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Everything posted by azdimy

  1. After 10+ games. I m finding that games do get decided quite a bit later and that has been problematic in a few instances at tournaments where we didn t get to finish our game because of time. I m not sure what the solution is but freezing the score as is at time does not feel very fair and talking through the next turns can sometime be a lot more difficult than it used to be. As a TO I may look at kill points as a tertiary obective to avoid ties and games undecided or do smaller points events for now
  2. My experience with 6 morrsarrs is that they are fantastic in this edition. You lose a few maw attacks while in 6 but with all the other profiles being 2", that s it. Once you lose a single eel, you re back to not having to worry about the new coherency rule
  3. I don t look forward to it then. I have not touched my two boxes of them. I can t imagine it will be as bad as the bliisbarb archers where you have to juggle trough 4 sprues where bits are randomly placed for each model and the number given in the instructions are consecutive on the instructions rather than on the sprue for probably the worst customer experience
  4. The new range is beautiful and we got a lot of new kits. Assembling slickblades riders and bllisbarb archers was a horrible experience however
  5. I did read your well crafted post relevant at the time. Unfortunately we lost a lot of those benefits on release day with the faq Invaders generals dying got specifically targeted to not give a +2 to heroic action for a command point, coalition heroes cannot be a general hurts invaders, painbringer reroll save is gone and makes them a lesser twinsoul in every way My current game experience so far is that it s really not an msu edition and rend 1 is almost useless in this edition but an edition where 3+ save hero monsters ,rend 2+ hammer units and big shooty block with high rend or mortal wounds ouput are best. We have none of that hence my discontent when I find out we got the highest point increase of 25+ factions
  6. For comparison to my hedonites 15% point increase going into 3rd edition: my slaves to darkness collection alone went up a mere 3%, my blades of khorne 5%, my gloomspite gitz 8% and my idoneth deepkin 10% Hedonites were already pointed in the new battletome with gw greatly inaccurate point calculator heavily hurting us based on our summoning. At that point, our point increase going forward should have been fairly similar percentage wise to other factions which simply was not the case
  7. 100% this. My 90 deamonettes is a great summoning pool but will never be in my starting army at the current points
  8. I finally went through the point changes going though my Slaanesh collection and it went up 15%. Considering most of the S2D I have in my collection saw only a 5-10pt increase, did not go up or actually went down like the mounted chaos lords or chaos chariots, that is quite a bit of increase for the hedonites Highest increase being my 90 deamonettes going up from 990 to 1260pts while my 60 chaos warriors went from 1080 to 1200pts In what world would people bring Deamonettes at these point costs?
  9. It s probably me stigmatising the 40k crowd but they do like their guns. They ve always hated the double turn but now that you can interact in the opponent turn and specifically unleash hell, they are all in
  10. I ve found that a heavy Akhelian list in Dhom Hain is still really strong in this monster meta. Volturnos is still worth bringing IMO despite the CA now limited to +1A. Select 3 units of eels and turn them into killing machines when they also benefit from high tide. Idk can easily mitigate unleash hell thanks to our forgotten nightmare ability With a heavy eel list and them being battleline the grand strategy hold the line is almost guaranteed Really happy with how the list plays so far
  11. We have a lot of new AOS players in our community coming from 40k and unleash hell has been a big factor for them to try AOS when they never considered it before
  12. I ve seen the Iliatha sentinels double unleash hell in the same phase and omg this needs and faq!
  13. The new warscroll lets you set 3 small awakened wildwood instead of one big one as you terrain piece, does summoning awakened wildwood through an ability also allows you to bring 3 small awakened wildwood as one summon?
  14. In a setup where units cannot be more than 300pts (50% of the army) but the summoning does not abide by those restrictions I disagree. With a predatory endless spell wounding our own units and the subfaction abilities, it s 8DP a battleround on average. A KoS on turn 3 will absolutely wreck those small list on those 30x44 table
  15. Starting a Path to Glory campaign this week end with my Hedonites. Here s s the list I m bringing at 600pts Godseekers Lord of pain Warlord, arcane tome (flaming weapon), speed chaser 11 blissbarb archers 5 chaos knights w cursed lance 8 Iron golems All of them in a Vanguard battallion I suspect at low points that our summoning can really break the game and decided against depravity farming to avoid some drama, although D3 depravity from the general if he gets a charge is pretty good at those low point games. I suspect I can get about 12 DP by turn 4 so really late in game that it should not really break the game. We ll see
  16. Pretty sure wardokk did not get a good look at because orruk warclans are getting a new battletome in the coming weeks
  17. I would bet that reroll saves are coming back in aos 3 battletomes
  18. Honestly, it s now easier to tank with Twinsouls than Painbringers because you can go to a 3+ for a command point and/or mystic shield and get the 5++ ward and as stated earlier the no rend weapons have a better chance to do damage in a world of no reroll saves than when reroll save was a thing
  19. You re looking at the worse case for rerolls (providing you get a roll) and yet those probabilities are really close. 33% for a 5+ vs 31% for a 6s rerolling For 4+ it s 50% vs 56% for 5 rerolling For 3+ it s 66% vs 75% for 4 rerolling For 2+ 83% vs 89% for 3+ rerolling If it looks like a nerf, it s beacause it is one
  20. That s why I repainted my hammer of sigmar to my own colour scheme. GW had that requirement in their tournament pack already
  21. Agreed. It s just that not addressing the reroll of fanatical faith as part of those sweeping rules changes when all the other reroll saves got removed seems like someone is very protective of DoK army within GW
  22. The shardspeaker losing it s +2 save upon successfully casting is another unnecessary nerf
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