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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Interesting, can you share your list here? Alot of times its about using units the right way and not just stare at the warscroll...now i am even more torn than before 😂 but i will own 2x so i will for sure try them out eventually!
  2. Do you have a list to link? Sounds fun! My game group is more competitive then casual. So i want lists that have some teeth 🦁 And...thanks Jack for the feedback. That will be my first 1k list. Using most of the battle force box but still made better with some eels and king. Please feel free to give me more feedback everyone (if you like it, please write that to so i know!)
  3. I'm abit uncertain on were to start with my idoneth army. I have some more questions i would love your answer to (experienced players since you know what you talk about, no offence 🙂) - can the army be played competitive other then spamming eels? I would love to play and list with more than 1 unit spammed, not my thing! (I love the reavers and thralls!) - Reading on this forums some are afraid that eels will be nerfed, this make me a bit scared to invest tons of money into an "eels" army, should i be worried or not? I made a list. What do you think? Foot Troops are there to sitter back on objectives as the other units run forward, simlpy put. How would you make it better? 1x King 10x Thralls 6x Morrsarr 3x Ishlaen 10x Reavers 980p. (How can i use the last 20p?) Cheers!
  4. Thanks for the tip! I have watched some battle reports and it helps alot! Anyone else? Any tip on how to build a 1k list from the battle force box? Or should i skip it if the sharks are rather bad?
  5. Hi everyone! Deciding on what new project i want to start after cristmas and deepkin is in my top 3. Im a real noob with this army so i would love your help to start! - is it good to start off with the battleforce? What should i buy after that? What works good on the table? - based on the q's above. What would you play at 1k? Please share a list you've used to good effect! - how is the army doing atm? (Competitive, tournaments and such) - What is There overall playstyle? - What are the winners/losers of the army unit wise? Thank you for your replies! All help is greatly appriciated
  6. Got a friend that is interested in starting warhammer, more so, the ghosts! Would love some help since im got a Nighthaunt player. - do they work in a competitive level by themselves? (No other deaththingy stuff?) - What is the overall feel of the army game wise (playstyle, Special abilities and such) that separates them from other armies? - if you have time, how would you start your first 1k list? Please send me some tips! Cheers!
  7. Thanks yet again! I noticed that you argue quite heavily for the SoS but seeing some of your list here you use 60 witches. Is it just because of "lack of model" or am i missing something? As it is a big money investment i want to be sure what route to go! I do like the look of SoS better i have to say. Is it smart to go for 30 SoS and 30 whitches? Also, did you have any 1k list tip with the battle boxes + maybe 1-2 boxes of something to fall it up? Thanks! Love all the help i get.
  8. Thank you! Really helpful. In Sigmar i like to start with a 1k list and build from there. Have you played (or anyone else for that matter) them at 1k? If so, any tip of a good list with 2x battleforces? It does not need to have just the boxes but it would be sweet if its possible! Regarding Battleline. Which one from the whitch kit is best? Why would i go SoS over whitch elves? Or vise versa Thank you so much for the help!
  9. Hi everyone! Just finished my Sylvaneth army and I am really tempted to start DoK. I have some questions as im a skrub when it comes to this army, all help is appriciated! - What should i buy to get the units for solid 1k list? - What is the overall feeling and playstyle of this army? - how do they preform on a competitive level? Are they a one tactic/one trick pony army? Thanks!
  10. What do i need to get for my fiends in order to have a decent deck? Most importent cards? Your favorite deck? Any tip for a new player helps alot!
  11. So...any tips instead of just stating that something will be hard? 🤔👌
  12. Hi all! I have recently started playing Underworlds and my first warband is Magore's Fiends. I only got the starter Underworlds set and the box with the Fiends atm. Is that enough to build a decent deck? I would love some general playing- and deck building tips from more experienced players! Got a tournament in 2 weeks so i need to prepare! Can you help a new player in need of some advice? Thanks!
  13. Hi again! I got a few games under my belt now and im curious what list/s you have found effective and fun to play at 1000p? Got a small tournament coming up in a few weeks, would love some help! Cheers!
  14. Hi again. I just finished painting my 1000k list which included: - Drycha - Branchwraith - 30x Dryads (20/10) - 3x hunters (Swords) - 5x Tree-Revenants - Endless spell: Cogs Comes out at 1000p sharp. My question now is: How do i expand this to 2000p? I am aware that there are alot of routes to take from here. However, I want a list that has the following points in mind: - Relativley "easy" to play since I'm new with the army. So maybe not the trickiest army list for a beginner. (What batalions would you use with this in mind?) - A list that includes most of the units mentioned above. - A list that is more leaned towards competitive play. (Does not have to be a min-max list, but somewhat viable in your experience) If you think there is more then 1 viable route to take, by all means, share. My goal is to have a 2000p army painted by the end of this yeah. All your help will be greatly appriciated!
  15. I am trying to search the internet for a "Batalion breakdown" of some sort without any success. More specificly, for the Winterleaf and Ironbark batalions. Winterleaf: - what order unit/s do you use? Any good synergies? - how many Dryads do you play with usually? And follow up q...20 or 30 man blobs? Ironbark: - same here, what units? Synergies? Thank you in advance!
  16. Thank you to everyone that answered my previous post with feedback on my list. With that said, I come to you today as I'm curious how you (anyone here!) play Sylvaneth at 1000p? I tend to play smaler scaled games due to time constrain. This army is rather new to me so I'd love to hear from you more experienced players! What lists have worked for you? And why? Note: Does not have to be super competitive, but atleast good enough to win games if played right Thank you!
  17. OH wow! Thank you for this...this helps alot! ☺
  18. Hmm. So swords are better at 4-6+ saves. While scythes win on 2+ saves? I do not own the model yet..but is it possible for them to fight 2 ranks deep with Scythes? Still not that convinced on the scythes however. I like 2 dmg flat and being better on 4+ or worse saves...I mean..there are monsters/big targets that have 4+ saves...like a great unclean one for example...tricky one..
  19. Drop the wych for what, any tip? Either: - 5 more revenants? - some endless spell? - or what? Also...The whole debate on what weapons to use on hunters makes me unsure how to equip them... - in Short, what are the good/bad things for either sword or schyches? I see alot of people going 6x schyches..why not 6 man swords..can they fight in ranks of two? Please enlighen me! Anyone can answer ofc! Cheers!
  20. Hi everyone! Would love some feedback on this 1k list. It is not supposed to be optimal...but atleast ok to start of with! Would you change anything? also, what spells and Artefact would you use (and on who?) LeadersBranchwraith Drycha Hamadreth Branchwych Battleline30 x Dryads 5 x Tree-Revenants 3 x Kurnoth Hunters - GreatswordsTotal: 990 / 2000Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 70 Thank you!
  21. Summoned free units? Is that a thing now? Still ned to "put away points" before the game? Or how does it work now. Cheers!
  22. Thank you for the reply! As the faction have quite few units i will probably own everything. I really love the kurnoth hunters. Can you focus a list around them to good effect? Still using other units to ofc...
  23. Thanks! How would you (or anyone here) expand from a start collecting in order to reach 1k to start playing? Any help is well appriciated from whoever ? Any General Tactical advice you think would greatly help a new player of this faction? Would love your insights! Thanks!
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