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Everything posted by Praecautus

  1. Part of the mighty lords power is what he could do. His axe is so nice that opponents will react eg they won’t place a monster nearby if there is a chance it can 1-shotted, or they will dedicate resources to wipe him out. Which means the real damage dealers are left alone for turn. A useful artefact is the malign sourcery item that lets you fly, I forget the name, so he can hop over screens. But the build above is also very nice
  2. You won’t regret having one, either in the starting line up or as a summon. Just be aware it can be squishy, I have had it one shotted off the board before now. They are pretty easy to summon, 8 tithe can be got pretty easily even at 1k. So you could spend the ~300 points on other units and summon him in.
  3. This is crucial advice! Tithe is not always about getting models on the table. It’s power of letting you things out of phase.
  4. Well as we have some painting, here is a wip on my current thrall unit. The idoneth range Is full of fun minis to paint
  5. 5 blood warriors with fists are good chaff, a little bit more expensive than 10 reavers but bring a lot more. If you are tight on points then 10 reavers will still work as a 1 turn bump. I do like playing them passive aggressively by lining up units of 10 3 inches apart so the enemy unit kills the first unit but knows full well next turn it will have to attack the second and be wasted on another 10 reavers. Sometimes you don’t need to kill a unit to take it out the game holding it in place for 2 or 3 turns so it wastes attacks can be just as useful. And all the while the decent units do the damage. Run and charge is an ability of the goretide slaughterhost. Reavers and warriors can be made to run 6 inch and still be able to charge. In another useful topic, be careful with tithe. Sometimes it’s better to summon smaller things than save up for a thirster. Or the tithe table can be an even better investment e.g. in a recent game my daemon prince could move 2x12 inch and charge and then pile in twice thanks to 3 tithe and a command point. A 24 inch+ threat range on a model that can deal D6 MW on a 4+...
  6. Namarti thralls taking shape. Half the unit painted to highlights like this chap. Will do the other 5 this week and then base.
  7. I am struggling to see the point of lots reavers. The loss of battleshock has really hurt them. Sadly with GHB so close I don’t believe we will see a points change to any of our units. Reavers still work as a handy unit to grab an objective, speed bump/screen or tithe, but taking more than 20 seems pointless - I’d rather put the points towards more warriors, reapers or, possibly, mongers. It makes me a bit sad as there was something about a horde of lunatics being literally whipped up to feeding frenzy and just piling in regardless of the cost. Saying all that, I do wonder if taking 28 * 10 man units is a thing, but sadly too expensive to test 😀
  8. You played with out many of the tools in our toolbox. A priest would have helped a lot; the buffs would have relied on his units being together, with a priest you could have pulled them apart with the bloodbind prayer which makes units run towards you and so out of range.
  9. For May I shall; Finish this Lord incantor Paint 10 Namarti Thralls Paint Khorne Alter of Skulls I also hope to prime Judgements of Khorne Build some models
  10. It’s on page 127 with the points, they have to be taken together
  11. So I am playing around with a 2 battalion list without a slaughterhost and managed to make a 3 drop list with the potential for a lot of antimagic and MW output. I am going to give this a go Deamon price w blade of judgement Blood secrator w Berzerker lord and wrath banner 3 priests Blood stoker w blade of secrets 2 x 10 blood warriors 2x 10 blood reavers 2 x 5 skull reapers Khorgorath Alter Skulls Axe Gorepilgrims Skull take Everything apart from stoker, reavers and khorgorath can do MW. secrator w Berzerker lord has a 5+ feel no pain and does MW each combat Prince is a hero killer Bllod stoker can use his whip as blade of secrets to make a wizard forget a spell Warrieos have gore fists for MW and anvil reavers die for daemons, hold objectives skulls reapers do what they do Khorgie is a bonus killer unit I doubt its going to do amazing in a tournament but could be a good fun list with some nasty tricks
  12. @Kaz agree with the thoughts in the skull reapers. In fact I am picking a box up on the way home from work tonight.
