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Everything posted by hobgoblinclub

  1. Army list also submitted! This is the most I think I've looked forward to anything hobby related. It should be ace!
  2. I'm on there too. I just like to know it's all fine.
  3. Can't understand why the Tzaangors isn't a crossover kit. You'd imagine we're gonna get them for AoS at some point.
  4. Should we have an email confirming we've paid for tickets? Can't find one.
  5. Nearly there cheers. Base coats all done and the shades have begun. Should be done this weekend.
  6. I'm far too old to be this stupidly excited! I'll see you on the bottom table. Bottomcam?
  7. I would be stunned if we got squats. Although GW are throwing everything at us at the moment...
  8. Wasn't it lovely how that resolved in a civil manner? Well done folks. Almost definitely a dwarf symbol. I'm sure I've got stuff in my bits box with the same symbol on (off to bed now but I'll see what I can find tomorrow, if no one else posts evidence in the meantime).
  9. Yes it would. Clearly with some adverts, but they could also have previews/rumours, tactics talks, interviews etc. It could be fantastic!
  10. The level of engagement is really exciting. All we need now is a proper half hour/hour weekly Warhammer show.
  11. Hi Bowlzee, Can you add our club please? Thanks. Location: St Mary The Virgin C Of E Church, Mapledene Road, Fawdon, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2RU Name: Newcastle Warlords Contact: Facebook.com/groups/NewcastleWarlords Twitter.com/NCLWarlords
  12. These boxes are fantastic value. I'm really tempted by the Sylvaneth one and two Start Collecting boxes. That's a 2000 point army for £150! Shame one of my main opponents is getting them.
  13. Did I miss the link to the confirm contents of the boxes?
  14. To be fair to GW the factions mentioned are the most recent releases. Wait until next Christmas before you pass judgment. It could well be that we have 4 different factions from 2017 (although we'll probably have another stormcast chamber).
  15. Version 1.0.1


    I've been putting together some rules for running hex campaigns in AoS. The rules for map campaigns in the General's Handbook are frustratingly brief and don't really give you much to play with, so I thought I'd put something together. I'm aiming to keep the rules light, using the General's Handbook stuff where possible, and trying to avoid bogging things down in pointless additional content (simple clarity seems to be the way in AoS). The rules will consist of a core document containing the basic hex mechanics (this document) and a Warlords of the Realms document, which will contain specific rules for setting your campaigns in the various realms. I'm yet to produce the second document but I'm planning to take inspiration from the official Time of War rules as they become available. If you get time to read it, please feel free to comment. Thanks in advance!
  16. Exactly the point I was trying to make. He proved that if something is convincing, people will be believe it. We have no reason not to, unless talented people start posting convincing fakes just for...kicks...oh. The whole thing seems pretty self-indulgent to me. It's clearly self promotion with an apology at the end. What did it achieve other than tricking people into discussing his artwork? That could have been done, without misleading everyone, by posting a thread. It no doubt would have a got a very positive reaction rather than the mixed response we see this morning.
  17. It's no doubt a spectacular fake. I was fooled last night. The leaker says he wanted to make it to BoLs, as if to prove something about the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the content on there. What has he proven? On its way to BoLs, by his own admission, the 'leak' went via every Facebook group going, it was all over Twitter, and it was posted in this hallowed forum. ? All he seems to have shown us is that BoLs is one of many places those desperate to leak GW news post leaks for those desperate to read GW news. If he's shown us that BoLs leaks any old junk, then surely he's telling us the same of the entire nerdy internet. While I don't doubt that BoLs regularly features junk, and the vitriol it faces is sometimes justified, it seems there's something of a pack mentality here. Anyone giving it a kick in the BoLs gets cheered on by the community. He's achieved one thing - he's certainly got me thinking about the community and how spectacularly desperate we are for content. Maybe I'm missing something, but it just seems like someone taking advantage and then deflecting blame. 'Yeah I lied...but...BoLs is...rubbish?'
  18. The last time I posted things were very different. I'd started to paint some clanrats for my mostly Moulder list. I was planning (as I'm traditionally a slow painter) to paint the army over a period of months. I'd even written a month by month plan - of an unambitious 'one unit per month'. Then, on a whim, I finally decided to bite the bullet and go to my first tournament. I bought tickets to Blood and Glory! My army painting time had been cut from seven months to less than two! It has proven the motivation I needed! Three weeks to go and I'm well on the way. The rat ogors and the abomination are only at the basecoat and shade stage, but I'm getting there. It's a chilly outside so I won't be venturing down to the shed to get pictures, but please enjoy what I have on my phone. I'm pretty proud of my rat ogors thus far. I've never really done any green stuff work before and, whilst I was planning to spend on months on these, I think they look reasonably coherent considering I've had to slap them together in a week. I have sixteen in the list and they hit like a train. If I do make any changes to my list, it'll probably be to add even more! I'm mighty pleased so far. The skin on the rat ogors and hellpit needs lots of work but I'm comfortably ahead of my pre Blood and Glory schedule! I think I'll put this whole army in this thread and only open a new on for my next project. Comments more than welcome.
  19. I wonder how much of the 'rumours' we read are just conjecture. During 8th Edition, I was super excited about the dwarf release and was retweeting every little thing I could and fishing for whispers. I remember going on Warseer and seeing me quoted as leaking stuff via Twitter. I'm most definitely not 'in the loop' but, such is desperation for news, people jump on anything. BoLS is total junk. Even knowing that I still go on occasionally to read 'news' that's apparently now just been regurgitated from here .
  20. Not sure we'd need a d100 system though. A 100 wound monster would be a beast!
  21. I really find this difficult to believe. I'm not doubting you. Almost everyone seems to believe it's around that long, so I'm guessing there must be truth in it. It just seems like a very lengthy time frame to be able to react over, as a business. You'd imagine a company would need to be far more reactive to supply and demand to survive. Two years is a turning circle like the Titanic.
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