reading, Megaboss Chris x
  23. Good morning Megabosses!!! Hope you are all doing well. Man things have been crazy for me recently, its literally; work, paint, sleep, repeat in the weeks and then tournaments at the weekend. Utterly bananas...and it's no different this week as I leave work this afternoon to head up to Cheltenham with @Paul Buckler for the Warchiefs GT! The time off at work has meant I'm condensing my workload over fewer days, creating a much busier time and in turn, less TGA! So yeh, not much time for anything else at present. I am way way behind on battle reports...after this weekend I will have 14 tournament games still to post about. These will all be covered I promise. Don't want to leave any out and intend for this to be a comprehensive log of my games. Obviously there are plethora of photos still to take a show off, again this 100% will happen. I'm super proud of my army and want to share it with you all. I am utterly loving the game, tournaments and indeed Ironjawz at present, so please don't take my absence as anything other than me being super busy. Can't wait to get back on here and spam the Destruction sub forum again!!! See you all soon!! Chris Thanks a lot Ryan! Glad you're finding the thread informative. Do you have your own? When things settle down I'll check it out. Yeh check out the podcast man! The latest one is literally just me solo chatting Ironjawz pretty much! I'm really interested in the style of games and quality of opposition you are getting (honestly not meant at all disrespectfully - quality might be the wrong word) if you are finding Ironjawz that much of a win button!! In competitive play, they simply aren't that good, I can assure you of that! Cheers man, comments like this mean a lot and really spur me on. You'll have seen from Twitter I did ok! Thanks again everyone, The Megaboss x
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