  13. Had my first battle with the new tome last night. Won star strike 20+ to 9ish. I played a Mortal Khorne list v legions of Nagash with Arkhan the black. My list (see below) was my usual gore pilgrims plus alter and hexgouger skulls. I am pleased how it did as I expected it to fold with the new rules. Things I learnt Daemon prince in this set up is a fast blender. In one round he moved 24 inch and made an 8 inch charge on arkhan and dealt 21 MW over his 2 pile ins. My opponent had to react or he wound have lost a hero a turn. Result arkhan gone and a load of good stuff aimed at a 160 point model. Gore pilgrims is still useful. I can drop all my support and most of my troop units in 1 drop. It’s cheap and gets an artefact. Loss of battle shock immunity is not an issue. My list is light on command point uses and I can use inspiring presence. Hex gouger are useful for board control, but didn’t get any 8s. Mageaster should have gone on a priest and not the prince. Skull reapers are immense. I need to tweak the list to get to 10. I was rolling in blood tithe (4-5 a turn) and found the tithe table more useful, weirdly I didn’t summon a single daemon. Blood warriors are great and reavers have a viable spot. My strategy relied on feeding small units into his bigs units in sequential turns so they could not move while other stuff claimed objectives. Reapers of vengeance Daemon prince - Mage eater and blade of judgement Priest x3 (1 each of frenzy, skin and sacrifice) Stoker Secretor - skullshard 2x10 blood warriors 4x10blood reavers 5 skull reapers Khorgorath Warshrine (resanguination)
  14. Yes, it was the antidote to my Khorne army. A bunch of fun units to paint and a mix of models I like. In my local club it performs ok, it won’t win a tournament but it can get the job done and has various tricks to pull off. It was bought for fun.
  15. My deepkin army is fairly fun based but can still pack a punch Tidecaster (general) King Soul scryer Soul render Eidolon 2x10 thralls 1x10 reavers 6 eels 2 sharks and I also have some other units to mix in 5 kinerai knight incantor Shackles cogs It comes to about 2300 or so
  16. Khorne is a tricky army at lower points levels, our reliance on heros makes list building tough. In addition all the synergies mean the army takes time to learn, make it hardish to play due to buff ranges and it is incredibly easy to forget key rules. And this can make a difference. If you have not done so then maybe consider developing a cheat sheet for what needs to be done in which order for each phase. I found it helps to lay out my warscrolls out in order of left to right of who has to do what plus associated buff tokens on the scrolls so I don’t forget. I then just work along them. I also have the book handy as even the new scrolls are tricky to read and it’s easy to miss the detail.
  17. It was FAQ, should be reavers. To be honest though reavers are not our best unit, I run 1 unit and don’t plan on more. The deepkin battalions are not amazing either. But there is a lot of fun in the rest of the book, I have had some good games w my deepkin
  18. Sounds like a great game all round - as it should be. Glad the DP did well, he’s a bargain for 160
  19. No problem. Also consider banshee blade and blade of endings from shyish on him. They have the potential to be good v hordes. Also I just realised you are not taking a slaughterhost, in which case maybe give him slaughterborn command trait to reroll all hits Good luck
  20. The princes strength comes from being able to proc effects on the malign sourcery artefacts on a 4 or 5, using one that adds MW on a 6+ will help you more than ghyrstrike. Do consider blade of judgment on the prince to turn him into a hero/behemoth hunter. The mortal wounds go off on a 4 w killing frenzy. I also quite like jadewound thorn which is a MW in addition to his normal damage on a 6+ this makes him more of a horde buster especially with reapers.
  21. You are welcome. There are plenty of other options to kit him out, also consider jadewound thorn and blade of judgement are other good ideas for him.
  22. Yes 😀 Dont forget he has the locus of fury ability to reroll 1s
  23. The prince is fantastic for 160 points; his drawback is save and 8 wounds on a behemoth. So you need to time and position him right. My prince has been MVP a number of times, in the last few games he has one shotted a black coach, manfred and a zombie dragon in consecutive turns. Some of the new daemon buffs and use of the tithe table make him even better. His lack of command ability is actually no bad thing, if he goes down then it won’t affect the performance of the rest of the army.
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