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Everything posted by Freejack02

  1. Basically all your assumptions here are wrong... I would suggest you closely reread all his warscroll abilities. Also your numbers as guesstimates has zero impact on the discussion; either math it out or don't bring it up at all.
  2. It means no single attack/spell/ability can do more than 1 damage to him; his weakness (besides his abysmal speed) is massed 1-damage attacks. So Crossbowmen, Glade Guard, Plague Monks (if his base is large enough for them to crowd around), etc.
  3. 1 Treelord is summoned, so it's not like you can just exchange those 2 for a Durthu (getting 1 for free).
  4. I don't know why the table you linked is more than double the normal price for those, but here's the same thing for cheaper: https://www.amazon.com/Cosco-Deluxe-Molded-Folding-Speckle/dp/B001D25TJQ/ref=pd_sbs_196_6/137-4024037-5192112?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B001D25TJQ&pd_rd_r=04d0201b-a69f-11e9-8e75-13ade7751b04&pd_rd_w=uBIvH&pd_rd_wg=htEOs&pf_rd_p=588939de-d3f8-42f1-a3d8-d556eae5797d&pf_rd_r=HNVGWHEY8FMHPC7PNS54&psc=1&refRID=HNVGWHEY8FMHPC7PNS54 I also use 2 of them and got em on special for like $40 each, they work well and give you a little room on each side for graveyard/dice/etc.
  5. I think spites are absolutely the way to go now, they got buffed so much I think they will be the standard battleline for most lists.
  6. Alarielle's CA doesn't work outside the combat phase, so it won't buff the bows. 3x3 Hunters with the Heartwood buff will average ~17.8 damage at rend -1, which against your average 4+ save is just under 12 damage. It's a nice long-range strike, I'm just wondering if it's enough to warrant taking Heartwood. What we really need is a CA or ability that would allow them another round of shooting attacks (like Anvils for SCE) - then we could really be confident building around them and succeeding.
  7. 420 points is a huge commitment, even if they are very mobile. 30 bases (32mm) with 1" range, even with the extended pile-in is tough to manage in combat - and if they don't produce big on that charge any counterattack will annihilate them. I'd like to see a large group in action, but I don't see it being worthwhile.
  8. Isn't 15 the objectively worst number of spites to take in a unit? Why not spring for 20, or the smaller/easier footprint of 5/10?
  9. I glad they this an official clarification, but the new woods will still offer much more flexibility and total area compared to the old woods base (3-6 compared to just 1)... but overall a very acceptable solution.
  10. It's not quite that bad for finding the Looncurse boxes at the moment, but you are right that the only readily available ones have been marked up ~50% (in the USA at least)... Ebay has plenty of them in the $200 - $230 range.
  11. Yeah, not minor at all really - it's a big part of what makes the unit so hard to deal with!
  12. Trying to play Nagash at 1500 is a stretch - you have over half your army wrapped up in a single model. As for the nerfs, they are 100% warranted.
  13. The full tome changes have been leaked for a while now (won't link it here), but yes the change did also pertain to the TLA and TL. The last 20 pages or so have discussed much of it, but the ability to change combat order is quite powerful.
  14. I don't think there is a "new wyldwood" yet until it's officially released, but reports were that GW said the old wyldwoods would still be valid - but idk how that's going to work with the updated rules.
  15. Anyone tried to run multiple Durthus now? Being pretty point efficient makes me think 2-3 could work well (but I haven't had a game with the changes yet).
  16. The year was 1997... I was a freshman in high school, and an avid reader of fantasy novels when I wasn't blasting Metallica too loud to concentrate. Engrossed in Magic the Gathering and still blown away by Diablo on PC, a friend told me we should check out this "cool looking boardgame" called Warhammer. We went to a local hobby store, I picked up the 4E Wood Elves army book... and I was hooked. I love this army because the aesthetics and idea behind a forest dwelling faction have always greatly appealed to me. When the first Sylvaneth battletome hit, I put a pause on my SCE army and buried myself in treemen. I didn't love the wyldwood mechanically, but I tolerated it because how often do you get to step back in time for a little while? Now, I wish it was different - but I have no doubt I'll continue playing them and have fun doing it.
  17. We used to roll, recently we've started using 2 pieces per section - though admittedly no one has been playing with large faction terrain (Sylvaneth, IDK). As for whether I feel bad playing with woods, the answer is sadly yes. To me they are clunky and unfun, and I really wish our entire faction's power didn't depend on them - I would have much preferred for them to be an optional mechanic (no one try and tell me they're technically "optional" right now - we both know you aren't getting anywhere without em).
  18. Derp, I missed Outcasts. Looks solid!
  19. Looks like you might have 3 artefacts (although idk what Spellsong Stave is)? I'm not sure where the sweet spot will be with our number of drops, so 5 might be good. Good luck!
  20. Obviously the upcoming GHB is going to make the standard table size 8x12 to accomodate all the terrain they want to sell us.
  21. Which is a bit baffling why the devs chose to restrict our faction's exclusive mechanic even more... if it had been 1-6 woods we'd be fine.
  22. Absolutely not what I'm saying - I was simply asking where your idea of "1 as THE guideline" was coming from. Again, "at least 1" does not mean "guideline is 1". I think the best tact would be to say "I'm sorry my faction's rules are anti-fun for other players, but could we try 1 piece per section" or maybe use the old rules' chart which had the possibilities listed from 0-3.
  23. Is there a guideline stated for "1 per 2ft square" besides the bit you linked earlier? Because that says "a minimum of 1..." which is NOT "1 per" as you keep saying. If the guideline is 1+, you arguing for 1 max seems more out of line than people wanting to place more.
  24. That's very true for 3 bases, but the warscroll is 3-6... and adding a 4th base adds a LOT of flexibility on what shape they can take.
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